View Full Version : It's an Abel poll!

07-28-2002, 10:47 PM
Who wishes SifuAbel would pack up his ****phboia and self-importance into a little tiny bag and leave?

DISCLAIMER: This is a purely purile and juvenile piece of nonsense, not meant to be taken seriously in the slightest, but hey, have fun!

wushu chik
07-28-2002, 11:05 PM
Jeez Serpent...you really REALLY wanted all of us to think hard on this one didn't ya?? It's a hard one!! I am going to have to sleep on it and tell you in the morning....not that this will be here in the morning LOFL....


07-28-2002, 11:16 PM
LOL! Someone voted him as a valuable member! They must have misread it and thought it said 'total member'! ;)

Wen, I predict at least a day and a half for this poll. Even the Mods will be curious! :p

07-29-2002, 12:04 AM
...must...poke midgets...with...stick...


Funny, weird yet true story. When I was in the 11th grade, about 2 and a half years ago, this guy I knew walks into the classroom I was in. This guy was NOT part of the class, but he just walks into the classroom. He then walks over to me and begins poking me on the side, shoulder, ribs, etc and going "POKEMON! POKEMON! POKEMON!" and does it for about 4 or 5 seconds. He then turns around and walks out of the classroom with everyone starring at him.

07-29-2002, 12:06 AM
HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!! THEY deleted 12 posts off my post count! How dare they!

07-29-2002, 07:16 AM
Well I think he should stay. Ok so he might be hot headed sometimes but he's also shared some good contributions in the past. Know it or not but SifuAbel is one of the oldest kfo members from what I can remember and has survived numerous flame wars (made me laugh all the way too),not oly that but duked it out with Neal C.a.m.e.r.o.n online. It be a shame to see a long time member leave.

One other reason why I like the guy is that he's one of the few people that that defends kung fu with a passion and acknowledges that kung fu may not be the end all be all but it has its merits. put yourself in his place, although I can't vouch for his experience. Us kung fu guys have to defend ourselves from all sides all the time. Hard stylists say we're too soft, some nhb trolls say we can't fight, we have fakes posing as us with ridiculous claims, plus because of politics sometimes we have to defend us from ourselves. It's a whacky world but hey we love it.

To tell the truth I don't understand why people keep bothering him about that bjj vs monkey kung fu thread, that was 2 years ago, when it was blackstun and his frined who claimed to have beaten a bjj styilist and not SifuAbel. People started making fun of the mokey style (which was meant to look funny anyways) and SifuAbel being a monkey styilist started defending it.

Ford Prefect
07-29-2002, 08:34 AM
LOL! Tell us how you really feel!

I love people who "defend" kung fu or their chosen style. Makes me giggle. :)

07-29-2002, 09:50 AM
SifuAbel has the balls to state his opinion & use his real name on top of it.....plus he's against scum-bag child molestors.

If there is anyone from this forum I would want to back me up in a fight it would be SifuAbel.

That about says it.


07-29-2002, 01:46 PM
Thanks for the kind words of support. I can see that there are a few in my corner, and that gives me the warm fuzzies(seriuosly). Its good to fight and see your flag standing somewhere.

But not to fret, I won't leave because a few malcontents post a "lets get rid of abel poll". You can say I'm KFM's color comentary.

Chirpy serpy burpy is just POed that I get under his skin. Hom0phobia? I get along with you guys just fine. I have gay students, they appreciate my honesty and I don't treat them any differently.

WC won't rest until everybody acknowledges her.
WC loves her.........
'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda 'cuda

Happy now?

Royal Dragon
07-29-2002, 02:44 PM
It seems to make him stronger!!!!:eek:

07-29-2002, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
Chirpy serpy burpy is just POed that I get under his skin. Hom0phobia? I get along with you guys just fine. I have gay students, they appreciate my honesty and I don't treat them any differently.

Hmmm. Projection? Why are you so obsessed with gayness, Abel?!

07-29-2002, 05:00 PM

Just to make you more comfortable.

It doesn't look good for you. In fact. your poll looks rather bad for you. thanks!

