View Full Version : Respect and Civility

08-01-2002, 07:01 AM
Hello Everyone,

Seems like that time again. Some have gotten a little wound up and made some comments which could be construed as rather negative. In some instances these comments have been directed at specific indivuals or lineages.

The moderators received a notification regarding some of the posts in a particular thread. After looking some of them over I decided to remove what was obviously offensive and directed at specific people or lineages. Some of you may not agree with everything that was removed or all that remained. However, short of simply deleting the entire thread, and some of the posts were informative, this is the most even handed answer.

I woudl remind everyone to remain civil and not to direct negative or offending comments designed to belittle or insult towards any specific individual or lineage.

Anyone wishing to discuss this can contact me directly.


