View Full Version : Apology.

Richard mantis
08-24-2001, 04:43 PM
I would like to apologize to Buch and to Steve Richards for anything I said that may have offended them.

The problem is in leaving posts, there is no inflection, no "feeling". It's just black and white letters. Posting messages can sound cold when you cannot hear the tone of a persons voice.

Steve I know you said it was not necessary but as a friend an apology is easy for me to put fourth.

Congratulations on your new disciple in Lee Wing Sing Pai {I am not sure they want thier name mentioned here so please let them know I wish then well}.

Buch. Sorry man.


Steven T. Richards
08-24-2001, 05:18 PM

You are right on point, this 'virtual' world is no place to communicate fully within - as human beings.

For what its worth I think that you have shown courage in presenting your positions and your subsequent actions and posts.

I know that your position is sensitive and that your loyalty must be to your Pai and its immediate needs - I do and will always support that in deep respect. Still, the above shows what could have been if we had kept it (the Foundation)going.

I for one won't give up on it, and I'm sure that it can re-form. On the other thread I've suggested some ways that may help it consolodate and also to take away any suggestion that it may be managed in any individuals or groups interest.

It's open knowledge now, so there is nothing to be gained by any of us acting or debating in secret/privately. Those who wish the art harm are the only ones who have anything to fear.

Whatever Rich, you retain my respect and friendship... as ever...


Shawn Pecks
08-24-2001, 06:43 PM

Dont worry about it, no harm done. I understand what you and you group was trying to do and I think it was a good idea. The Jook Lum people have been all over this board in the past and it got pretty bad for a while. There was much that was said, that didnt have to be. As i understand your foundation was about people getting together to unite the SPM people and not looking for someone to be the leader of the group, or style. This was good. I was worrying about you guys for a while. After all you have much of the same root. Family stuff gets the worst. The problems arrive when someone tells the other guy what his teacher is teaching, is not correct and they have the only way. This is common in most systems. I think it is why some systems only teach one way. You no? You start here and you finish here. Everyone looks like robots, but the only difference is in the build of the practicioner. You cant dispute on the method, only the skill. But in true arts, it cant be taught like this. Everyone has to have there own way. But the root is always the same. Most of the high skilled people understand this, its only the misunformed that have a problem. All you need is some guy starting this, "he's wrong rubish" and the system is in trouble. You guys have the opportunity to end this, you can move on. Maybe do something that your teachers couldnt do. At least you are talking, thats a step in the right direction. The ones that dont want to talk, let them alone, knowone needs them anyway. And as soon as some guy starts with this is the way the master done it crap, the whole group should take him to task. Keep the trouble makers out of the group, they dont do anyone any good. Let them go off on there own. They are the ones missing out, not you. Time comes around your group will be the one to be strong. Because you have taken the time to learn. The trouble makers can claim what they want, but they are the ones that will not learn new things. They will stay the same. And please? Dont just learn from people who are doing it the same as yourself. There is much to learn from anothers hand. I think you have made another step in the right direction. Just think you are talking about it again, and you not doing it in secrete. Let the world no. Its nothing to be ashamed of.


Steven T. Richards
08-24-2001, 07:43 PM

They are wise words. I didn't realise (being new to this board) that some Jook-Lum people had been 'all over it'. That's a great shame. I hope sincerely that something positive can develop, and as far as I am concerned I'd be very happy to accept contributions from people such as your good self.