View Full Version : wing chun growth and geography

08-09-2002, 11:59 AM
where in the world do you find wing chun to be very popular and successful? hong kong is the obvious answer, but where else?

for example, i know germany is huge on wing chun, much because of keith kernspecht. and i know vancouver, british columbia is pretty stout in martial arts in general (with many WC schools) because canada has much more lax immigration requirements, and there's pretty much a constant flow of fresh hong kong chinese stepping off the boat.

but where else in the world do you find large followings of wing chun students, and are they of one particular lineage in that area?

Alpha Dog
08-09-2002, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
i know vancouver, british columbia is pretty stout in martial arts in general (with many WC schools) because canada has much more lax immigration requirements, and there's pretty much a constant flow of fresh hong kong chinese stepping off the boat.

Actually we are kinda tough with the ones who arrive by boat. Most arrive by plane, legally.

You wanna see a mecca for Wing Chun in Ontario, Canada? Check out Hoggs Falls.

08-09-2002, 11:42 PM
There are many Wing Chun Kwoons in Australia from many lines.Australia is a very large country with 6 states and 1 territory.In Western Australia the longest running Wing Chun kwoon is Roger Smart sifus.He has been teaching Wing Chun in Perth for 27 years.His line is Lon Gi of Foshan(yip man).Dr A leeof the Ng chung so line Roger Smarts first Wing Chun sifu in 1970.

08-10-2002, 06:43 AM
The USA has lots of wing chun. Unevenly so as in other countries as well. Augustine Fong in Arizona from 1969. Leung Ting began in Arizona witha an ex Fong student. Moy Yat folks in NY and elsewhere. Ho Kam Ming folks -Fong in Tucson, Buddy Wu in Cleveland. Ho Kam Ming has retired in Canada. Big contingent of Wing Chun folks in LA (past HQ for WT, currently for TWC etc) Hawkins' Cheung's folks, Kenneth Chung's folks in SF, Jason lau in Atlanta, YKS folks in California and elsewhere. Pan nam folks in california. Practically every major city has wing chun and practically every lineage is here in the US. The good ,the bad and the ugly---its here. Top flight wing chun in the US is as good as what is left in HK....due to the diaspora.