08-15-2002, 11:00 PM
what do you guys think???????????
in my opinion it accomplishes what CHI SAU does as far sesitivity and experiencing the feeling of having no distinction between you and your apponent i know there are fighting applications in CAP. but i always watch it and wonder what a WC person would do against the footwork and trikery mixed with the same sensitivity of a good WING CHUNER i thought i'd throw that out there for those more experienced WC folks
i hope to get a good response because it's a question that i've been asking myself for a while


08-15-2002, 11:09 PM
Cut them off and kill them.

The jinga uses rythym and timing to range in and out against an opponent.

As against other systems for Wing Chun it is about range and when to close the gap, engage and destroy.

If you don't and let them control the range and GIVE THEM the space they need for the transitions to the acrobatics you'll be eating feet and fists.

And of course you'd need to be merciless about attacking the supporting arm or leg if they go "acrobatic" on you.

08-16-2002, 05:29 AM
I don't know much about the art but the couple of guys I've played with had no close range combat skills and seemed to be at a loss when I stayed out of range and waited for an opening to move in and start kicking. FWIW.:)

Mr. Bao
08-16-2002, 07:36 AM

I am not an expert but I think I have some common sense. Your question of Cap Vs WC is very typical in the sense that sincere and faithful students of a particular method will believe that their style or tactics will do this when they (the other style) will do that. In the end of the day, unless a WC artist have fought with a Cap, it is a matter of perception and conjecture.

To be honest, it is not the style that will beat person but the level of the skill of an artist. If a Cap player is very skilled in his game he/ she will and can cause serious damage to the WC artist and that goes the same for the WC artist. Who will win? Too many factors to consider without enough information. Without concrete facts in this regard will only beg the question and create circular arguments that bares no fruits. Hence, waste of time and energy.

Don't believe what people say they will do but found out yourself is my advice.


08-16-2002, 11:04 AM
thanks guys i got a little somthyn out of your suggestions....
what i do is i go to the CAP CAFE on ADDISON st [berkeley] and i watch the CAPplayers and imagine what a good WC guy would do in my opinion i think sparring a CAP guy would be a good way to test unpredictability n sesitivity i don't know i'd like to learn the JINGA and apply it to WC [wonder if that's possible] but that won't happen till i get my WC down

thank you for widom



old jong
08-16-2002, 02:51 PM
Just put on a polka record and mess his rythme!...;)

08-16-2002, 03:24 PM
Personally, i think CAP looks good in the movies, but i don't think it will work in real life.

08-16-2002, 03:47 PM
Looks good in Tekken as well, but I wouldn't want to rely on it.

Jeff Preston
08-16-2002, 11:33 PM
Mr. Bao great observation

There is not a W.C. guy in Tekken is there?

08-17-2002, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by old jong
Just put on a polka record and mess his rythme!...;) Old Jong, I'd like to see that. :D You're one tricky guy.


old jong
08-17-2002, 05:33 AM
....Now try to imagine capoira on that music!... (http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/Sounds/RooCust.wav)It would becomes totally useless!... ;)
Don't leave home without it!... :)

08-17-2002, 12:48 PM
If you just stand there--- any one can beat you with anything ...
when you are inattentive.

John Weiland
08-21-2002, 10:05 PM
There is a reputable Capoeira school in San Jose. I've met a number of their students and one teacher who also trained in Wing Chun. The athletic abilities required and developed by Capoeira appeal to youngsters and children more than Wing Chun's patient development does. Their teaching approach is cooperative partnering, similar in concept to chi sao with a friend.

As far as a comparison of the arts, I don't see Capoeira as being an effective threat against Wing Chun.

John Weiland
08-21-2002, 10:05 PM
There is a reputable Capoeira school in San Jose. I've met a number of their students and one teacher who also trained in Wing Chun. The athletic abilities required and developed by Capoeira appeal to youngsters and children more than Wing Chun's patient development does. Their teaching approach is cooperative partnering, similar in concept to chi sao with a friend.

As far as a comparison of the arts, I don't see Capoeira as being an effective threat against Wing Chun.

08-22-2002, 12:59 AM
Capoeira has alot of headbut techniques, proceeded and/or followed by elbows. there is deadly close range potential. a while before my VT training i was defeated handily by a capoierista of only a few years.
Early in my VT training I had a not serious encounter with another practitioner in a parking lot outside a party, he felt like showing off. I stuck to him and jammed him up, so the sensitivity worked for me pretty well.
Its a really tricky, really serious art.

08-22-2002, 04:25 AM
There seem to be some misconceptions about Cap. First the jinga is not for fighting it is for training and has cultural and religous meanings. Cap players are on average stronger and in much better shape than the average WC person due to their training.

Most WC people will have a bad time if they fight a real Cap fighter as opposed to one that just does jingas.

To beat one you need to remember 2 things.

1.Use stillness to overcome motion.Make them come to you.Do not chase them.

2.Chum kui-seek the bridge

I make these comments based on personal experience.

09-05-2002, 11:39 AM
I know this thread may have gone cold, but i feel that i should add this anyways.
There are as many ways to do capoeira as there is capoeiristas(exponents) and there is no sure way to tell if a school teaches one way or another other than going there and seeing (or better participating in) the training.
As far as the awerage showoff, acrobatic style modern capoeirista goes, any good wingchun exponent, or for that matter streetfighter, should have no trouble kicking his ass.
The oldschool angola players may use only ritual movements and kicks that are completly pointless in a fighting situation...or may be extremely poisonous and dangerous...difficult to tell until youve either won or lost.
As far as the regional guys go these may be almost pure showoff, almost pure fighters or anything in between.
Note that some capoeiristas also train in BJJ, especially the "modern style" regional ppl.
I know that both the teachers in my school won fights with WT people, i cant comment on the level of the WT guys, so this really dont matter.
I have been attacked by WTguys with some years of training in the art two times, both times i won using capoeira techs.
More interresting than this i have trained and sparred with higher ranking WT guys, and have learned a lot from this.
As to what art is better, who gives a sjit...if i wanted to learn more a more selfdefence orinted art i would chose WT, but im in love with capoeira.
One thing for sure...sparring capo and WT can bring about some unexpected results and is (to my experience) a good lesson for both.
good training to you all.

09-05-2002, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Tvebak

One thing for sure...sparring capo and WT can bring about some unexpected results and is (to my experience) a good lesson for both.
good training to you all.

Hi Twebak,

Good post. The important thing is to keep an open mind. If someone's martial art is too rigid in concept, it becomes dead in practice.

Do what you love and love what you do.
