View Full Version : What happened to HuangKaiVun?

08-04-2002, 08:43 PM
Did he finally disappear all the way up his own arsehole?

08-04-2002, 09:38 PM
Looks that way :D.

08-04-2002, 09:40 PM


08-04-2002, 09:46 PM
Cracker of a game Saturday night eh? :D

08-04-2002, 09:58 PM
Mattie Burke you bloody legend!

It was a storming game, very exciting. In some ways it's a shame that it came down to a "controversial" penalty, but it would have been a try otherwise! ;) Those Kiwis just can't keep their hands out of the ruck. Remember John Eales' golden moment? Same thing exactly, except this time it was the Kiwi captain committing the crime! :eek:

Bloody good game though!


08-04-2002, 10:16 PM
I was most impressed by the fact that it was a very clean match. Very little to no dirty play from either side. It was a shame that it was decided on a penalty, but I guess them's the breaks. Good running rugby from the Aussies though. :)

Anyway, back on topic. Anyone know what happened to Huang?

08-04-2002, 10:27 PM
Screw Huang, let's talk about the rugby!

You're right, it was a good game. Clean, well executed, clever running by the Aussies. And to give NZ their due, that defensive line was like a brick wall!

The last two games in the series should be most exciting. At least Australia get a two week rest before their next game. Of course, all my NZ associates would be horrified to be reading this, but hey. They're the losers!

08-04-2002, 11:26 PM
Huang isn't my type - for screwing that is :D.

The defence on both sides was fantastic to watch. Both sides did an excellent job of keeping the other side away from their try line. I think the main difference was that Australia kept the ball in hand in the windy conditions, and played better running rugby.

I have to admit, I am surprised by your support for the Aussies. My experience has been that NZ supporters are rabid NZ supporters no matter what. In fact, I had to watch the match with 3 Kiwis (my GF and her friends) and endured their laughter through most of the match. Fortunately I had the last laugh :D.

As for South Africa - I have been disappointed by their form so far, but the games that are to be played at altitude should be interesting.

08-04-2002, 11:38 PM
Ah, so you were hoping to wind me up! Unlucky! :D

I actually support Australia and consider myself more Australian than Kiwi, although I'm actually Scottish by birth and grew up in England, then a litany of other places! I have spent most of my time recently in Australia. Besides, the Wallabies are just the best team there is. How could anyone not support them?

The Boks are a bunch of dirty *******s. They always play a filthy game. With any luck both NZ and Australia will twat them two weeks running!

08-05-2002, 12:20 AM
Yeah, the Boks are filthy. Frogs are worse though.

Altitude considerations aside, I think the Boks will get a spanking over the next 2 weeks - once because the kiwis are not happy, and the 2nd time because the Aussies will be wanting to hold onto the Tri Nations cup :).