View Full Version : Hey GENE!!

Royal Dragon
07-29-2002, 08:35 PM
Any chance we can get the image command turned back on? I'm trying to blow kisses to Whu Shu Chick, and this no image thing blew my delivery!!!

07-30-2002, 07:37 AM
hey RD, good try, but i don't think that will have much effect on Wen... u should have seen us all in the chatroom b4 :D

Also, sorry to hijack this thread temporarily... but Gene or any other Mod: why did u turn off the old chatroom? The new one doesn't work properly, but that one did :)


07-30-2002, 08:44 AM
But I think it's the ambiguity between KungfuMagazine.com and KungfuOnline.com. The forum was founded by KFO, but it grew so large that the webmaster, Steve Creel, could no longer afford to run it. So we here at Kungfu Qigong agreed to host it and have been paying the bills for some time now. Steve has been in the process of dismantling KFO, so perhaps that is what you are referring to. We are slowly transferring the subroutines of KFO to KungfuMagazine.com, plus adding new ones like our cover story feature. I am unaware of any changes that have been made to our chatroom (but that doesn't mean there haven't been any - you know how sneaky webmasters can be.)

07-30-2002, 09:13 AM
Hi Gene, thanks for the quick reply... the chatroom in question is the one at KFO... it's http://www.kungfuonline.com/chat.html - Not the one accessed thru kungfumagazine.com. The one through your pages is the one that seems to have IE and Netscape problems... the one at KFO has just vanished! :D

That's why we were all shocked, as the KFO one is what we all used...

thanks for your reply,

Royal Dragon
07-30-2002, 09:34 AM
Sure fiiiiine, reply to dezhen2001 and ignore me!!! Like "Heeeee" was the one who started the thread!!!

07-30-2002, 09:38 AM
thanks Gene :D


07-30-2002, 04:26 PM
Sorry RD, but I'm not sure what you're talking about... How where you blowing wushu chik and what did I do to turn off that blow?

As for KFO, my understanding is that Steve is dedicating his attention to his hardcore site (that's martial arts, not what you're thinking) and is slowly dismantling KFO.

I've never been satisfied with our Chat Room - it is on my list to repair. It's a long list.

Royal Dragon
07-30-2002, 06:38 PM
I just wanted to post an image, that's all. When I used the VB code, it came up as a link instead of a picture of a cartoon charecter blowing a kiss.

Look below, it says the image function is turned off

07-31-2002, 07:53 AM
RD: i think now u've 'lost the moment' ;)

Gene: I didn't know what the situation was with the magazine and KFO... good luck in sorting out your list of things to do! :) Guess we can properly hijack the temporary chatroom we use now :D


07-31-2002, 09:08 AM
RD: I read that other thread were you tried to blow and understand now. Nothing has changed in our backroom, so I'm not sure why it worked before and doesn't work now. I'm just about to go on a retreat/vacation, so I'll look into it when I get back.

DZ: I would really like it if people used the KungfuMagazine.com chat room. Can you tell me specifically what problems you are having with it? We plan to have someone live in the chat room for the party, so it's a good time to really push for some upgrades. Please post some chat rooms here that function well.