View Full Version : Weight Lifting

08-08-2002, 05:49 PM
Is there a way that you can lift weights or something you can do before/after you lift weights to gain power without sacrificing speed?

08-08-2002, 05:53 PM
You just need to stretch before and after.

08-08-2002, 05:56 PM
So that's all you have to do? Thanks.

Oh yeah, what stretches would you recommend?

08-08-2002, 07:00 PM

08-08-2002, 07:06 PM
Dood just basic stretches...from TKD stretches and so forth. I'm really into weight lifting now.

08-09-2002, 04:42 AM
Aside from streches, there is a way to lift that is often called 'speed training' which is developing the muscles to be fast twitch. My memory is hazy on this subject, but I believe that all that is required to to lift with the same weight you use to build (6-12 rep program is the usual) but lift it as fast as you can. Obviously the exception is when control and form is sacraficed. Also, you can do certain exercises to gain and keep speed. One is (without weights) find some form (body form) and then practice for like 10-30 minutes as fast as you can, but returning back to that original position just as fast, and then repeat. You will not be doing it right if you are flailing everyone and not returning backl to what every form you started at.