View Full Version : UK Students going to China for Ip Man Museum !

08-09-2002, 02:39 AM
Hi all,

Just wondering how many UK students and teachers are going to the opening of the Ip Man Tong opening on the 9th of November?

I am going with two of my students and we'll probably fly from London or Bristol as were based in Wales, Just wondering if any of you were interested in travelling on the same flight?? Be nice to share the journey and exchange experiences on the way.

I'll be looking to arrange the flight in early October time. If anyone is interested, please e-mail me at welshwingchun@yahoo.co.uk

Regards, Stuart

Dave Farmer
08-09-2002, 07:02 AM
Hi Stu.

I plan to attend with my own sifu, plus a round 10 others.

Still finalising the travel dates but hoping to take in some other sights including shanghai while we're there.

Look forward to seeing you and Kwok Sifu.


Dave F

08-09-2002, 12:11 PM
Hi Dave - nice ti hear from you. I take it you are going with Si-Fu Desir ? Be nice to meet you all.

By the way, hows your website coming on ??

Regards, Stuart

Dave Farmer
08-09-2002, 02:06 PM
Hi stu

Yeah, I'm gonna chat with him tommorrow about it.

The website hasn't got too far!!!

Work gets in the way of my real job ;) !

