View Full Version : INVITATION to a Bay Area WC picnic

08-09-2002, 11:42 AM
Hello all WC practitioners!

Sifu Ken Chung and Sifu Ben Der's schools are having their annual WC picnic and we would like to invite more people from different WC schools to come and enjoy a day of great BBQ, great fun, meet new friends and if your spirit moves you some WC!

The key here is to have fun. There is no ego and no challenge. If you just want to come and enjoy some great BBQ, GREAT! If you want to come and meet new friends, GREAT! And if you want to come and meet Sifu Ken and Sifu Ben, GREAT!


Date: 24 Aug 2002
Time: 10:00am-3:00pm
Place: Cupertino
Cost: $10 per adult and $5 per child

If you are interested please contact either myself or John Weiland (imjlshaw@yahoo.com or john_weiland@sbcglobal.net).

JL Shaw

08-09-2002, 11:59 AM

How can you post something positive which transcends boundaries of lineage????? Perhaps there is hope for us all yet :p

I wish you all the best and wish I were closer and able to attend. Of course if you want to fly me out...............................



John Weiland
08-09-2002, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Sihing73

How can you post something positive which transcends boundaries of lineage????? Perhaps there is hope for us all yet :p

I wish you all the best and wish I were closer and able to attend. Of course if you want to fly me out...............................


Hi Dave,

Likely you can hitch a ride with someone from the Minneapolis contingent. :) How about it guys? Got room for Dave?


08-09-2002, 04:16 PM

08-09-2002, 07:00 PM
> How can you post something positive which transcends
> boundaries of lineage????? Perhaps there is hope for us all yet

LOL, despite an isolated hornblower, all the people from Ken Chung's lineage that I have met and worked out with are wonderful, reasonable people.

Our school plans on sending some people down (though we might bail early because of Kungfu Qigong's free KF demonstration nearby!).


08-12-2002, 02:04 PM

You would be welcomed any time if you find yourself in this neck of the woods. Just drop me a note first.


You too are welcome to come. If you are serious in attending, please send me an email directly. I rarely log on to read messages.

All the best to everyone!


08-12-2002, 05:50 PM

First of all thanks for making me feel welcome. I know you are really just trying to ambush me :D

Seriously, since I am hosting my Sifu for a seminar in the Philly area on August 24th, I must beg off. I do not think my sifu would appreciate him coming to the new school and me not being there, of course he might be happy to see less of me :p

For those in Kens lineage I will be attending another event later which should provide me ample opportunity to partake of the fruits of your lineages generousity. I am sure it will be time well spent.

I wish you all the best and hope to make it out that way one day.



08-12-2002, 11:20 PM
Hi Sihing73,

You may have misundertood me. I understand the 24 Aug is not a good time for you to be here in the Bay Area. I.e. no transportation and now of course other demands on your time. But the invitation is open to any time you happen to be in the area. I or Ken's lineage is not looking to sucker anyone.

I understand there is someone that purports a fantastical enlightenment, but that is soley a personal journey. ;) It is not guarenteed nor is it part of the ambush plan... :D

Seriously, you and anyone else who just wants to come and meet us are always welcome. WC is bigger then just us. Besides you might just be able to refute all these cult-ish claims and set the record straight. :D

All the best!


John Weiland
08-18-2002, 03:21 PM
So far more than 60 folks have committed to attend. We have reserved facilities for up to 80, so it's not too late to decide to RSVP.

John Weiland

Originally posted by imjlshaw
Hello all WC practitioners!

Sifu Ken Chung and Sifu Ben Der's schools are having their annual WC picnic and we would like to invite more people from different WC schools to come and enjoy a day of great BBQ, great fun, meet new friends and if your spirit moves you some WC!

The key here is to have fun. There is no ego and no challenge. If you just want to come and enjoy some great BBQ, GREAT! If you want to come and meet new friends, GREAT! And if you want to come and meet Sifu Ken and Sifu Ben, GREAT!


Date: 24 Aug 2002
Time: 10:00am-3:00pm
Place: Cupertino
Cost: $10 per adult and $5 per child

If you are interested please contact either myself or John Weiland (imjlshaw@yahoo.com or john_weiland2000@yahoo.com).

JL Shaw

John Weiland
08-20-2002, 12:58 AM
If you're attending the picnic, bring your kung fu slippers so we can compare the signs of wear and settle this footwork issue. :)

Originally posted by John Weiland
So far more than 60 folks have committed to attend. We have reserved facilities for up to 80, so it's not too late to decide to RSVP.

Re: INVITATION to a Bay Area WC picnic
So far more than 60 folks have committed to attend. We have reserved facilities for up to 80, so it's not too late to decide to RSVP.

John Weiland

Originally posted by imjlshaw
Hello all WC practitioners!

Sifu Ken Chung and Sifu Ben Der's schools are having their annual WC picnic and we would like to invite more people from different WC schools to come and enjoy a day of great BBQ, great fun, meet new friends and if your spirit moves you some WC!

The key here is to have fun. There is no ego and no challenge. If you just want to come and enjoy some great BBQ, GREAT! If you want to come and meet new friends, GREAT! And if you want to come and meet Sifu Ken and Sifu Ben, GREAT!