07-29-2002, 05:28 PM
I'd look at this poll as a left handed compliment.
I didn't bother to look at the stats because most people worth a darn wouldn't even check this thread.
Hey wait, I'm... - gotta go...

07-29-2002, 05:51 PM

wushu chik
07-29-2002, 05:56 PM
I am so happy that you remembered me in your "little" speech. But, it still doens't change my mind (or many others)...you're still a whiny lil b!tch!

Acknowledgement is good..but at least i don't have to jump up and down with pom poms like you apparently do to get some attention!! And one more thing....I have 2 things going for me that you WISH you had...a personality and some charm! ;)


Royal Dragon
07-29-2002, 06:00 PM
I think it would be funny to see Abel dancing in Pom poms, of course Whu Shu Chick would be much hotter.

Oh, "Chicke Poo", I have new plans to over take your Kingdom, so WATCH OUT!!!! MUAHAHAhahahahahah!!!!!!:D

wushu chik
07-29-2002, 06:03 PM
You just try it Royal...I have my OWN little surprises waiting for ya.....

And Abel in pom poms...that would be foul! :D


07-29-2002, 06:08 PM
Playing with your 'cuda again?

07-29-2002, 06:49 PM
How is the poll looking bad for me, Monkey Boy? So far only one third of the voters think you're a valuable member. Everybody else wants to poke you with sticks or see you gone.

Mind you, I'm surprised that one third of the forum likes you. I wouldn't have thought that many.

Royal Dragon
07-29-2002, 07:39 PM
I have been secretly building a new army, and it's only a matter of time before you fall!!!

Ther are far more of yours that are loyal to me than you think. You and "Pretty boy" Ryu are in for the surprise of your life!!

07-29-2002, 08:16 PM
huh, oops
now i remember who i was supposed to be spying...
oh dear :rolleyes:

07-29-2002, 09:38 PM
I've always felt that you can't really say you're a success until you have enemies. An arch-enemy means you've finally arrived. Failures don't have enemies, only laugh tracks.

07-29-2002, 11:03 PM
Personally I have no opinion of Abel, like I have no opinion of majority of the members here. Sure I reconize names, but I dont pay attention too much to personality. I dont know why everyone dislikes or likes Abel. And I voted for the poking midgets with a stick because I was bored.

07-30-2002, 12:00 AM


How stupid can you be? You forgot the question to your own post. You gave one yes, three no for whatever reason, and one indifferent. I got 3 yes,a collective 27 no, and 14 indifferent. While you only gave yourself a good or bad choice where you lost 17 to 5. I'd say I'm doing a far site better than you.

07-30-2002, 06:32 AM
I have 2 things going for me that you WISH you had
Don't worry Abel, if you had tits on your back I'd marry you.

07-30-2002, 06:47 AM
anyone else think WC may be 300lbs or a guy or both???

I mean why else would someone flirt around trying to act like a princess on a nameless, faceless forum?

And what is up with the guys who flirt back?


07-30-2002, 09:11 AM
I like SeafoodAlbe, See-foolAble.

Naw i think WC is a Chick, she has been on the
board 4 a while, i think she would have exposed her self by now,
also her opioins come of very "chickish"


07-30-2002, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by ewallace

Don't worry Abel, if you had tits on your back I'd marry you.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? I do not know what this means. That wasn't my quote either. Confused. Then again, if I had tits on back I'd try to find a way to be double jointed. LOL!

I don't really remember starting anything with scrapowannabemantis directly. I think he just likes brown nosing to his friends. What do really know about me?

As far as WC is concerned, I'd like her to please point out the one post that exists somewhere that actually had martial arts content. I seem to have missed it. Most, if not all, of her posts are nothing more than giggly boy toy teasing. I don't think we need any $2 "hostess'" here. There are plenty of sex chat and forum sites elsewhere.

Oh, BTW, its only whining to those on the turdy end of the stick. There also "many" that like it that I don't pull my words. It may seem whiny to say you are here for no other reason than to play with your 'cuda, but its a fact.

