View Full Version : Samuel Kwok/Ron Heimberger/Ip Ching

07-30-2002, 09:42 AM
I shall try not to make this a political thread, it is merely an observation that I would like clarified, following on from StuartM's thread about the Ip Ching site.

Ip Ching does not list either Ron Heimberger or Samuel Kwok on his site (although Master Train and Eric Li are on there, two of his disciples) although in the photos Ron Heimberger is there.

What is Samuel Kwok's "official" position in relation to Ip Ching, I heard that there was a bit of a disagreement with Ip Chun?

Finally, is it me, and I don't wish to sound controversial, but since Ip Ching started to teach widely in the past decade, everyone seems to have trained under him and dropped the Ip Chun lineage, so to speak? Guess that was kind of cynical, but a definite feeling I have had over the past few years, especially here in the UK.

I should be grateful if someone could update me on the latest happenings in the Ip Chun / Ip Ching camps.

Many thanks

07-30-2002, 10:10 AM

Unless you are of that lineage and the information has a direct bearing on YOUR Wing Chun, what does it matter? Everyone you mentioned is respected in some right or fashion by members of their particular lineage. People have fallings out for a variety of reasons, some money, some political, some moral and some based on ability. Again, unless it has a direct bearing on yourself it does little good to bring anothers mistakes or bad choices to light. I am sure that each of us has enough baggage of our own without needing to look to others for more.

The topic has the potential for going south very quickly and I would ask that you consider your motivation in posting it in the first place. If truly interested in the answeres I would suggest taking this discussion off list via e-mail or PM so as to avoid any inadvertent bad feelings.



07-31-2002, 02:05 AM
Hi Alisdair,

The Ip chun issue is one which i think is a matter for Sifu Kwok and Sifu Ip Chun. They have had a very close relationship since 1978, and it is a personal matter for them.

Thge ipching.org site is a little confusing as it does not list all recognised reps for Ip Ching. If you look at Ip Chings official Hong Kong site , http://www.ip-ching.com/ you will see a list of reps which include Ron Heimberger and Sifu Samuel Kwok, as well as others such as Eric Li.

If you look at the Ip Ching Student photo album on the site, you will be in no doubt as to the relationship between Ip Ching and Sifu Kwok. If you look on the VTAA site you will also see how closely Sifu Kwok has worked with Ip Ching on the Ip Man Tong. Have a look at the following:


Best Regards, Stuart

07-31-2002, 04:25 AM
The site that you are refering to is run by a Jelous little man named Garner Train. He list only his group on his site and "calls" it the official site. If you look at a copy of the book on Ip Man, authored by Ip Ching and Ron Heimberger it list the site for Ip Ching's lineage as www.wckfc.com This is the site that is also listed for the U.S. on the Ip Ching student union page out of Hong Kong. Here you will find many people, including Garner Train listed. I guess some people are a little too jelous of others to give them credit. As for Sam Kwock, There seems to be no doubt of his relationship with Ip Ching, for those who are willing to pull their head out of their A$$ and open their eyes.