View Full Version : Something I'M really tired of hearing about!!!

08-10-2002, 02:15 AM
Kung Fu... what the HELL is kung fu anyways... all of you people practice hard work? Explain this to me cause i dont get it at ALL. Nowadays everyone wants to do MMA and Kung Fu and what not. Everyone frowns down on arts like karate, TKD, or even worst WUSHU.

You people need to get something straight. Wushu is the origin of EVERY DANM THING YOU'RE LEARNING and anyone who downs it shoundt even practice martia- arts altogether. Even tho its been modernized more as a sport lately it doesnt change the fact that wushu itself changed... i hear all the time that wushu practitioners only train competition styles and dont practice real things... BULL F***ING SH!T. MOST people who do it know more then wushu and are more then likely able to hold themselves againts anyone comming at them. The training is harder, the hours longer and how often do you see someone out of shape doing it... be realistic and leave your jealousy aside. Theres guys are top shape. If they can kick that fast in a form... what the hell stops them from kicking your head off that fast in a FIGHT. Get real and wake up. Wushu is the mother or all you know or dream wanna know martial arts wise... My teacher does wushu and he can beat any traditionalists in the province... funny how none of them contradicted him.

anyways this is just my opinion i guess... then again... its the facts... just wanted to say it out loud cause its people like that who are getting my teacher depressed about how martial arts are turning and making him reconsider them altogether.. get it right.


Former castleva
08-10-2002, 02:59 AM
...and wushu=kung-fu.
Different word,same meaning-CMA.
It can be called wushu or kung-fu,all the same (I donīt know about those athlete wushu stuff though,not familiar with it)
Tai chi chuan may not very often be called "tai chi kung-fu" just like few remove the "kung-fu" from wing chun...
They are both CMA,and thatīs it.
My couple of cents.

08-10-2002, 03:28 AM
I kind of think your right about all this.

Kung Fu is the wrong term but as the term Wu Shu has been hi-jacked by a load of dancers who could'nt fight their way out of their pink underwear we can no longer use that term either.

08-10-2002, 07:06 AM
Next thing you know, some jerks will co-opt the word "gay." :(

08-10-2002, 08:03 AM
Ok for one thing I prefer wu yi instead of wu shu. Wu shu just means martial skill wheile wu yi [sp?] means martial art.

Tiger_Yin let me explain why I ,not other people, dislike modern wu shu.

Well during the cultural revolution the government sent my grandmaster and his family to prison just because he knew kung fu/kuoshu/wu shu/whatever. Many martial artists were tortured,killed, or commited suicide. Now after most of the traiditionalists leave they come out with a watered down commie kung fu version telling us traditionalists that the " wu shu seen in hong kong and other parts are a degenerative form of wu shu". My friend gots this on on tape and it's a documentary made by the PROC.

The training is harder, the hours longer and how often do you see someone out of shape doing it... be realistic and leave your jealousy aside.

Hmm so you say. Two of my friends who joined wu shu told me that the training wasn't as hard as they did in their previous traditional school,only differnece is that they do more running. I know some schools that train just as hard. Hmmph just because you train in modern wu shu doesn't mean you train harder.

If they can kick that fast in a form... what the hell stops them from kicking your head off that fast in a FIGHT.

1) Ok well a resisting opponent who is used to not just kicking the air and is well conditioned.

2) Like some crazed bald headed mma bjj pure lineage holder nhb good grappler(tm) freak who just wants ground and pound you.

Wushu is the mother or all you know or dream wanna know martial arts wise...

It is the mother of most Asian styles but there are many that predate it around the globe.

My teacher does wushu and he can beat any traditionalists in the province...

Who is this shi fu of yours and what province is he in? How do you know this is true? What traditionalist did he fight and of what styles?

anyways this is just my opinion i guess... then again... its the facts... just wanted to say it out loud cause its people like that who are getting my teacher depressed about how martial arts are turning and making him reconsider them altogether.. get it right.

Tis sad but true. There will always be good and bad people in this world.

08-10-2002, 08:34 AM
Thanks Northern mantis. I prefer the term Wuyi also. My teacher escaped the cultural revolution in'69 by being nailed in a tea crate in Guangdong, put on a train to Hong Kong,and jumping a British freighter to the U.S. Perhaps I'm biased, but I'm suspicious of anything the government of PROC does.

08-10-2002, 09:28 AM
Now you guys know how us TKD peeps feel. Have fun once it hit's the Olympics.:D

08-10-2002, 10:15 AM
Hey Gohuen-

When it comes to the PROC it's the same here. Their in it just for the money.

However on modern wu shus defence I have to say that they have some very cute girls due to how healthy they are.:D

lol @ rogue

08-11-2002, 12:54 AM
TKD also has some real cute gals ;) (in my limited experience anyway)


Also in my Qigong history, during the revolution some BAD things happened to my Tai Sigong. I'm really amazed at the strength, courage and fortitude that people who survived those times had...

Of course i respect PRC Wushu as a great skill and for what it is and does, but that's it. I'm more interested in the skills i am learning now :)


The Willow Sword
08-11-2002, 12:02 PM
i will admit that i have bashed wushu in the past, and i apologize for that. i guess the reasons why it gets bashed alot is because we see alot of flashy moves and acrobatica and ariel stuff that we just cannot concieve of being effective in a survival situation.
ALSO the PRC modernized Wushu for competition and those of us feel that the traditional forms and fighting was watered down by the communist gov. being a hsing i and pakua guy i tend to stay rooted to the ground rather than jump around and do high flying kicks. just my preference. i dont doubt the training these wushu artists do,,, they are in tip top shape,,and need to be in order to do all those acrobatics,,,hahah they are in better shape than me. but anyway,,,,,thats my 2 cents worth.
if it works for you ,,and you love to do it,,then more power to you.

Many Respects,,,The Willow Sword

08-11-2002, 12:16 PM
i was sure all the replys to this would be "*****ing" and the likes... glad to see theres still some mature people on here :)


Heres what i was reffering too... someone said they couldnt fight there way out of there underwear :| THATS what i disagree with. Yes i train Wushu, and i seem to be able to fight pretty good. Maybe some schools train only the jumping stuff but where i am we do Wushu... real Wushu. Traditional, qiqong, Taiji...

And i always thought Kungfu meant Hard work or good skill :D

As for my teacher his name is Yannick and we live in Quebec, Canada and i pity the guy who takes a shot at him :D;)


08-11-2002, 04:58 PM
"You people need to get something straight. Wushu is the origin of EVERY DANM THING YOU'RE LEARNING and anyone who downs it shoundt even practice martia- arts altogether."

Not true. So if I was studying greco roman wrestling( martial arts )...this was somehow related to WUSHU???