'cuda 'cuda 'cuda

07-30-2002, 04:27 PM
I don't really remember starting anything with scrapowannabemantis directly. I think he just likes brown nosing to his friends. What do really know about me?

I have been on this forum long enough to know you whine alot and act like a Bieotch, why do you think this thread was started?

Plus i like d(cking with you.... thats what bieotchs are good for
.... taking d(ck.


07-30-2002, 05:02 PM
Oh my god! What is the point of this thread? This is something a 13 year old would start.

07-30-2002, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel


How stupid can you be? You forgot the question to your own post. You gave one yes, three no for whatever reason, and one indifferent. I got 3 yes,a collective 27 no, and 14 indifferent. While you only gave yourself a good or bad choice where you lost 17 to 5. I'd say I'm doing a far site better than you.

I thought you were talking about this thread. As for the thread about me the two options are not mutually exclusive. Just cos most people voted that I have too much time on my hands doesn't mean that I'm not cool. Stop clutching at straws! Of course I loaded the questions on my own poll!

You on the other hand have a one third vote for staying and all the others either want you gone, poked with sticks or couldn't care if you lived or died! Pretty funny really!

You twist the facts however you like, you're still a little ***** and always will be!

07-30-2002, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Richie
Oh my god! What is the point of this thread? This is something a 13 year old would start.

I draw your attention to the disclaimer in the very first post on this thread! ;)

wushu chik
07-30-2002, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Badger
anyone else think WC may be 300lbs or a guy or both???

I mean why else would someone flirt around trying to act like a princess on a nameless, faceless forum?

And what is up with the guys who flirt back?


Nah Badger, I am a girl. You can ask a few of the guys that have talked to me on the phone...or my brothers that are on THIS forum for that matter. ;)

And Abel...you are still a whiny b!tch. No matter HOW HARD you try to turn everything around on me and Serpent...it's all about you. You and your stupid bullsh!t threads you start whining about everyone else. Does it hurt you that bad if we whine about you??

Again, You're just jealous because you don't have personality and charm like me...and the ONLY ATTENTION you get is all BAD. I, on the other hand...get good with the bad!! :D


07-30-2002, 11:39 PM
Wendy is hot.

07-30-2002, 11:41 PM
:o Yawn,

'Cuda , 'cuda, 'cuda. Bara, even. Still waiting for that relevant post. Do you actually know anything about MA?

Sapolomavis is a kid that likes to quote Beavis and buthead. He can't come up with anything better than "beotch". Weak........

Sturpent isn't as popular as he thought he was.
Go figure.



It seems neither of them can actually respond with any kind of flair or imagination, just give more of the same old lame retorts. Beotch, whiny, blah blah blah. yawn :o

07-30-2002, 11:49 PM
Abel, you really do live in a dream world, don't you! You're a legend in your own mind, so convinced of your superiority against all evidence to the contrary.

Tell ya what, go and get a couple of trained monkeys to stand on your legs. That always seems to make you feel better.

07-31-2002, 06:29 AM
Abel, I was just showing my support for ya in my own little fashion. How could I not like anyone who stirs up a bunch of controversy around here.

07-31-2002, 07:02 AM
I second that Philbert :D


07-31-2002, 08:27 AM
Not to argue with anyone...but when I last checked the poll the largest number of those voting thought Abel was an important contributing member. Not that the questions were properly phrased to get a real idea about Abel's popularity...or lack thereof. But, based solely on THIS poll he seems to have more supporters than not.

07-31-2002, 08:54 AM
" so convinced of your superiority against all evidence to the contrary."

superiority? evidence? What have you been smoking? Whats brewing in that clams on the half shell mind of yours?


Funny enough, all I have to do is show up. People seem to want to flock to me for some unknown reason. Most do it out of some reflex. I'm not sure they actually have a reason. More like they have residual froth from me argueing with someone else. :rolleyes: They come off with "you just a blah blah blah" out of left field and I'm wondering "who in the blue hell are you?". Then they expect me not to retaliate when they flame me, does that make sense? And when I do, its somehow wrong of me to do it? I don't think so. This board is about MA, they should learn to take what they give.


