View Full Version : Enough Class Time?

08-16-2002, 08:29 AM
I found a place reatively close to me that teaches Wing Chun. The only problem is is that they only have one one and a half hour class each week. Is that enough time to learn anything? Oh, by the way it is a relatively small class so I would be getting a lot of attenton.

General Kwei
08-16-2002, 08:30 AM
It would be better then nothing.........Also, you might be able to talk classmates into working out with you outside of class?

08-16-2002, 10:25 AM
If you're self disciplined enough to train on your own (everyday if you can), and you have people to work with outside of class as well, and time spent in class is devoted to review and correction of previous material and introduction of new material, you'll probably do just fine.


08-16-2002, 11:51 AM
Thanks for the responses. I was planing to train outside of class on a daily basis, and I might be able to find someone to train with outside of class. Thanks for the advice.:D

08-16-2002, 01:19 PM
It might also be worth asking if the instructor can make sure you have some drills to work on for the rest of the week.

08-16-2002, 04:03 PM
This is a subject that my juniors in the art regularly approach me about. Because of real world commitments, they can only train once a week/fortnight/month/spasmodically and feel that if they can't apply themselves to thier own standards of adequate frequency then maybe they shouldn't try.

Some training is ALWAYS better than no training. Circumstances will change and opportunities will present themselves if you think about the years rather than the weeks ahead.

The stuff everyone else said about asking the instructor for homework and finding a training partner for work outside class is good advice.

Jeff Preston
08-16-2002, 11:38 PM
Some Wing Chun is better than no Wing Chun. You could be stuck in a Tao Bow class.

08-17-2002, 05:44 PM

All of the responses posted serve you well in a positive light. Good training from a good Sifu and group of students you feel comfortable with once a week is far better than another location that offers not so good training every night of the week.

When someone makes a commitment to train others, they often have to start out slowly. The opening of a studio or school not only takes the courage, experience, and direction of the Sifu, but the collective commitment of the students to support the Sifu and help the school survive and grow. The relevance to your post is to suggest that instead of focusing on getting together with students outside the class to further YOUR training, a goal should be set to work with these people to work on extending the training hours at the location. Even if the Sifu is not available, there may still be an opportunity here for your group to help your Sifu offer more nights. Thus other new people might not be as suspect to the "once a week" training as you were in the future. Of course this takes time for senior students to develop and trust to grow between them and the Sifu.

The beauty of our art is that there are many exercises a beginner can do alone at home. However, Kung Fu training is a long process should you wish to enter the realm of mastery. Eventually, this process will require more hours of interactive practice with other players more than once a week. The usefulness of the school is to provide this for you - live bodies to experience.

Running a martial arts school is also a business, as bills for a facility have to be paid. Unfortunately, Kung Fu tends to follow tradition more than the high pressure business tactics of other styles. Students are the best resource. "A little from a lot is better than a lot from a few". This means that if your group of guys help get more students in and everyone is responsible to paying their fees, the bills get paid, the Sifu gets something for their time, and the school moves forward.

Go forward and contribute.

Mr. Bao
08-17-2002, 11:14 PM

Let me explain first that if you want anything in life you need to work for it. Kung fu is the same.

You work a little, you gain little. You work hard and long, you will gain more.

For example, if you had a child, would you expect your child to spend a least 30 hours in school in order to gain an "education". But unless your child is a talented genius, perhaps 10 hours or less is all that is needed. Now what if an average child only attends school 3 hours a week or less, what can of "education" do you think that child has? It is the same for martial arts. Kung fu is hard work period.

Now a child (Third Grade Level) attending three hours a week in school is better than nothing. True but....? We know the deal here. We know with common sense, that a child need more work to cover the basics and to build a foundation for higher learning. It is the same with kung fu. But what is your standard and value?

Well, this all depends how serious you are about wing chun kung fu. I don't assume people have the same value for education in each family and that goes for kung fu too.

Best of luck either way.


08-18-2002, 07:31 AM
just wonderred where the class is and how far is it for you to drive there?

08-18-2002, 06:00 PM
Cobra, the class is about a 25 minute to a half an hour drive.

Lindley57, I had already thought about trying to get more classes and approched the guy who owned the martial arts school. He said that the students were all ready trying to get the Sifu to have more classes a week and that they may start having the class on tuesdays and thursdays. So I may get to have the class two times a week. :D

To the rest of you, You all gave good advice and helped me make a decision. This thursday I am going to go meet the Sifu and watch a class. If I believe that he is a good instructer then I will most likely end up taking the class. Thanks for all the responses.
