View Full Version : A bit of a rant...yeah, another one - OK??

wushu chik
08-03-2002, 11:54 PM
OK, while I love the fact that we can all come here and talk about MA, any ma...I am wondering this. Why is it everytime I (or anyone else) comes on here, is it always about MMA, or BJJ, or wrassling, or something to that effect. Come on people...I am beginning to think that everyone on here is a bunch of spaghetti-brained fools. It's time to start posting some SERIOUS thread about MA. Not bullsh!t. Yeah, this sounds kinda like a lot of the threads of lately, but you know what...it's true. This forum needs to liven up a bit and start using some common sense. So, lets all put our heads together and start talking about some stuff that would better utilize our time!!!

~End Rant~


08-04-2002, 12:07 AM
my thoughts exactly, except u put them more eloquently than i ever could :D


08-04-2002, 12:46 AM
that's why i agreed Danny...:D


08-04-2002, 12:50 AM
this thread will get a million posts anyways, so let me ask you people... In your system how do you feel about groin shots?, do you use them, have you used any in real combat?.. I Havents but was taught a few, like backfist the groin the whip that fist backhand to his face. or palm/hammer, or backfist the groin then rip up and shufflein while rotateing a long/big fist to thier gut or temple!. Enough about me :) what do you guys do, and im specificaly hoping for real experiance on these delicate issues; Kicks would be a good topic to the groin to/ also what about skiping the groin and aiming inches upto the bladder...How yall feel about that? BASICALLY WHAT IM ASKING CAN YALL DROP SOME JEWELS ARE YOU CULPABEL? do you have the capabilities!

08-04-2002, 01:52 AM
Hi Diego,

well, i have used a groin shot before in an alcertation... a few times actually lol. In one of my old systems (Shorinji Kempo) they have 2 different ways of kicking the groin... It's called 'kinteki geri', kinteki being the acupuncture point behind that tender area ;) You either snap kick with the flat of your foot, or you can kinda hook it using the top of your foot and bringing it back up towards yourself when retracting... man that sounds gross :eek:

If you can hit the area, it seems to do the job... but not always. I remember i got mugged form behind once, and kicked thegroin on the way down to the ground. The guy didn't feel it coz of the adrenalin i think (but he really limped away after grabbing my wallet which fell on to the ground :D).

just my limited experience :)


08-04-2002, 02:45 AM
Hi diego,

We train groin shots, kung fu has no rules, mainly so far the grin shots in mantis I have found are using the spear hand (finger strikes) though it depends on the situation.

I've been hit in the balls before during a fight but to be honest it doesn't phase me as much as people would expect it to, your balls go up into your body when the adrenalin starts pumping and they're protected better so they're not as sensitive as normal, I've seen people kneed really hard in the groin and continue as if nothing has happened. Anyone else agree/disagree?

Did you see the post on 'the most realistic style'? There's an article on the 4-5th page about a guy biting another guys groin - intersting read!

Take care,


Former castleva
08-04-2002, 04:01 AM
"kinteki geri" is also used with the same name in karate,in that art though,I think itīs just more like "a snap kick to groin".
When it comes to shorinji kempo,gosh! you guys have betrayed me!;) Iīve had the idea that shorinji K was rather loving art like aikido (recognize the grin around here...) In kung-fu that same point is also used,though itīs pretty hard to get to...
it is said that if you hit the point with right timing,force etc. it may cause death in 24 hours,but thatīs probably rare (it is also known that groin attack can cause death trough liver damage-liver meridian passes trough)
About groin attacks in general,I think they may be a bit overrated at times.Basic self-defense and probably especially womenīs self-defense uses that a lot.It is also usually naturally well protected area,if you can go for it,go for it.
If it comes out that you canīt,first apply another attack to loosen up and then use it as a second or third attack.It is also the easiest area to injure and causes great pain,but as noticed it is only one area besides all the others,so donīt count on it.

The Willow Sword
08-04-2002, 07:26 AM
in times past when i have sparred, i will go for the groin if they have a cup on . other wise i wont strike there if there is no protection.

