View Full Version : Tai liu chuan fa ( Sigung Tallbear)

Sifu shawn
08-08-2002, 07:22 PM
I am a canadian disciple, of a rare southern chinese art known as Tai Liu Chuan Fa. It is an eagle and mantis system.
My instructor trained under Master Saul Tallbear. There is a lenghty history surrounding Tai Liu chuan fa.
First I am looking for those who have trained in Tai Liu, or have trained with GM Tallbear.
Second I am curious if the "Renagade Monk " I have seen on this site is the Same "Renagade Monk" that trained under GM Tallbear in the 1970's.
Third, does anyone know where GM Tallbear may be. I would like to get in touch with him. It is of some importance.

Sifu Shawn

08-08-2002, 07:40 PM
I read a article in a Magazine about this art called Tai liu chuan fa and about the Sifu you are looking for about 2 years ago .

08-08-2002, 08:27 PM
Sifu Shawn - If im not mistaken i believe Sifu Tallbear was in phx, az this past weekend. with a little work on my end i might be able to get you more information. send me an e-mail if you would like for me to pursue this for you.

Sifu shawn
08-08-2002, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the information. Do you recall which magazine? Did it leave any info to the best of your recollection about where he may now teach, if at all?

Sifu Shawn

08-08-2002, 08:40 PM
Let me look through my Magazines and i will give you an answer i think i know which Magazine the Sifus in let me get back to you on this .

08-08-2002, 08:48 PM
Sifu Shawn - he was here in phx this past weekend so he is srfinetly still teaching. im trying to find a # for you so you can get better contact information.

08-16-2002, 05:53 PM

Is this it?

08-16-2002, 07:08 PM
You found him thats the sifu thats him .

Sifu shawn
08-17-2002, 05:52 PM
Hey guys thanks,
I have been in contact with Sifu Bulldog before, and he was uncertain where Sigung Tallbear was.
Does anyone know if the phone # on that Site belongs to Sigung Tallbear.?
Sifu shawn

04-11-2006, 12:01 PM
I don't know if you have found Master Tallbear yet, but if not, I do know a little about him. I am new to this site and was researching Sifu Tallbear when I ran across your post. Sifu Tallbear is living in Las Vegas, but right now he is working on airplanes in Catalina, Calif. We stay in touch and when he is back in Vegas he is at our house several times a week. My husband studied under him and they have been close friends for over 25 years. He is doing well and as I said, we see him often and talk on the phone every other day or so. Should you wish to contact me, you may do so by emailing me at gid2get@yahoo.com.

Mantis Fist
04-13-2006, 11:59 PM
go to groups.msn.com/TaiLiuChuanFaSouthernChineseTempleBoxing
why is there belts?

05-11-2006, 10:59 AM
Well Sifu is a personal freind of mine that is now teaching in Utah, if you would like me to let him know you are looking for him just give me your information and I will forward it to him. rockvegasnv@yahoo.com is my email I talk to him every week. I have grown up learning from him for years, he is like my father. He is still the best!

Sifu La San
05-12-2006, 08:04 PM
Ther renigademonk was a dear freind of mine his name was Sifu Hone... i regret to Say he past away a couple of years ago...

He was a good man There will be a new web sight on Tai Liu Chuan Fa the Adress well be www.tallbearstailiuchuanfa.com another site is tai liu chuan fa southern chinese temple boxing the later was is a msn Group.

and there are belts because Sigung wanted to use belts there are also Sashes

black sash = white >2nd Black, Black Sash with red tassles = 2nd >3rd black,
red sash Gold tassles = 4th>5th black ,Gold Sash white tassles = 6th & 7th
Black or somthing real simular

Be well all
Sifu Monte La San
P.S The Teli net site no longer is there

05-16-2006, 06:41 PM
hmmm this style has a form with a very short machete/sword?