Strepent needs me to lose his poll no matter what the actual results are.

I'd like to thank those above for their kind words of support.

The Willow Sword
07-31-2002, 08:57 AM
i havent been the most popular guy here. give Abel a break. As you all have given me in the past. maybe all of you will remember me in times past as the DrunkenOstrich? "those were the dayyys" (all in the family song).
Many Respects,,The Willow Sword

Hau Tien
07-31-2002, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by SifuAbel

Funny enough, all I have to do is show up. People seem to want to flock to me for some unknown reason. Most do it out of some reflex. I'm not sure they actually have a reason. More like they have residual froth from me argueing with someone else. :rolleyes: They come off with "you just a blah blah blah" out of left field and I'm wondering "who in the blue hell are you?". Then they expect me not to retaliate when they flame me, does that make sense? And when I do, its somehow wrong of me to do it? I don't think so. This board is about MA, they should learn to take what they give.

I think the reason people like Serpent "attack" you is because you seem to make a fairly willing "victim". You immediately go on the defense, and act as childish as they do.

If anything, this thread has made me scratch both of you off anything I'll be reading seriously in the near future. I'm sure it has done the same for others.

I think you should ignore the kids, and they'll eventually lose interest in you. When you respond to things like this it only fuels them.

Use some common sense.

07-31-2002, 01:11 PM


07-31-2002, 01:23 PM
Aside from killing an innocent bystander with her car every now and then Rebecca is really hot.

Royal Dragon
07-31-2002, 03:00 PM
She is the perfect foundation for the perfect wife. All I would have to do is plug in the perfect compatable personalty and I'm set!!!

07-31-2002, 03:18 PM

I don't concider myself a victim at all. I'll admit I have my fun with them. But you'll note at least it is not me starting these napalm contests. Also, you are not aware of the history with the older members. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
As for "scratching" me off your list, thats your perogative. But I really won't bat an eyelash over it.

That last one almost sounds like an insult. Good Job!!!

07-31-2002, 05:06 PM
Once again, I draw your attention to the very first post of this thread. This is all just too funny!

I think the most valuable contribution so far is the one from Badger!

Crimson Phoenix
08-01-2002, 01:56 AM
LOL, I'm just realizing that this reply could get me called "Abel's beotch" LOL Anyway hehehehehe
There are many people who seem not to love him, and I want to say that I have deep respetc for him.
I'm always left wondering when people have visceral antagonisms towards a person...there is always a reason behind visceral antagonism, and most of the time it's a threatened ego reason...
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to moralize anything, I myself enjoy some good ole' bashing...but only when it's obvious trolls or so-called kungfu guys claiming instant-super powers (any ressemblance with a current thread totally unintended...I guess...).
I'm tired of everyone coming after Abel...Because I have some kind of automatic respect for people who do not try to appeal to everyone. Diamonds are found after digging in the dirt, not just laying there at your feet...I'm always careful about people who really try too hard to please and be liked by everyone.
At least Abel says things like he thinks, he won't say "red" if he thinks "blue" just for the sake of politically correct shi@t. He'll say blue...and too bad for those who it shocks to hear blue when they wanted to hear red...
I don't get it...we're in a kung fu forum, and Abel has got to be one of the most pro-kung fu here (with me heheheheheheh)...he stands and trains to prove that kung fu is valuable, and most of all he CLAIMS it...claims it out loud...too bad for the sensitive ears that can't take it. So what if he comes on rough-talking sometimes? Why does it bother people so much? It seems to me they feel threatened...so Abel said "I bet none of you can hold that stance longer than a minute"? I know I can...so why get all wild up?? And even more childish, why post a reply with "you're stupid, me, I can, Abel you're a +%$* and you have an ego problem and bla bla bla"??
I have nothing to prove, neither to others, neither to myself, so why feel insulted if abel doubts everyone's ability to hold this stance? If you feel insulted, chances are that you are not that sure of yourself...I personally know I can be asked to hold that stance anytime, anywhere, in any clothing, and I will hold it for one minute without any kind of problem (dayam, what's so hard about it? The kung fu I train has stuffs so hard that this feels like a gentle warmup!)...so why get even affected by the post?? Getting insulted by a forum post?? Wow, the real life must be really tough for y'all, with al these meanies...it's easy to talk wude...it's harder to BE wude...if your ego compels you to reply because it feels threatened, you could at least appear wiser by replying in a laid back and humorous way, instead of sounding like a tight bi@tch that jjust got soooo shocked.
Remember just one little thing: if you have an epidermic reaction towards Abel everytime he posts, it surely means YOU are the one with the problem, not him. If you feel threatened everytime he uses his acidic irony to mock your skills, then YOU have the problem, not him.
to conclude, Abel feels to me like a stick hit from a zen master: either you can realize there might be some lesson to learn, or good points to remember, either you could just get all angry at the master and cry how much you didn't deserve the hit, and in that case the road is still very long for you.
Abel, I do not agree to everything you say, but I think you're a valuable member, and I have a lot of respect for you.