Many Respects, The Willow Sword

08-04-2002, 10:53 AM
In a real fight I go for the solar plexus, bladder or kidneys rather than a groin shot. Unless of course the guy is just so open or so close to reach down and grap.

Mr Punch
08-04-2002, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by The Willow Sword
in times past when i have sparred, i will go for the groin if they have a cup on . other wise i wont strike there if there is no protection.

man, you're so sweet!!!

there's no point kicking 'em there if they're wearing protection!!!:D :D :D

The Willow Sword
08-04-2002, 12:00 PM
you ever been kicked in the pills before? thats why i dont attack there if you are not wearing protection. however if you are wearing protection i am sure as hell gonna strike you there.
i like to show the FUTILITY of kicking high. :D

Many respects,,,The Willow Sword

08-04-2002, 12:36 PM
Yea, i've been dropped by a shot to the sacs before. Was on the floor for a good 10 minutes and in pain for atleast 1 hour afterward and the discomfort rises all the way to your stomach so it feels like your gonna puke. That pretty much killed my day. I was hit by a sock full of rocks though so i dont know if that applies. The few times that i've been kicked or kneed there it scared me more then hurt me, once you get over the shock and expected pain, it aint so bad. I suppose it's because i didn't get a full on soccer kick with my legs wide open which i'm extremely happy about.

08-04-2002, 05:45 PM
Diego, this is the best case of thread hijacking I have ever seen!

BTW - nice work Wen - we need some direction every now and then.

Now back to groins...

08-04-2002, 09:38 PM
Thanks for the replies, I was going to post this as a new thread, but i figured Wen's bieng a chick Would be better advertiseing then GROIN SHOTS HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THEM!!!?.

Rogue What kind of Bladder strikes do you use?, & we're talking 2-3 inches above groin, right?. Does anybody use Ripping techniques?, I Imagine Hungga & Pakua styles would use these alot!?. All the technique's i was taught relating to this thread, Is always a setup technique!. I have form where you smack the groin area or bladder with a palm then grab the groin and rip!?!...i only know how to do form, smacking makes sence, but the gripping and rip aspect is just a visualization; So, I'm Hoping to hear about anyones experiance or Theory's & Anecdote's they may have learnt in class?.

I have a few kicks to the groin, one that has a similar flavor to the scooping front kick with the top of foot, or Shoed toe!... is we do a roundhouse kick, but short like cuffing a kneecap, but the kick hits the groin or bladder with the padded toe; the deceased teacher of my kajukenbo/hopgar i'm told since he was of the disco era, he would wear like danceboots? with the 4 inch heel, and pointy tips, and he would line the tips and side with metal, for his kick's!. The metalic sides were good, because in hopgar we have this nice little slashkick, wich is a mix of a shortroundhouse and a snapping side kick...the slash kick stomps and slashes the kneecap hinges!!*, with the outside of the foot - toe2heel-.... How do you guy's feel about Front Heel Kick's to the bladder, i feel they could be easily missable "is that a word" striaght to the groin, but aiming for the bladder gives one a rather large and more easily accsessable target.

black and blue
08-05-2002, 06:52 AM
... I sat down heavily in a friends car and somehow managed to sit on one of my balls. Because I was slumped in the seat I couldn't jump up.

I rolled to one side and let the tears flow :(

Like every male on this forum... I've also walked the rite of passage that is zipping up my c*ck. Took me a full five minutes to drum up the courage to unzip it.

Just thought I'd share that while we're on the subject of groin 'ouching'.

Former castleva
08-05-2002, 08:20 AM
ripping techniques,you mean flesh tearing?
I once released a thread on it,actually couple of times in different forums.
I got some answers saying something to the direction that mantis styles use them (not very informative,but thatīs me I have forgotten a bunch of it)
Thereīs obviously dividing muscle/tendon and muscle grabbing,which is cool!;) in kung-fu (not direct tearing) and some direct in korean hwarangdo.
If I hit the right spot,do you mind telling more?

Frank Exchange
08-05-2002, 08:44 AM
That was simply brilliant. Thanks.

black and blue
08-05-2002, 08:53 AM
My pleasure and pain.

08-05-2002, 10:02 AM
The fellas and I are now cringing and ready to limp to work. Empathy is hell!