View Full Version : The Inaugural KFO Golden DaMo Awards

08-01-2002, 10:20 PM
The Inaugural KFO Golden DaMo Awards.

Inspired by a comment on a recent thread:

Welcome one and all! Please copy and paste the list below and name your nominees for each category. Eventually someone may actually be sad enough to tally up the votes and declare some winners! Of course, if you’d like to see a category not listed, just add it on at the bottom. Make sure you always copy the most recent list.

Vote away!


Most posts – (this can be taken from the list at the end of the nominations!)

Most Informative Poster –

Most knowledgeable poster –

Most experienced fighter –

Nicest guy (or gal) –

Funniest b@stard -

Best troll ever –

Most obnoxious pain –

Sexiest poster –

Biggest mouth boxer –

Most outrageous VTG –

Actually a 500lb sex starved socially crippled loser –

Stinkinest hippie –

Actually a midget –

Felipe Bido
08-01-2002, 10:44 PM
Oh, Gawd, it's soo hard to choose! :D

08-01-2002, 10:48 PM
Most posts – MerryP posts a lot, but since i locked him in my basement i nominate KC.

Most Informative Poster – hmm hard to tell. i like Pranas stuff on religion/meditation/qigong/etc

Most knowledgeable poster – Chris knows lots a stuff, altough he doesnt post much

Most experienced fighter – that guy that had 400-0 in garage Kumite, j/k. I vote for Shooter on dis.

Nicest guy (or gal) – Prana

Funniest b@stard - i find GDAs sick stuff funny :D

Best troll ever – Volcano Admim

Most obnoxious pain – i wish i knew what obnoxious ment

Sexiest poster – the chicks, all of them

Biggest mouth boxer – dunno, will think later

Most outrageous VTG – whats VTG, please?

Actually a 500lb sex starved socially crippled loser – Me :(

Stinkinest hippie – Celestial Ambioshi

Actually a midget – Ralek

08-01-2002, 10:52 PM
Tell me about it! Alright though, I'll have a stab.

Most Informative Poster – IronFist

Most knowledgeable poster – Brent Carey

Most experienced fighter – Maybe MerryPrankster. Perhaps Knifefighter, perhaps Knightsabre.

Nicest guy (or gal) – Mat

Funniest b@stard - KC Elbows

Best troll ever – JiuJitsuJedi! Remember him?

Most obnoxious pain – HuangKaiVun

Sexiest poster – Wendy (of course!)

Biggest mouth boxer – stumblefist

Most outrageous VTG – SifuAbel (come on, you know he had to appear somewhere

Actually a 500lb sex starved socially crippled loser – chingei

Stinkinest hippie – Gene Ching (And I mean that in the nicest way possible! ;) )

Actually a midget – EWallace

and another one, that is foregone:

Sickest puppy - GunnedDownAtrocity

Any of these answers are subject to change without notice! ;)

08-01-2002, 10:54 PM
Xebs, you and me cross posted.

VTG = Virtual Tough Guy or Keyboard Warrior.

Obnoxious means:

ob·nox·ious Pronunciation Key (b-nkshs, b-)
Very annoying or objectionable; offensive or odious: “I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution” (Ulysses S. Grant).
Archaic. Exposed to harm, injury, or evil: “The town... now lies obnoxious to its foes” (John Bunyan).
Archaic. Deserving of or liable to censure.

[Latin obnoxisus, subordinate, from obnoxius, subject, liable : ob-, to; see ob- + noxa, injury; see nek-1 in Indo-European Roots.]
ob·noxious·ly adv.
ob·noxious·ness n.

08-02-2002, 01:11 AM
Most Informative Poster – for this, i'm going with apoweyn. even if he isn't the most knowledgeable, he's more articulate than most of us could hope to be.

Most knowledgeable poster – ironfist, at least when it comes to fitness stuff. on general art issues, it's a toss-up.

Most experienced fighter – merry p

Nicest guy (or gal) – old jong

Funniest b@stard - kc elbamabows

Best troll ever – rolls

Most obnoxious pain – the whole "ban red5angel" bull****. people couldn't find something more useful to do, like try to see if they could stuff their own nuts up their cornshoot. :mad:

Sexiest poster – kim smith :confused:

Biggest mouth boxer – wendy, ****it

Most outrageous VTG – PJO's sifu

Actually a 500lb sex starved socially crippled loser – o.e. simon

Stinkinest hippie – prana, but not without legit reason. prana spends so much time writing huge and thorough posts that there's no time left for a shower. :)

Actually a midget – i'd say gene, but i have an old ikf with a picture of him with his fro and he wasn't short enough. so i'm going to have to go with ... ryu?

