View Full Version : humility in regard to your own sifu

08-08-2002, 01:19 PM
something i've noticed that is not all that uncommon is a lack of humility toward one's own sifu (or anyone beyond them)

i don't mean being proud of your sifu -- i wouldn't be where i'm at unless i was -- but touting your instructor in public, i think, is no different than touting yourself. all it does is call attention to something unique about you and/or your sifu, and as martial artists, should we avoid such attention-grabbing measures?

take WT20's recent antics. according to him, Keith Kernspecht can beat 20 guys up no problem, jump over tall buildings in a single bound, etc.

should a student brag about his instructor? honestly, if i was a sifu and had students bragging about me, i'd chastise them for it. no one should speak for me but me (and maybe my girlfriend, but that's another story), and i don't like bragging myself, much less would enjoy someone else doing it for me.

08-08-2002, 01:26 PM
amen. nothing to add.

08-08-2002, 01:57 PM

08-08-2002, 06:20 PM
Those who know do not speak.
Those who speak do not know.

08-08-2002, 06:23 PM
Oh Snap! Send this one over to the WC forum!

CD Lee
08-08-2002, 08:53 PM
I respect my Sifu a great deal. I hesitate to speak about him due to all the jerks around here. I know what the guy can do, and I don't need to convince anybody, nor do I have any desire to. When I hear bull, it is easy to identify...

I have also felt what happens to my spine, and the vortex inside when he performs applications on me, compared to others. Words cannot do this justice frankly.

CD Lee
08-08-2002, 08:55 PM
Just so you guys know...I do not mean to disrespect the good people of this board with integrity and sincerity. I am talking about the trolls and some of the more disrespectfull around here. There are some very decent people here on KFO, but also plenty of bullsh1t. THat is part of the fun.

Chang Style Novice
08-08-2002, 09:18 PM
My shifu can see through brick walls, turn water into dit da jow with a gesture, f@rts sarin gas or ck1 at his own discretion, shoots down flying saucers by spitting watermelon seeds, and wins the lottery every single drawing.

He also teaches me kung fu and tai chi, and as far as I can tell does a darn good job of it. Two years ago I knew almost nothing, now I have a pretty good idea of how much I don't know (I think) and have some small degree of kungfu, although my own poor workout habits and discipline have prevented me from progressing as fast as I might if I was a better person.

One of the preceding two paragraphs is true, the other is BS. You decide.

08-08-2002, 10:30 PM

i kept it off there because, even though WC seems to be the biggest offender here, it happens with every style.

besides, i am in the WT family, and keith kernspecht is my sipak, and i have the utmost respect for him, his organization and his ideals. he teaches good kung fu, cares for those in his family and those not in it, and generally is a good person.

but someone spoke of him like he's god, and i think that should be ended quickly. no one in my gm leung ting's family thinks that way of him or herself, my sigung included. and for that, i will vouch. arrogant men don't invite lowly to-suen like me to have sushi with him and my teacher (just us three) and shoot the bull. :) now that was an honor -- wushu chik knows how much of an idiot i was after that lunch with my sigung and sisok. and they wouldn't even let me pay!

mmmmm, sushi :)

08-09-2002, 05:53 AM
It's like a family really... someone always has to say 'my Dad is better than your dad' :)

RTB: sushi sounds great but i prefer Dim Sum (especially chicken feet and lai wong bao) :D


08-09-2002, 08:59 AM
the my dad is better than your dad thing is okay to a certain degree. however, what's really ****ty is when it escalates to the universally stupid, "my dad can beat up your dad."

notice one thing: this behavior is usually relegated to children -- either those by age or by mentality.

08-09-2002, 10:00 AM
Those who know do not speak.
Those who speak do not know.

so.. becasue you just said that, according to you..you dont know sh!t!

08-09-2002, 11:11 AM

I just browsed in here and figured I would add my 2 cents worth.

Respect of ones Sifu is a wonderful thing. Indeed we shoud all respect our Sifu as well as the other members of our lineage, both older and junior. This extends beyond our immediate group and can be expressed through the respect we show everyone else we come in contact with as well.

IMHO, part of that "respect" is not speaking for your Sifu unless you have been asked to specifically do so. While it is all well and good to share the positive experiences you have with your Sifu, it is improper to try to build him up while the possibility, even unitentionaly, exists to put a less than positive light on others. Each of us is respectful of our Sifu, I doubt many would be training with them otherwise. There is little need nor is there little benefit in trying to make your Sifu sound like he is the ultimate. It shows a lack of respect to both your Sifu, your lineage and other martial artists in general.

Just some thoughts take him for what they may be worth. Or not worth ;)

