View Full Version : Chop Bamboo

David Jamieson
08-05-2002, 07:11 AM
When you use this technique, what is your primary target? do you see a way of using this technique consistently on a variety of targets? what are those targets and how is the tech performed on each while remaining it's own definitive technique?

Do you use the tech on joints? Bone median? Danger zones? (neck, kidneys, etc)

Also, in your training, what is the handform and arc path with the technique as it is used in your style?


08-05-2002, 07:16 AM
Can you explain the technique? Some of us may use different terminology.

David Jamieson
08-05-2002, 07:23 AM
Downward diagonal strike. Using either a closed fist or open hand.

Can be done from the inside or the outside. Can be done to the anterior of the knee, the collar bone (so, from high or from low).

Downward inside is like a smashing motion, downward outside is like a cutting and clearing motion.


norther practitioner
08-05-2002, 12:15 PM
collar bone, shoulder, neck area...

08-05-2002, 02:00 PM
One of the first 20 techniques we are taught at my school includes this move. We, basically, from facing right side forward jump up and forward, lifting our lead knee (blocking groin) and tucking our left hand below our right armpit (again...I've always heard it was for blocking). Our right hand is open and travels from high left to low right as you sail forward. I've always pictured the blow as striking the clavicle...sometimes I imagine a shot to the temple.
I've never used it "for real", but I picture the aforementioned move as a sort of "all or nothing move"...something you'd do when your opponent was dazed or distracted. Especially since our version would have you land on top of the oponent by the end of the maneuver.
Personally, I'm not a "fly through the air" kinda fighter...but some of my more reckless and showy classmates have used it to good effect... ALMOST as much as attempting to use it has landed them on their behinds. :rolleyes: :D

08-05-2002, 06:14 PM
what norther practitioner said.
where else could you use it? no, really, i don't see it.

08-07-2002, 08:14 AM
I was just reading an article about "Spiritual Aspects of Indian Martial Arts", and saw a side picture in which the fellow is "chopping bamboo". As in my style, his left hand is blocking under his right armpit...however he seems to be in a stationary horse-stance-ish kind of position. The fellow is a practicioner of kalarippayattu.