View Full Version : UK Wooden Dummies

08-12-2002, 05:46 AM
Hi all,

Have any of you (UK people) bought a jong from a company called Pagoda ( www.woodendummies.co.uk) ??

They look very nice and all the angles and design look good. I have a dummy in my class but am looking for a nice one for my new house.

Nat - you bought one recently - any advice??

Could make one, but had enough hassle making the existing one.

All advice most welcome.

Cheers, Stuart

08-12-2002, 10:43 AM
I dunno dude the arms look kinda droopy (http://www.woodendummies.co.uk/images/New%20Dummy%20Picture.jpg)(ie. not parallel to the ground).

Hmm. Could just be that one, however. Looks kind of expensive, too, at least going by the US price they give.


Dave Farmer
08-13-2002, 06:16 AM
Hi stuart.

Sifu Desir has seen one of the pagoda Dummies and also the metal Knives they produce an he tells me they are excellent.

I made the mistake of buying a Hayashi Jong. The arms are poor, the leg terrible and the frame it hangs on is so solid it is totally non responsive, more like a ground buried Jong.
The worst thing (which you don't see on the ad) is that it has 'Hayashi' carved into it at head level in big letters. Nasty.

A friend bought a 'Shaolin way' jong which was very reasonable in price and has a nice traditional 'branch' type leg, but the single piece trunk has cracked terribly and we had to band it with steel wraps top and bottom.

Also the Immortal plastic dummy. IMHO not all that cheap unless you buy the free standing one, which is a bit unstable.
Call me old fashioned, but I can't have a jong that isn't wood.

I'm investing in a Pagoda Jong myself next year.


Dave F.

08-13-2002, 06:40 AM
Cheers Dave - youve convinced me. Im gonna call them for info and i certainly respect Sifu Desirs viewpoint.

Like yourself, I cant handle the plastic ones - you just dont get the same response.

Hope to see you at Ip Man Tong in China !


Nat from UK
08-14-2002, 05:26 AM
Good Memory,

I bought mine from a guy called Martyn Dyson in Manchester, he trains with Billy Davidson under Sam Kwok.

Nice guy and his dummies rock. He can custom make them for you from different types of wood if you like. Mine is Elm with a french oak leg.

I am getting all emotional sitting at work thinking about it, all alone in the garage in the dark, no one to play on it.

I will try and find his details, his Web site was something like Forever-Springtime.co.uk. I have his mobile number somewhere but you may be able to contact him through billy.

Good luck with your seach I looked at some real sh1t. And don't get me started on Poles !!!!

Nat From UK

PS the knifes from Pagoda are nice, I have had a pair off them.

08-14-2002, 05:32 AM
Hi Nat,

Your e-mail was timed perfectly. Ive just spoken to the guy who owns pagoda and he knows his stuff and the price s wicked. Ive also had a number of recommendations from him. Buying one in September.

Ive heard of Martin through Sifu. Glad youre dummy is pucker - email me some photos, id love to see it!! Ill email you pics of the one i made - not perfect but does the job !!

Cheers, speak soon !


Nat from UK
08-19-2002, 05:16 AM
Not got the dummy mounted yet.

The deal was I could buy the dummy but could not hang it until I had finished all of the decorating :rolleyes:

Women, no sense of priority.

But I am on the home straight so hope to have the dummy hung by the end of August. Will post pictures as soon as it is up.

Nat from UK

hakka mui
08-20-2002, 05:04 AM
Nat from UK, hi

could you provide the contact details for Martyn Dyson in Manchester, please.

I tried the website address that you posted but it is unobtainable.


hakka mui

Nat from UK
08-21-2002, 05:11 AM
I think it is www.forever-springtime.freeserve.co.uk/

Nat from UK