08-01-2002, 03:52 AM
Viv le france!!!

Dayum boy!! Acidic irony, a stick hit from the zen master(I am the stick)!! I must say , I like these descriptives.

Just to clarify though, I never said people couldn't do a horse stance for a minute. This was about my picture of a mabo with two guys standing on me. I stood for over a minute. People mocked it, and I simply said to try it if they thought it was so easy. See how things get bent over time?

The formula for not getting a taste of the "acidic irony" (this term is cool , I'll use it) is simple : Don't act like a bratty kid and flame me. I don't NEED everyone to agree with everything I say, just respect my opinion and I'll respect yours. Present actual counterpoints instead of "you beotch blah blah". It only leads to me being evil and saying something nasty. If I present you with a difficult question then perhaps its only difficult if you can't answer it honestly. I get along just fine with many other members, disagreements and all.

CP, thanks for the enlightened words.

One last note, its not "everyone" that is obsessed with me, It just the select handful that still holds a grudge from a past whiping.

Crimson Phoenix
08-01-2002, 04:23 AM
Yup, I slightly distorted the facts, for the sake of my argumentation, and made the painting appear darker than it really is but you get the picture :-)
Anyway, what I want people to remember from my post is that if your ego bites you, be wise enough to overcome it, or at least mask your reply in a way that makes you appear cool if you really can't resist that ego surge.
Being wude could be, to me, summed up in a simple statement: when something bugs/angers/saddens/enlightens/delights/surprises etc... us, there is only ONE person responsible for that: ourselves. No need to look further, no need for external justifications.
Sorry everyone if what I said sounded like too much of a moralization/scolding from a school teacher, it wasn't my intention.
You may all flame me away in peace :-)

08-01-2002, 12:54 PM
If anyone does flame you it would just prove your point.

08-01-2002, 01:01 PM
Dude I voiced my support prior to learning that you may be from san francisco. If you are indeed a 49er's fan I will be forced to retract those statements and proclaim my deep-seeded hate for you.

08-01-2002, 01:06 PM
I'm actually from Miami. I only spent 4 years at SF.

Then again, it might be worse for me to admit I used to be a Dolphin fan.

08-01-2002, 01:08 PM
We can still walk in harmony then my brother. Hell you could be a Lion's fan for all I care. Anything but the 'niners.

08-01-2002, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Crimson Phoenix
LOL, I'm just realizing that this reply could get me called "Abel's beotch"

Maybe in some circles. But go check the 'List" thread Radhnotti started. You just got added to mine!

08-01-2002, 05:04 PM
But it's so much fun to wind him up, that's all!

Also, have you noticed how the whole thing with the horse stance started as two guys on his legs, then when a bunch of us started saying we could do it and would post pics when we could that he suddenly changed it to being held like that for a minute! That was never mentioned before. Of course, if someone posts a vid of themselves holding it for a minute, Abel will claim he held it for two minutes while simultaneously fighting off random attackers! ;)

I can get on with Abel fine, he even says some worthwhile things from time to time, but he's just too much fun to wind up. And as for ego......

One last note, its not "everyone" that is obsessed with me, It just the select handful that still holds a grudge from a past whiping.

