View Full Version : San Diego, CA

Jim Roselando
08-12-2002, 12:17 PM

I student of mine will be relocating to San Diego in a few weeks. Mike has been training martial arts for a while now and has a fair ammount of Pin Sun Wing Chun knowledge he wishes to practice while in CA.. Mike will be coming back to Boston a few times per year to continue the learning of this art but for now will be looking for a few people who want to learn this art so that he may train with them and help spread our art.

Some of Mike's Martial Art experience is 5 years of Arnis and Wing Chun with Alex Lavoud. Alex is a student of Remy Presas and former student of Henry Mui. Mike spent the last two years training Pin Sun Wing Chun with me and is a nice person who is a student of Acupuncture and door man at night. Being a door man he has had the opportunity to use his martial art in the real world which is not often found now a days. Sifu Mui and I both allow Mike to help instruct and if anyone is interested in learning Pin Sun Wing Chun please feel free to contact me. Please note that this will only be private training and we are looking for no more than 2-3 nice guys.

E-mail me @ Pinsunwck@aol.com

I appreciate all interest and look forward to hearing from you!
