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08-16-2002, 06:54 PM
hey jack or is it john today?
or maybe hideious?
how about ML?
or ginger fist?
how about jf springer? everybody knows who you are,
except you,
if there ever was a wanna be you set the standard son,
all that education mommy and daddy spent money on and this is how you use it,
sitting in some darkened room at a keyboard tearing every kungfu
system down and for what?
roger hagood knows you both hate and fear him,thats obvious by your previous posts,your latest ruse fools no one.
that low level nan tong long you picked up hanging around
nyc china town makes you no expert on anything,
i have two suggestions for you,
1.write a book and impress us with your knowledge or,
2.get some therapy and impress yourself.

08-16-2002, 09:00 PM
I think its Hagood. Jack and his Tibetan LLama really don't have a reason to trash Monkey, but Hagood does. Once Wong Baklim deserted him, Hagood knew that the jig was up in that lineage. Thats when he rode the LLama for a while, got bored and went to Hong Kong's suburbs to bribe poor old men into "teaching" him! All of Ping Shan knew he was coming, they took his money and gave him a bunch of photos and a few tall tales about things that allegedly happended two generations ago. No one hates Monkey's lineage like Roger!
But isn't it funny how Monkey is still revered on the Bamboozle Temple site, and notice how the nice BIG picture of Baklim (along with his home address and phone number) have been taken down? No one wants to be associated with Roger.

08-17-2002, 05:51 AM
make no mistake about it,it`s jack springer,
the only reason he is throwing rogers name around is because
he has no name.
jack is a low level kung fu nan tong long wanna be.
don`t be fooled by this two or three or more faced joke.
this is the same guy who in the past praised those same teachers
who he now puts down.
he learned his spm from the lum sang lineage and no where else,
so you could say that he is one of the lying offspring.

you think you know who i am?
just get in your car,if you can remember where you parked it,and drop on by if your not afraid to show your face.
fear is the basis of all anger,and we know you have anger issues.

but that won`t be the next move,will it son,
the next move will be to log off as gou z idiot and reappear
as jack the moron and claim you had no knowledge of anything,
now that you can beleive.

08-17-2002, 06:49 AM
take it easy son,
we can all see you are doing the best you can,
which isn`t much to speak about.

name calling though at times funny is counter productive to the
forgivness process.

the first thing you need to do is forgive yourself for being a man
who has let anger eat away at his soul leaving him a hollow shell of his former self,
of which you have delluisons of grander about who that was,
along with severe attacks of self importance,
combine that with being a nan tong long wanna be and
it`s plain to see you need some help.
here are some suggestions;
1.down load all of your posts under all your names and take them to a qualified threrapist and ask for help or,
2.log off and come back as somebody else,that should be easy for you to do

hey jack,why bother with nan tong long?i thought hung gar was your style.

08-17-2002, 09:47 AM
quit crying jack,

don`t try to hide behind roger,

i could say something like,name the place, time and date of this alledged confrontation but,
there was never a challenge made by you jack,
the first anyone knew of this alledged incident was right here on this message board,and you made it up,in your own head,
during one of your dellusional episodes.

show your face jack,and state your intentions clearly where they can be addressed.

all that good education your mommy and daddy paid for down the drain,

did you see the movie "beautiful mind",any of that look familiar?

08-17-2002, 12:52 PM
Hey boy's Guo is a Kara Te man who once trained in a Chinatown association under Ho Dun. Had a fight with Norman and has had bad blood since. It's easy to throw insults at the dead since everyone was scared ****less when he was alive. Stick to what you know and mind your own business.

08-17-2002, 01:49 PM
thank you for taking the time to post,it is obvious you understand the situation by your reply,

every sifu of nan tong long has something to offer,weather american or chinese,
if you like the kung fu system you practice weather tai chi,or
tae kwon do,to put others down in that system is foolish,
because it just makes the system itself look stupid.

it`s easy to get in a fight,
it takes work to be friends,

which one takes more intelligence?

now for the unintelligent,

you have serious anger issues as a result of your expectations
not being met,
do you really think that the statement made in your last post
means anything?
you know as much about me as you know about nan tong long which is next to nothing,
when you deal with me son, remember this,
the ball will never be in your end of the court,
so run away and hide, plan a new strategy,maybe come back as an intellectual or a special forces ranger so you can telll us all
about going "boogity woogity"through the brush.

show your face son,state your intentions,so they may be addressed.

08-18-2002, 07:38 AM
Just when you thought it was safe to come out onto the web, another Salvo is fired in the never ending Jook Lum Web Wars. Just when another "KNOW IT ALL YO YO" is vanquished from the board for throwing down the gauntlet and threatening to “Kong Sau” any poor clown that begs to differ with them, another "Charmer" pops up claiming to have all the answers, ie thus enters our new "PAL" Gou Z Yi.

Gou your people skills leave a lot to be desired. The only thing that is more disturbing than your baseless and unsubstantiated psychotic rants is the painful process of having to decipher them. I can bet if you were writing your self absorbed missives on paper it would be with a crayon. I hope that this not a key indicator of your overall intelligence …if so. Oh Self Proclaimed Jook Lum Master,you’ll be lucky if you can master a basic chop step.