Crimson Phoenix
08-02-2002, 03:00 AM
Sorry to ruin the fun here, but how the hell do you know if someone is an experienced fighter or not? Just by claims on a forum?? The same goes with a mouth boxer, how can you really tell someone is a mouth boxer or a guy that lived what he claimed and could prove it again???
LOL Yeaaahhh, I did it, now I can be nominated for "most obnoxious pain", or get my own category of "most fun ruiner" LOLOLOL

08-02-2002, 06:15 AM
Most posts – (this can be taken from the list at the end of the nominations!) - CK Wobles

Most Informative Poster – Darren Laur

Most knowledgeable poster – Brent Carey

Most experienced fighter – MP

Nicest guy (or gal) – Ryu

Funniest b@stard - Budokan

Best troll ever – Volcano Admin

Most obnoxious pain – Serpent

Sexiest poster – Wendy

Biggest mouth boxer – KungFu Bandit

Most outrageous VTG – Maestro1700

Actually a 500lb sex starved socially crippled loser – Stacey

Stinkinest hippie – KC Elbows

Actually a midget – Wushu Chik

08-02-2002, 04:24 PM
Most posts – I'm betting on rogue

Most Informative Poster – Merryprankster

Most knowledgeable poster – Kung Lek

Most experienced fighter – Knifefighter

Nicest guy (or gal) – Ryu

Funniest b@stard - Budokan

Best troll ever – jiujitsujedi (Mr T. to Tupac: "Look at yo' fingers Tupac! Dey orange! You ate my Cheetos, Tupac!" ROFLOL!!!)

Most outrageous VTG – TKDMan

Sickest puppy - GDA (of course)

New categories:

Longest average post length - Sam Wiley

Least understandable posts - diego

Most fun ruiner - Crimson Phoenix :p

MVP - Merryprankster

MVT (Most Valuable Troll) - Rolls, Gaiden, Ralek, etc. (C'mon, you all know it's true. :) )

Most image links posted from uglypeople.com - old jong

Funniest recurring joke - Toss up between totally sweet ninjas and that Erik Estrada image that keeps getting posted.

old jong
08-02-2002, 04:31 PM
I really think that fitting people into categories like that can easily become a hairy (http://www.uglypeople.com/uglymen/section.images/up-men-00291.jpg)subject!... ;)

08-02-2002, 04:33 PM

08-02-2002, 04:38 PM
old jong, that was really uncalled for. :(

old jong
08-02-2002, 04:48 PM
O.K. let's forget about the hair!... (http://www.uglypeople.com/uglymen/section.images/up-men-00307.jpg) :)

Chang Style Novice
08-02-2002, 04:48 PM
Old Jong, you stay the hell away from my photo album!

08-02-2002, 04:49 PM
now that's better. :)

poor guy looks like a conehead that had an anvil fall on him. :(

old jong
08-02-2002, 04:51 PM
O.K. then but I give you a last one! (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/avatar.php?userid=7795&dateline=1010019097) ;)

08-02-2002, 04:53 PM
ah, the mighty chuck d. life is good again. :)

08-02-2002, 04:56 PM
actually a midget---serpent

I'd call you a VTG but you don't quite fit the tough guy definition virtual or otherwise. You seem actually quite small, so midget it is.

Chang Style Novice
08-02-2002, 05:05 PM
least likely to actually resemble his userpic:

Chang Style Novice

what I really look like, as of about four years ago (http://peoplesforum.com/cgi-bin/forum?233@2.X5Spa0YJqrL.264@.ef91834/2976!enclosure=.2ea8293e)

old jong
08-02-2002, 05:09 PM

Chang Style Novice
08-02-2002, 05:13 PM
Really. That's me with a basenji named Pharaoh that I fostered for a few weeks in 1999, so I guess it's more like three years ago.

Pharaoh has the goatee and glasses. I have the wrinkly forehead and speckled belly.

wushu chik
08-02-2002, 07:56 PM
You know, I started filling out this list, but couldn't really do it. There are SO many different people for all the categories...

So, therefore, I choose to plead the 5th!!!!!! Especially on the sexiest poster......


08-02-2002, 11:52 PM
Some new categories.
Best avatar: African Tiger
Worst avatar: GDA
Best "title" (line under username): Ewallace or Leonidas
Best title/avatar combination: Xebsball
Worst title: African Tiger (no one cares 'bout your fricken IQ! :D)

08-03-2002, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
actually a midget---serpent

I'd call you a VTG but you don't quite fit the tough guy definition virtual or otherwise. You seem actually quite small, so midget it is.

You're a bitter little monkey, aren't ya! C'mon, try to have a laugh.

You know, I've got a new category:

Most Desperately in Need of a Blow Job - SifuAbel (albeit from a guy most probably).

Crimson Phoenix
08-03-2002, 01:45 AM