View Full Version : Saw thread and whaddabout tactics against other MA?

08-02-2002, 04:03 PM
I just read the thread about the Kickbox, box, karate, kung fu...

Well, today I went to the gym the first time in two months since I only train kf as of lately (I got too big for sifu's taste).
I started kicking the bag to warm up and this HUGE guy comes over to ask what style. I tell him hung gar and tang lang. He goes into some tyrade about karate and kb. Whatever.

So, he challenges me to a sparring match. I say no b/c I wanna work out. He insists. He is big. I say yes.

He starts doing all sorts of dancing at first. I stand my ground.
He attacks. I realize I cannot do anything but block b/c he just is throwing punches and kicks from every direction. I'm calm. He hits once in my chest and kicks me straight in the same spot minutes later. So much for the no touch rules.
Freakin' hurts. Jerk.

But he is out of breathe. All his fancy foot work and crap made the motha' not be able to breathe. Then I attacked. Snake to throat (didn't touch him of course), kicks to ribs (touched him), testicles (made a noise to accenuate the fact, but no touch), etc.

I had to endure a few punches as a tactic. Gotta say I'm sore. But hey. I got punched and kicked. But I left realizing I got the better.

Now, against a KB guy I'd be creme. I've realized this tactic worked but against others like KB I don't know how I would have been able to spar.

Now, since it has been years since I sparred....you all suggest sparring regularly? What are tactics against other MA? I've seen some threads regarding this, so I'm not pulling this out of nowhere. It's good to see it again in case I have to go back to the big HUGE karate dancing guy and perhaps use another tactic.

08-02-2002, 04:13 PM
I suggest next time you don't pull your punches. If the guy is making contact on you, all courtesies are off. I don't care how big the guy is. He'll think twice about messing with you if he gets tagged well in the nads.:rolleyes:

08-03-2002, 08:07 PM
Now, since it has been years since I sparred....you all suggest sparring regularly? What are tactics against other MA? I've seen some threads regarding this, so I'm not pulling this out of nowhere. It's good to see it again in case I have to go back to the big HUGE karate dancing guy and perhaps use another tactic. Don't assume anything about any style. These days there's so much cross training that the karate guy may also grapple or box. In one sense I agree with SifuAbel but be careful about the escalation of the fight. Word of warning, some karate and TKD guys idea of no touch/pulling punches means not hitting full force. And never trust a kickboxer to go light!;)

08-04-2002, 03:10 PM
Yo yo... s'funny.. I was just thinking about that kind of stuff last night... I fought a guy in my own kungfu club, he was using monkey style to fight me, and I was just using my own style (d art of fighting widdout fighting...). I must admit; fighting someone with a clear-cut, flagrant style can be off-putting. At the end of the day, all you have to concentrate on it where and when they're going to attack. The human body can only move in so many ways. Cross training of course makes things more complicated, but then, complications aside, it all comes down to attack/defend, doesn't it?

The monkey worked well for him, it was confusing, and I was more interested in watching what he did, than shutting him down. I suppose it's the unconventional style and method; the bits in between the fighting that can throw you off. Nevertheless, stick to your guns (not literally) and concentrate on attack/defence and I don't see how you can go wrong.

With regard to the side issue of control.. well, that just shows that one of you needs to work on accuracy, or that you were walking into shots (I doubt the latter). I spar often with my student and use 16oz gloves to slow me down and to cushion the blows. I make medium contact with all punches and arm strikes (using the gloves) but almost no contact with the kicks. Reason for this: my student has to know where his faults are; he knows enough now to be able to work on his own fighting style, using the amount of times that he's getting struck as an incentive. Besides, fight at real range, make it realistic. I train for application in the street a lot of the time. It's what I call Paul-fu. However, you had a rule with this guy, and he was trying to knock you around. It sounds like he was out to prove something. Good on you for not retaliating. If you scored good points on him, then he would have known it. If you scored those points and made it all look good at the same time, then he'll develop some respect for you, I'm sure.

I've had to fight that kind of fight before, and beleive me, nothing is worse than turning it into a full contact brawl where both of you come away feeling grouchy and bruised. If you can, pull those punches, embarrass the opponent; teach him or her a lesson. Mind you, you need considerable skill advantage to do that sometimes.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Take care guys and gals!