View Full Version : What's not fair?

08-05-2002, 10:28 PM
I was sparring the other day. I was working with this guy from another school. You know, just a friendly cross-hands, medium level contact. Anyway, he kept leading in with his foot. Imagine a classic cat stance, now push the front foot even further forward. That was his ready position, and he would try to whip up kicks real fast from there. Eventually I got annoyed with it, so I raised my leg as if I was going to kick, then stamped on his foot. When he jumped back grabbing hold of his foot I stepped in, hit him and threw him, winding him on the floor. Then I mocked a finishing technique to ensure he knew he was beat.

He started *****ing and moaning about how that was unfair and not allowed and what kind of attack was that. He was really angry! :(

So what's fair about fighting? The only rules we'd agreed on were no gouges, bites, not too heavy on the contact. It was a really good match until then, we'd rung each other's bell once or twice, couple of clashed shins, so the contact level was ok with both of us.

Would you have been offended by what I did?

Mr Punch
08-05-2002, 10:51 PM
Ringing bells is an acceptible and expected level of contact or mistake.

Clashing shins is an acceptible and expected level of contact or mistake.

Stamping on someone's foot can really damage someone, and in this case was a premeditated (yet for him, unexpected) strategy.

Would I have been offended? No, I would have made a mental note to use/try out/watch out for the same thing in the future, and I would have graciously thanked you and said something like 'Good one'. Maybe if I thought it was a bit much I'd have said 'Good one, but chill out a bit, eh?!'.

Would I have moaned? No, but you'd have been wearing your foot home in your ass!!! :eek: :D

But then... I'm not him...

or was I...?!

08-05-2002, 10:57 PM
LOL! I'm pretty sure it wasn't you!

And when I say stamped on his foot, it wasn't really hard with my heel or anything. Certainly not enough to break any bones. Really I just stung his toes with the ball of my foot and made him hop back, lifting his leg up. He was kinda reaching for his foot out of automatic eaction because he totally didn't expect to get tagged there and I rushed in.

Sure, it was pre-meditated, but it's a valid strategy, no?

08-05-2002, 11:10 PM
I don't find what you did to be unfair. What is unfair is that fact that I bit 1/6th of my tounge off and I get called an ass for chasing after my cat for it.

08-05-2002, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by respectmankind
I don't find what you did to be unfair. What is unfair is that fact that I bit 1/6th of my tounge off and I get called an ass for chasing after my cat for it.

:confused: :eek:

08-05-2002, 11:19 PM
Not unfair - I used to step on my opponent's front foot, hold it there, then proceed to pound the christ out of them. If you are going to stick it out there, expect for it to be attacked.

08-05-2002, 11:20 PM
well, it all happened like this. i enjoy using my mouth on things. I bite toothpicks, slim fast cans, and what not. I have a really powerful jaw. anywho, i was biting some uncooked pasta, and i bit through it quicker than i thought would happen and i bit 1/6 of my tounge off. as blood filled my mouth and the pain surged through my body, i got mad, jumped up, and ran at my cat yelling crazy things. obviously it ran, and hid under a bed. anywho... some people i live with called me an *******, but i told them that if i am infaulable, which i am, then how could it be my fault. she was the nearest living creature, and it must have been her.

08-05-2002, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Not unfair - I used to step on my opponent's front foot, hold it there, then proceed to pound the christ out of them. If you are going to stick it out there, expect for it to be attacked.

Exactly what I told him!

08-05-2002, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by respectmankind
well, it all happened like this. i enjoy using my mouth on things. I bite toothpicks, slim fast cans, and what not. I have a really powerful jaw. anywho, i was biting some uncooked pasta, and i bit through it quicker than i thought would happen and i bit 1/6 of my tounge off. as blood filled my mouth and the pain surged through my body, i got mad, jumped up, and ran at my cat yelling crazy things. obviously it ran, and hid under a bed. anywho... some people i live with called me an *******, but i told them that if i am infaulable, which i am, then how could it be my fault. she was the nearest living creature, and it must have been her.

I've decided that you're kinda scary.

08-05-2002, 11:43 PM
haha.. thank you, i haven't laughed like that in awhile.

08-05-2002, 11:44 PM
You see! I rest my case! ;)

Mr Punch
08-05-2002, 11:48 PM
Oh yeah, forgot to say... definitely fair!

respectmankind: mad as cheese.

08-05-2002, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Mat
Oh yeah, forgot to say... definitely fair!

respectmankind: mad as cheese.


08-05-2002, 11:57 PM
took respectmankind to make 400 posts before you came to this conclusion? :confused:


08-06-2002, 12:10 AM
holy cow i hit 400? i am like jesus now. hmm.. i should say something to mark the occasion. why would you say that comment about me. you know, the one i could scroll down to see but won't and will simplu describe in quotation marks "something about 400 posts and you saying took you that long to come to that conlusion." ah well. anywho. 400 is cool.

08-06-2002, 12:16 AM
several reasons, but you can pick your favu:

1. i'm a boner and pull stuff like that out of nowhere

2. i'm in a lot of pain and want others to suffer with me

3. i need a haircut and am being pouty until i shave it again

4. i REALLY want kalamari, but it's 12:15 at night in a city with no greek quarter.

08-06-2002, 12:20 AM
good reasons. i choose the thing about food. i myself don't work out anymore, have lost about 10 pounds of muscle in 2 months and have gained about 20 of fat. and i eat much less. ah well.

08-06-2002, 12:26 AM
it's actually a combo of most.

i AM in lotsa pain (but i don't wish you any ill will).

i DO need a haircut (my hair is about 1/8-1/4" long -- i feel like a hippy)

i am pretty much a boner.

and kalamari would be so good right now.

Crimson Phoenix
08-06-2002, 02:53 AM
Serpent, definitely a good move, and if the guy is a clever MA he should remember the lesson...most of the guys are so obsessed with upper body target that they forget that they have lower limbs...in savate, you'd quickly learn to remember your legs after being kicked in the shin, or stepped on the feet repeatedly (yes, my old school instructor just LOVED to step on your foot to draw your attention there, or hinder your moves, so that he could pin you with his fists).
One thing I love about my gong fu style, is we do exactly the same!!!
Also, on a sidenote, many people forget that their own hands can become targets: I rumbled with a gong fu colleague who once repeatedly slammed my hands as often as he could when he had the chance, and trust me either it hurst, or it seriously slows your brain enough for him to follow up with a technique that will take you down.
Now, I am always very cautious about my extremities when I fight (same thing with knife sparring, so many guys just let their hands extended out like that...whoooop, there you go, a finger, a vein on the wrist!!!)

08-06-2002, 08:49 AM
Definetly fair. Heck, little kids do it to each other and adults all the time. I'm surprised more martial artists aren't expecting it.

08-06-2002, 05:03 PM

08-06-2002, 05:33 PM
Good job Serpent.

Unfair - no.
Unexpected - by most people.
Good move - yes.
Complain - he shouldn't have.
Learn - let's hope so.

Now, Serp, seeing your footwork is so quick, I challenge you to a game of hopscotch! You bring the chalk, I'll bring the stones. MWAHAHAHAH!! :D

08-06-2002, 06:45 PM

You will never be the equal of my hopscotch skills! Prepare to lose repeatedly!

(But I have to be home by 5 or mum will shout at me).