View Full Version : Sunday 6pm central! Fox sports airs UFC

Chang Style Novice
08-02-2002, 06:34 PM
For those of us without payperview capabilities and only basic cable, this is a must tape (or tivo or whatever)

Three bouts are going to be aired from tape; Frank Mir vs. Pete Williams, Robbie Lawlor vs. Aaron Riley and Matt Serra vs. Kelly Dulanty. I dunno squat about any of these fighters, and haven't seen any UFC more recent than Don Frye whupping the cr@p out of Amury Batech (what a fight!) and Dan Severn walking clockwise around Ken Shamrock for 20 minutes (a fight? What?)

old jong
08-02-2002, 07:06 PM
I saw that Severn...Fight? And,I found out what was his problem! He turned clockwise when he should have turned counter clockwise.The magnetic field of the planet dictates that it should turn counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere!...Test that yourselves in the toilet bowl and see what direction the water (or whatever!) turns.
Any Aussie cares to confirm this theory?...
Anyway,you get what you deserve when you go against the laws of the universe. ;)

08-03-2002, 01:48 PM
Old Jong- Quite or the "hopping mad collection agency" will get the Aussie gov. to "boot" you.

08-03-2002, 02:12 PM
I heard about it from my old sifu (he called to let me know)which is very big of him sinse I left his class for grappling and J.K.D.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it.I hope it's worth taping.

I haven't been on line that much this summer, (training hard and overtime at work) but it's good to be here and see all the new topics and all the new registerd martial artist.
Well, gotta go.
Take care:)

08-04-2002, 01:16 PM
The Robbie Lawler-Aaron Riley fight will blow your minds away. I guarantee it. One of the best fights I've ever seen. 90% striking.

Mir-Williams ends in a wicked Submission. Pete was the guy that KO'd Mark Coleman with a high Kick.

Matt Serra vs. Kelly Dulanty. I wish they would show Serra's fight with Shonie Carter. That might be the best fight I've ever seen. But they are trying to Hype up Matt (who got KO'd with a spinning ***** slap, seriously). Good fight with some nice ground sequences. Serra is always going for a sub.

Chang Style Novice
08-05-2002, 05:10 AM
Yeah, it was a good show. A slugfest that went the length, a 46 second win by sub (that was a BEEYYOOTEEEFULL sub, with the knee sneaking around like that) and the bjj guy in the third bout was pretty entertaining, too. Plus, I love to see guys with frosted tips get their tushies whooped.