View Full Version : JKD Guy gets beat down in street fight

Ford Prefect
08-08-2002, 06:49 AM
Hi all,

I saw Ryu's thread about the MMA guy and saw somebody asking if anybody ever's heard about a JKD getting beat up on the street. Well, one of my roommates trained JKD and got it handed to him pretty badly. I know I posted this when it happenned last year, but I'll do it again for the sake of sharing. :)

This is going all off of what my roommate told me. I was in bed at 2am on Saturday night when I heard him screaming and slamming the door to our apartment. I went out to yell at him for waking me up, but his face looked like Sleth's from Goonies, so I asked what happenned. Turns out he was in a Store24 buying cigarettes and got into a verbal confrontation with they guy. (IMO, my roomy talks a bit too much tish and needed to get beat down anyway. He never grew out of our high school days) Anyway, he goes outside and the kid and his 2 friends are there waiting for him. More arguing pursues when the kid bull rushed my roommate. In a bad decision, he let himself get bowled over into the guard position. He says one of his buddies then came around and started stomping on his head. From there, they proceded to beat his arse.

That's about all there is to it. This is all coming from his mouth and I wouldn't be surprised if it was just one guy and he was trying to save face. He's been known to lie to make himself look better. It can happen to anybody of any style. Just train hard and train because you enjoy what you do.

Royal Dragon
08-08-2002, 07:30 AM
This story tells me your friend should be training more anti takedowns. A basic sprawl at least.

Ford Prefect
08-08-2002, 07:38 AM
He's not bad at them. We have mats in our basment and we were training quite often at the time this happenned. I trained with a Judo and a wrestling club to complement my BJJ, so I'm no slouch when it comes to takedowns, and he was able to neutralize the first attempt in a chain a decent amount of time. He definately could handle a drunken, sloppy bull rush. He just panicked (sp?) and made a bad decision.

SanShou Guru
08-08-2002, 08:42 AM
Hey Ford if you ever come back to our school bring your roomate. Sounds like it would be good for him.

Ford Prefect
08-08-2002, 09:24 AM
Haha! I'll try to drag him, but I haven't been succesful getting him to so much as an open mat at BBJJ when I was there. How's everything going? Marvin still kickin butt?

08-08-2002, 03:03 PM
"It can happen to anybody of any style. Just train hard and train because you enjoy what you do."


08-08-2002, 03:27 PM
Had a PANIC ATTACK and MULTIPLE OPPONENT scenario??? YIKES!!! Tough situation for your friend...not uncommon...like I saw last SAT. More scenario training please.

08-09-2002, 04:35 AM
Read this book, lots of interesting info on street fighting:


Nearly finished reading it, a very enlightening read.

08-09-2002, 05:59 AM
maybe he should have trained in keeping his mouth shut :D

Former castleva
08-09-2002, 10:39 AM
I agree with neptunesfall.
Did not Bruce Lee teach "Even though my smile may be slightly "****y" Iīm a great believer in respect,that is one of the core principles of JKD!".
Hahaha,well thatīs just my imagination:D :D ;) kidding.
Yep.He should have used one of basic martial principles,"respect" as mentioned earlier.
It could have saved him.:confused:

08-09-2002, 11:46 AM
I also got beat down training jkd. I think one prob is that people try to fight like bruce lee or are so "formless" that they have no structure to grow from.

In my fight I did a skipping front kick to the guys knee. It was supposed to drop any attacker...and it didn't

I went for groin shots, he moved to the side.

we hit each other in the forehead...fell over onto the ground. I punched the side of his butt. We got back up. I did that judo roll where you grab and roll backwards.....ken and ryu like in street fighter. I failed to get the mount and we were in the north south position....luckilly he didn't knee me in the head...we traded a few more hits...swore at each other and went home.

he was about 25 lbs bigger so its good that we tied I guess. But it was pathetic on both fronts. It didn't have the depth that I later got in kung fu.

08-09-2002, 12:06 PM
The fighting like Bruce thing you mentioned is dead on.

There is a lot in "JKD" that I don't feel is that effective for real fighting. A skipping hook kick to the inside of the thigh is one of them.... Some people in JKD tend to train so many things that they have no formula to actually deal with a real situation. You've got to have natural reactions that are "martial" in a fight.
It's possible for your brain to overload on too many techniques...

This, I guess, is why I do appreciate Paul V's approach. Even though I have a few qualms (sp?) about the straight blast, the core of the RAT whether standing or on the ground is pretty effective.
Yet even he does the pot shotting so to speak.

IN a full out fight..... you don't really see a lot of feints, light hook kicks to the shin, etc. That's "dueling." Things hit hard and collide fast. You've got to learn to deal with that bum rush. The hook kick to the groin won't stop it all the time :)


David Jamieson
08-09-2002, 02:43 PM
A fight lost is a lesson learned.

Your friend's training will likely change... as will his attitude likely.

He should be happy that he made it home.


08-10-2002, 02:32 PM
The fighting like Bruce thing you mentioned is dead on. I've met so many great JDK guys, I've also met so many brain dead JKD students, mostly trying to find a short cut by copying rather than trying to understand what is really going on. I agree with Stacy, "I think one prob is that people try to fight like bruce lee or are so "formless" that they have no structure to grow from."

Ryu good assesment, you went RAT, I went "traditional" (structured), for what seems to be the same reasons.
Lately in the JKD community I've also noticed a lot of reinventing the wheel and discovering secrets that most of us already knew.;)