View Full Version : Hey hey!

08-03-2002, 08:00 AM
Hi all

Just a quick thread to say hi and see who's around. Got a bit of access I thought I'd keep my password current.

Can't really read any threads right now so if someone could update me on the last month or so's happenings on this thread I would be grateful. Any break ups, marriages, births (!) etc.

I'm in the middle of an intensive course to become an English teacher and it's really great. I love teaching and I should be in China by the end of the year!

Hope everything's cool, and this thread doesn't sink to the bottom with zero responses because some of you hate me, some of you don't remember who I am and most of you never noticed me at all.


08-03-2002, 08:01 AM
Oh, hi David?

Hope all's good.:)

08-03-2002, 08:06 AM
Alrite mate! :) Wondered if u were conna be lurking around here or had gone lol

What's been happening? Same old same old here really... MMA vs. Trad MA, some of it is intellectual (MP, Apoweyn etc.) and some is just downright silly... the usual troll-hunting and all that. Recently, lots of people seemd to like to comment on the William Cheung vs. Emin Botzepe footage someone unearthed (again)... Old hat really, it was like 15 yrs ago, done and dusted... can't remember much else, it's all hazy :D

I'm stuck back up in Scotland until Uni starts again in October, on a pentium 1 pc with 28.8k connection, so my life sucks right now :(

How is everything going? I hope all is well,
see ya around,


08-03-2002, 08:07 AM
wow, saw me sneeking around up the top huh? :D


08-03-2002, 08:17 AM
Yeah man, no escape!

Sounds like all the usual crap. :)

I get free net access at the school in China so c u soon.

08-03-2002, 08:21 AM
that's cool... may as well make full use of it eh!
told ya it was the same old same old lol

Hey, can u get ot any chatrooms? If so we use this one now... http://www.fighterschat.com Once u log in, click on the kung fu room and type in "here" as the password. I'm in there now if u can get there :) If not no worries, just easier to chat than using a thread ;)


Mr Punch
08-03-2002, 09:22 AM
Hi Scotty, nice to see some relative sanity round here... I was just wondering what happened to you...

Glad you're enjoying the teaching... unfortunately you may get over it all too soon...! I still enjoy it with the students who are interested though, and I'm sure China'll be a different kettle of raw, delicately sliced fish to Japan.


Ewallace has split up with his wife and married the whole cast of his favourite midget porn movie. I have done the opposite.

Evil Ryu has totally taken over good Ryu, and has persuaded him that the Japanese are the same as anyone else, only more so, and in smaller packages. Just add water (and whatever you do, don't eat the silicon pack).

MP went to compete in Brazil, where Xebby is holding him hostage in his basement.

Kungfu Cowboy has been brainsucked by Space Monkeys.

KC Elbows and Gene Ching are born-again sandal-wearing, muesli-eating lesbian hippies, and have moved in together to cook moccasins and follow MP's recipes for a grappling stew.

Nobody likes Abel again! Missed why this time... Everybody else is officially popular.

Wushu Chik and Kungfucutie are making kf porn, but Rubthebuddha is living up to his name and won't let anyone see it.

Old Jong is still in a world of Ugly People with his beautiful language.

... the arguments are the same, and the good discussions are soon relegated to P 23.

Where in China are you going?

When I've finished submitting the world of Japanese martial arts to my will in another year or two, I'll probably go and destroy the spectre of pretend Communism with my Grand Ultimate Finger Style...

Former castleva
08-03-2002, 09:48 AM
Itīs all well,basically.
We are all bragging about which style is the best and I definitely know X is it.;)
Have fun in China.

08-03-2002, 03:39 PM
i got the cancer!

Mr Punch
08-03-2002, 08:35 PM
How's the therapy GDA?

08-03-2002, 08:52 PM
Glad to hear everything is going well! Everything here is about the same, however, sifuabel has made a re-appearance. Otherwise, the usual - same sh!t, different toilet, you know?

08-04-2002, 02:06 AM
not too bad.