View Full Version : Stolen from the main forum.

Mr Punch
08-07-2002, 02:28 AM
What do you like about your style?

What do you dislike about your style?

Not many people from WC/WT etc answered this on the main board... I thought it would be interesting.

Please feel free to be candid about your own kungfu, your school or your lineage.

I'll start.

Likes: my school has a good feeling to it (dedicated and fun), has people from many different lineages, other martial backgrounds and of different body types; and is pretty hard training.

Dislikes: it is mostly big guy's kungfu (Hawaiian lineage) so it can be too hard and too fast. This makes it very difficult to train softly, giving regard to sensitivity and relaxation.

black and blue
08-07-2002, 03:01 AM
Likes: Classes and teaching is very street-ready. Very open to questions. Emphasis is always on keeping it simple and direct. Everyone, no matter how high their grade, is willing to give you a hand with your WC problems.

Dislikes: The odd person who, for some reason known only to God, comes to class and doesn't want to work hard... and I end up partnering them at some point of the training session. Waste of my time. Such people shouldn't be allowed through the door. I also sometimes question the speed with which our organisation is growing. Steady as she goes... this should be our motto.

08-07-2002, 03:57 AM
Hi all - a good question worth answering i think:

Positive: I am proud to be teaching for such a strong lineage (Ip Ching/ ip Chun - Samuel Kwok - Me) and am dedicated to passing on the exact Wing Chun taught to me by my sifu (and other sifus i have trained with), onto my students. The biggest reward is seeing the develpment of your students, not just in their WC, but also in their attitudes and personality. The friends you make are one of the biggest bonuses, as arethe experiences you share.

Negative: Rivalry and Politics. I have never been involved in a martial art that has so much politics and infighting. I think most of us have been political in the past (I have and i profoundly regret it) and there is simply no point. I will train with anyone from any lineage and learn fom them. I dont care if they whip me, or think my WC is below par. Iam training and teaching to the best of my ability, and am trying ti impart the same culture into my students.

The opening of the Ip Man tong would be the ideal opportunity to forget about politics and celebrate our art.

Best wishes, Stuart

08-07-2002, 08:10 PM
likes- I like learning wing chun because its complex and simple and easy and hard at the same time. and that I feel like I can always be growing in it. as for wing chun itself when i first started I thought it was a boring system, but now Its just got so much to it and some really devistating stuff to it that makes it keep my attention and interest. plus it works well for me cause im a small guy. what i like about my class is that we all work hard and its like a family. and that there is so much variety in the way people sparr that its always interesting.

dislikes-some of the stances are hard for me to do cause i have mild cerebral palsy. like its really hard for me to do yee jee kim yeung ma without shoes on, so its hard for me to develope root. and also some of the palm strikes are difficult. sometimes when my imagination gets the best of me or i see a good kung fu movie i sometimes wish wing chun was a little more flashy, but then i think about the cool really devistating moves. or the excitement of setting up a good trap. the one thing that i don't like about the class is that people aren't very consistent. we don't have a lot of people that stay longer than 2 years. but for a lot of people martial arts aren't a lifetime thing for them. oh well.