View Full Version : Funny Troll post at cyberkwoon.com

08-01-2002, 02:18 AM
This was posted at cyberkwoon, thought it was pretty funny :

Hello all, just thought I'd share this funny story with the rest of you.

Last night a Brit came into my academy here in Hong Kong. He claimed he was in the SAR for business and needed a place to work out but that he couldn't find any "real fight gyms" so he chose our "dojo". Right away I sensed that this man was here to start trouble with those comments. I also noticed that he was wearing a Team Punishment t-shirt and quickly realized that this was one of those ultimate fighting shirts. I remained calm and told him that he is more then welcome but that he might find the going a little rough since we practice real fighting here and not that watered down horseplay you see in the UFC.

He snickered at my comment with a false sense of security which I would soon make him realize was false soon enough. I pointed him towards the locker room and told him that we'd be sparring in the main room whenever he was ready.

Now unbeknowest to this man was my background. Let me tell you my credentials, I am 60 years old. I joined the Shao Lin temple when I was age 12 to become a wu shu monk in the southern Wu Dang temple, I stayed there till I was 21 years of age, then joined the army. I was the personal bodyguard of Chairman Mao for one year at age 26, when I was in the chinese special army. Throughout my life I have been able to study the many different forms of Northern and Southern styles and have developed my Chi energy to a great level. I now live in Hong Kong where I teach 5 days a week at my martial arts academy.

Well, this englishman soon came out and then told me what he really wanted to do was find out if "Kung-Fu"(as he put it) was any good. He went on about how "Kung-Fu" didn't accomplish anything in ultimate fighting. I went on to explain to him that ultimate fighting was not real fighting and that many of the lethal moves are outlawed in this type of competition. He seemed ready to go so I first offered him a chance to spar with one of my top pupils under a point system. He didn't like this but I told him that he would get to fight me under full contact rules of his choice so this seemed to please him.

I called over a pupil called Cheng. I started them off and the englishman feinted a jab and quickly attempted to go for Cheng's legs. Cheng quickly moved back and gave him 2 quick strikes to the head(without touching him of course because it was a point match basically). I stopped the action and told the englishman that he would've lost if it were real. He countered that he would've got the takedown and so we resumed the sparring session.

This time the englishman attempted a low Thai kick to which Cheng responded by firing 3 rapid fire strikes to the face and then spun into a backfist to the head and finished with a back kick to the groin while facing away from the englishman(without touching him for real of course). Once again I stopped the action and told the englishman that he had already lost.This time the englishman seemed angered and replied to me that this would have never happened in a real life situation. I asked him to try again.

We restart the sparring session, this time the englishman attempts to rush in like a boxer and throws 3 left jabs in succession. Not one of them even came close to Cheng as he moved out of the way and followed up with a powerful roundhouse kick that just stopped short of the englishman's temple. At this point I stopped the action again and the englishman became very irrate, calling me out to the floor.

The time had come to teach this ignorant man a lesson. He insisted on full contact rules, he referred to them as "Unified MMA rules" which are used in shows like the UFC. Of course I agreed to his rules. Cheng would be the timekeeper and we both faced off in the middle of the floor. Cheng started the match and the englishman quickly took a Kickboxer's stance and started to move in aggressively. I circled a bit, not giving him the straight away target he so desired. I saw him feint a jab and then he started to rush in for a double leg takedown. I quickly stepped back and delivered a very fast and heavy palm to the top of his skull. The englishman then dropped like a fatally wounded bull. Of course I did not put any degree of Chi energy into this strike or I may have killed him but I did show him a glimpse of the Iron Hand technique so that he may see what he is dealing with. We was out cold for a few seconds and we revived him. He did not believe what had just happened and wanted to go again. I was thinking that he may have recieved a mild concussion and did not feel like hurting him any further but he was insistant so I agreed. We squared off and the challenge match resumed. He attempted a jab and I quickly kicked him in the groin at which point he fell to the floor and tapped on it 3 times. This tapping meant that he was submitting and thus ending the fight under his set of rules. This meant he had acknowledged me as the winner.

Later on when he recovered, he apologized profusely to me and my students. He acknowledged that ultimate fighting was an excellent form of sport fighting but that it wouldn't hurt to incorporate some facets of other martail arts like Gong Fu and many others. I also reminded him that on the street he cannot tap 3 times when the going gets rough. I am glad I was able to open this man's eyes to not be so one tracked in his beliefs. And in return I think I will watch some of this ultimate fighting when I get the chance. It seems to be a very interesting sporting event so long as you realize it is a sport and keep it in that context.

That is all, just wanted to share this story for those out there that have had similar experiences with these kind of people


Crimson Phoenix
08-01-2002, 02:23 AM
LOL I read it too...So funny, but even funnier was the guy's reactions when some people would tell him "hey, where's your kwoon, I happen to be in HK now, can I drop by"?

08-01-2002, 02:32 AM
What you mean he doesn't have a kwoon? Gasp!

No, it must be one of those closed door affairs, yeah that's why...


Internal Boxer
08-01-2002, 10:49 AM
Now where is that pinch of salt? :rolleyes:

08-01-2002, 10:56 AM
Perhaps it is somewhere in that barrel of salt? Or maybe in the mystery kwoon? ha ha.

08-01-2002, 11:17 AM

Isn't it nice to know the other forums get them too?

08-01-2002, 03:02 PM
Yes, it's good to know the masters are sharing their wealth of knowledge with other forums....

08-01-2002, 04:16 PM
Seemed like a coherant version of that "most evil style tai chi!" story. That's high quality trolling :D

08-01-2002, 06:54 PM
thats ****ing hilarious! KungFuGuy, it does, except that it doesn't have the incoherent chinese sound to it! Still is hilarious though!

Peace Y'all

08-02-2002, 03:38 AM
the infamous tape lord's handywork, alil long winded but good