View Full Version : A new member called "Joy Chaudhuri" !!!

old jong
08-02-2002, 12:12 PM
Just saw this on the front page of the forum!...Is that you Yuanfen under your real name?...Or?...:confused:

08-02-2002, 12:53 PM
Do you mean to tell me that yuanfen is Joy Chaudhuri....?!?!??!?!?!

old jong
08-02-2002, 01:16 PM
You did'nt know?...:confused: ;) :D ...By the way,How is your tanda going these days?...(We must talk about Wing Chun or we will be sentenced to the VTA forum!);) :)

08-02-2002, 01:43 PM
My tan da's doing quite well, old jong. It has the perfect balance of yin & yang. Thank you for asking.

08-02-2002, 01:55 PM
did yuanfen forget the account's password and have to start over?;)

old jong
08-02-2002, 03:22 PM
I know Yuanfen would never forget a motion in the Mok Yan Jong...Could he forget his password?...BTW,Rubthebuddha,is your tan da in good condition like EnterTheWhip's ?...;) :D

08-02-2002, 03:53 PM
The mysteries: I tried to access the forum from the office and it wouldnt accept my home password... so I tried another one that I could remember and presto I got listed as a new member who couldnt post yet as a new member. So new "member" Joy Chaudhuri
wearing a Chen Xiao Wang t-shirt because it says "The art of joy"
is posing as the familiar yuanfen- kismet you know or the old Indian rope trick. I tried red5's method of uttering platitudes
to my office pc... positioning, keyboarding, mouth boxing, even
wallah, wallah-wallah...abracadabra, shazam, Tarzan'z yell, cheetah's chattering, chewbca's jabberwocky but alas the doors of kfo wouldnt open.. so back to home station...
taught me humility again...one cant master everything !
Reincarnation? Si se puede!

PS: I am not the only one lost in net mysteries...got an email form someone who wanted to take wc lessons pronto. He is in South London! and he --- didnt realize that i am in 107 degree Arizona.Could usea bit of the blasted English drizzle at the moment.

old jong
08-02-2002, 04:04 PM
The mystery is solved!...For a moment I thought that...Better not to talk about this!!!
How's your Tan da Yuanfen?...;)

08-02-2002, 04:24 PM
:( not really, no. my turning has gone to crap and i'm getting hit way too much.

thus, this weekend is dedicated to turning.

wait. nevermind. this weekend is dedicated to FISHING. :D

old jong
08-02-2002, 05:02 PM
Eh!...Sometimes we turn too much and sometimes we don't turn enough!...Go tell why!;)
Careful with the "hooks"

08-02-2002, 05:17 PM
Old jong, rub the buddha, enter the whip and others---
my tan da is doing well...fairly well balanced-I havent kept up with the discussions very well lately. One has to remember though that there is a difference between tan da as drill and applying tanda ...because of the relationship between your and the opponents structure.Again-the importance of chi sao should be self evident.

08-05-2002, 01:01 PM
or, to put it simpler, don't tan da unless they give you a reason. instead, just "da" 'em. :)

on a sadder note, all my dad and i caught this weekend while fishing on the south end of the puget sound was rainfall and a lone dogfish. :(

ah well. alder lake in three weeks for some fresh water. :D

08-05-2002, 02:43 PM
rubthe buddha-yuanfen has been everywhere. Lived in seattle in the summers before you were born I am sure. Friend hasa place on bainbridge Island. Friend lost part of his frontage after a storm to the sound.Darn near hada heart attack when I plunged into the deceptively inviting looking sound aftera hot drive from Oklahoma and up down from Hurricane Ridge.Have caddied and tended bar at Inglewood Golf and Country Club. Did some glove work up there. Looked for wing chun again ona return visit in Seattle in the late 80s...not much there then. Leong hada good hung gar school.