View Full Version : Good Stuff/Gadgets

Black Jack
08-02-2002, 08:45 PM
As some may know, I have a interest in ww2 era martial history and other related information, so when I came onto this OSS website I was freakin thrilled, for those that like cloak and dagger gadgets and weaponry here is a great site to look at some ww2 spy gear, a great page about a unique time in history.

Check out the Peskatt-a stellitto, garrote and yawara all in one, the Fairbairn designed british infantry Smatchet, the sleeve dagger/devil dart, push daggers, thumb daggers, close range guns, crossbows and other stuff.

There is also a german military h2h manuel with brassknuckles called engilsh gangester method.


08-02-2002, 09:20 PM
That pistol/pipe was ****in cool. I really liked that set of brass knucles with the spike too.