Date: 24 Aug 2002
Time: 10:00am-3:00pm
Place: Cupertino
Cost: $10 per adult and $5 per child

If you are interested please contact either myself or John Weiland (imjlshaw@yahoo.com or john_weiland2000@yahoo.com).

JL Shaw

08-20-2002, 11:17 AM
John, you are such a joker. The picnic place really doesn't have much flat surfaces to use the Kung Fu shoes except the parking lot.

I'd suggest wearing comfortable shoes and T-shirt and shorts if the weather is hot enough.

BTW John, do you know if any of Carl's people are coming? Like r5a?



08-20-2002, 12:04 PM
imjlshaw, unfortunately I myself will not be attending. It sound slike a good time and I love a bbq. I am hoping to attend the summer camp however in the spring and hope to see most of you there!

08-20-2002, 12:31 PM
imjlshaw....hope to see most of you there!

Hmm.... Didn't know I had gained that much weight. :p

Seriously, guess our picnic will have to do without your enthusiastic report and rely on us less enthusiastic mortals.

See you at camp next year (assuming we have camp next year)!

All the best!


08-20-2002, 12:48 PM
WHAT?! There better be a camp next year!

I've missed the previous ones and have commited myself to going this year!!!

John Weiland
08-20-2002, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by gnugear
WHAT?! There better be a camp next year!

I've missed the previous ones and have commited myself to going this year!!! Hi Gnu,

Are you volunteering to organize it? :)


Isn't there a large flat space over by the "bubbling well?"


John Weiland
08-21-2002, 10:11 PM
We can still accomodate a few more at the Bay Area Wing Chun picnic. It's a great way to enjoy a morning and afternoon with great people and the intimate presence of Wing Chun greatness in Ken Chung and Ben Der.

Hope some more can make it.

If you are interested please click here to email me (john_weiland@sbcglobal.net).


08-22-2002, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by John Weiland
[B]We can still accomodate a few more at the Bay Area Wing Chun picnic. It's a great way to enjoy a morning and afternoon with great people and the intimate presence of Wing Chun greatness in Ken Chung and Ben Der.

I don't know about the Picnic, but that apparent Camp in the spring now appears to be a must see item....:D

And, in a tangential moment, according to the rumor mill, John, apparently you had trouble distinquishing meat from mushroom at one such camp. Okay, so it was dark and ShangChi was flying under false colors. But, it WAS done (as in, cooked, as opposed to , say, accomplished).

Just want to know if you guys posted this invitation over, well, you know where.... :( Guess I could go check it out, huh. Nevermind. I'll get the answer to this one myself.

Sounds like fun. Enjoy.

John Weiland
08-22-2002, 06:21 PM
Hi Rev,

Originally posted by RevTemerity

I don't know about the Picnic, but that apparent Camp in the spring now appears to be a must see item....:D

And, in a tangential moment, according to the rumor mill, John, apparently you had trouble distinquishing meat from mushroom at one such camp. Okay, so it was dark and ShangChi was flying under false colors. But, it WAS done (as in, cooked, as opposed to , say, accomplished).

It was really, really dark. ;) Shang Chi was cooking both. But, you don't want to bite into a disguised portabella shroom thinking it's hamburger. The texture just isn't right. I thought it was a raw hamburger. Just a little senior moment, really.... That was three years ago. I've learned not to turn my back on Shang Chi when he's cooking. :) :) :)

Just want to know if you guys posted this invitation over, well, you know where.... :( Guess I could go check it out, huh. Nevermind. I'll get the answer to this one myself.

Wherever there is, feel free to post it. We like visitors. ;) The more the merrier. I expect everyone will join in and be open minded about experiencing each other's chi sao.

Sounds like fun. Enjoy.
It will be fun. I'll report on it later. :)

08-26-2002, 03:20 PM
Strangely Sat morning the weather had a slight bite, but as the day went on the sun came through and warmed everything up nicely.

At first everyone was broken up into different crowds with the majority around the cooking tables hovering or helping out to prepare the food. It didn't take long before there was food to eat and people moved on to eating, laughing, catching up and making new friends.

As usual Ken draw a large crowd around him and he was demo'ing on whomever was interested. Many were suprised at the substantial "soft energy". Someone also mentioned that Ken's hands were always a whole move ahead.

As the BBQed food began to get cooked and served, people were devouring everything in sight! As far as I can tell there was little chattering as BBQed chicken, then BBQed Salmon, then various sausages, etc. were served one after another! Fresh salsa, fresh pineapple and an extremely sweet watermelon with various vegetables and a cooked veggie dish augmented all the meat dishes.

After the bulk of the food was gone people moved on to chi sao. Different students from different schools all mixed without any problems. As far as I can tell people were all having a grand time.

In the end there were over 90 people that were at the picnic, with 13-15 people from John Kang's school with a bunch of various people ranging from Chris Chan's school to Dr. Khoe's in Vancouver B.C. The rest of the people came from various branches of Ken and Ben's schools. E.g. Eddie Oshin's (Stanford University), Patrick Au (S.F.) and various others I'm sure I've missed.

I can only report that everyone I spoke with had a good time. I'm hoping others will write in to tell everyone what their thoughts and impressions were.


08-26-2002, 03:32 PM
Sounds like a real fun picnic. Best wishes,
joy chaudhuri