I'm sure he actually believes that! :rolleyes:

08-01-2002, 08:26 PM
"But it's so much fun to wind him up, that's all!"


YOU wind ME up? LOL!
That is the funniest thing I have ever heard!
ROFL!! Priceless!! You couldn't wind up in kansas!


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Slurpy, you crack me up.

And before this goes any ****her, I said that YOU guys can go for a minute.

Crimson Phoenix
08-02-2002, 02:48 AM
dnc, thanks, it's an honor :)

As for the mabu challenge, I tried yesterday night after class, in various ways. The guys that helped me were visibly lighter than me (most of them must have thought I had some kind of trap when I asked "could you stand on my thigh"?? LOL so I got only these two).
Anyway, here it goes: first, it's VERY HARD when you have your thighs parallel to the ground, because half of the guys' weight are directly near your hip and it generates a major leverage to counter most of the time it's more like 60-75% of their weight, since they use your arm or shoulder to stand, so more than 50 of their weight goes near your hip . I had been doing copious gong li quan during class and my thighs were burnt already, but even being fresh I'm not sure I could hold it very long doing a horse stance with thighs perfectly parallel, due to the weight repartition I mentionned. It's REALLY hard if you do it correctly (but we all will, won't we? Why lie on our capacities?? heheheheh).
However, as soon as you reduce the angle and your thighs are not parallel to the ground it becomes a lot more easier (not easy, mind you, easier): indeed, the guys standing on your leg then place their weight on the feet that rests on the knee, so it's your limb alignment, posture and tendons of the knee that therefore get the major part of the weight, and it makes it a lot more easier for your thigh and hip muscles. I can understand that this way, it might become a little parlor trick, if you agree with the guys standing on the leg that they'll put most of their weight near the knee, and not near the hips. Next time, I'll try to verify that by having them stand jin ji du li on my knee while I do mabu and feel how it changes. If I get the correct alignment, I imagine that I could have them hold jin ji du li on my horse without problem as long as they are on the knee. The closer they'll be to the hip, the much harder it will get, just for leverage issues.
So guys, if you really want to do this in kung fu conditions (kung fu conditions should be like doing a parlor trick in ways that make the parlor trick a feat hehehehe), be honest, and have the guys stand neutral on you, not putting the major part of their weight near the knee. Also, as a corollary, do your mabu with thighs as parallel to the ground as you can, and it will get much harder...if your thighs are 45° to the ground, then naturally most of the guys weight will be around your knee, so it's much easier and proves nothing of your horse (what kind of lazy horse stance is it anyway, with thighs 45°???)
Wanna claim wude? Try it and be honest

08-02-2002, 06:15 AM
I respect those who are willing to take a stand, especially when it may be unpopular.

08-02-2002, 08:28 AM
I'm actually from Miami. I only spent 4 years at SF.

Well that explains A LOT. No wonder such a little hot tempered *******!!!! Pple from Miami are some real mean tough *******s. I hate dealing with them. Miami should burn to the ground. Oh wait scratch that SOUTH BEACH!!!!!!!!!!

I say we just beat him with a miget on a stick!

Soy de miami tambien!:D

08-02-2002, 09:07 AM
Eres de miami? No joda! Coņo........:D

Are you sure? South Beach has become a Model mecca in the last few years. I know a few other parts of Miami that should burn, though.

As long as its not a midget beating off on a stick .


Good job!! Easy or hard you have first hand experience and CAN comment with REAL knowledge.

08-02-2002, 10:29 AM
No jodas (that the main reason I have the spanish speaking skill I do have!:D )

No KEEP South Beach!!! (I once saw the aftermath of Stallone and Madonna having a tiff there.) Liberty City and Carroll City can BURN for all I care!

08-02-2002, 03:04 PM
Amen, don't forget overtown, parts of south miami, hialeah, the grove, plus a few others.
Geez you ARE from miami.

08-02-2002, 09:53 PM
Hey, parts of the grove are OK. , like around the Spanish consulate. And yes you can stick the hose in overtown and hialea.