With that said, the stage is yours Gou …I eagerly await you next tirade of Character Assassination....Rock On Jacka$$.

Seek And Defame All Life Forms…


08-18-2002, 09:45 AM

The King Of Comebacks your not. Your grade school grammar teacher must have loved grading you papers, probably used up a whole red pen with each one. Even after all these years your still a disappointment to her.

As far as the Circle jerk, are you disappointed that you weren’t invited or is you keester still recovering from the fun filled Fisting Party that you and the other third rate Bruce Lee Wannabes from the Mental Ward had last night. It must be tough practicing all that high level stuff with a StraitJacket on. Put that in your Opium pipe and smoke it Loony Tune, and for god sake if your gonna take a shot at me put a little more thought into it so it doesn't sound like a first graders playground insult. Then again ,never mind,the men in the white coats are at the door with your hourly Thoriazine injection.


08-18-2002, 05:35 PM
and the answers to the question are,

these posts you put up sound more and more like you are talking
to all those alter ego`s you where in the past,

are they all in the room with you right now jack?

the truth is i may be the only stable force in your life.

i`ve got an idea,
maybe if you try talking to yourself over a
karioke machine you will be able to differentiate who has control over you at the present moment,or

maybe try tattoo`s,they didn`t work to well for that guy in the
movie but they could work for you,

get back to me soon and let me know how that works.

08-19-2002, 12:55 PM
His "Lineage Holding" Mantis Master turned into a Llama and ran away!

Now Jack has no one to "Socratic Speak" with!

"Right on point, Jack"
"Thank you"
"No, thank YOU, Jack"

Just like the two chipmonks in the Warner Bros. cartoons!

08-21-2002, 04:53 PM
Where did your Sifu go to? Did he hide or get kicked out of Kim Flaws gang? Why talk good on Hagood when you not long ago condemned him? Afraid Hagood will make good on his threats to "deal with him {your Sifu}in person?" Suddenly you want to make good with the Alabamie band before you loose any chance of getting thier support! I guess Bill Chan wasn't good enough for you. Perhaps you should go back to Hung Gar. You have no Kung Fu except what scraps you could find turning over trash cans in China town, that much you have in common with Hagood.

08-22-2002, 01:59 PM
:mad: You need to stop making fun of Jack. He learned under William Chung, not Bill Chan. After 30 years of hardcore training, Jack mastered Toison fu hok tong long. Yes, he mastered both hung gar and jook lum simultaneously. He can't give all the credit to Chung sifu though, or his sigung Mark. Chung sifu only taught him a few basic san saos and a 3 step form maybe. Due to his great genius, Jack figured out the rest of JL himself. Even though his sifu stopped teaching him, he showed his sifu that hands-on training is a Chinese fairytale requirement. He got everything he needed from Mark's videos and extensive internet research. Based on those videos and meeting Mark over 20 years ago, he clearly sees that Mark is no match for him.
Jack has extensive chow gar training as well, he has every one of Whitrod's tapes. Now he knows that Whitrod's "wooden arms" are no match for his springer fist. And he knows that Yip Sui polluted the system with forms because he was there when Yip Sui was learning from Lao Sui. He knows what Lao Sui taught and didn't teach. Facts, baby. What a hoot:p
He even picked up 13 roads through video training- no easy task. He earned his sifu status! And 13 + 3 = 18, right? What a hoot.

Unlike Lam Sang, he has quite a fighting resume as well. If he had showed up to fight Ralek, he certainly would have won. Lucky for Ralek, he didn't.
He knows Lam is lying because he was there when Lam entered the temple and when he left. Had to help Lam up after he lost those fights. Facts, baby, not hearsay. Jack knows these things firsthand.
And he ain't no hyppocrite either. He may show up to Minn or Houston to shut down a few schools, without warning. You can bet he will be at Poo Yee's seminar and any demo Mark does in baltimore. He ain't no hyppocrite.:D
So don't mess with him, or else you'll have to face gingerfist, hideous, hakkaeye, ML all at once.

08-22-2002, 03:12 PM
Are you being sarcastic?

Springball Jack
08-23-2002, 05:45 AM
Ya must be kidding Jack!!! Da ya think whitrod, mark foon.............steve......... will show ya everything on tapes? You're lucky if they show you 1/8 of their stuffs, go and jerk off with your socratic jargons.
Come to think of it, you could fool a few dumb-ass in your backyard operation. Ah...........don't forget to watch your videos jack.

Get real and get a life, jack springass!!!
Mess with my pai and I kick you ass!!!

08-24-2002, 06:09 AM
Come on Springball Jack, give Jack the credit he deserves. Not once in your last post did you give him any credit for mastering Jook Lum and the others through "extensive internet research." I mean only a genius could learn to master Kung Fu online. Look out Gin Foon Mark bad ass Jack is coming and he has been spending a lot of time online recently! His skill is polished!!


Springball Jack
08-24-2002, 03:02 PM
alright, alright Mantella. So he's a good video scavenger, picking up what others spat out.

ohhhhh........I will and I will give him the credit for picking up ****s all these years........may be for years to come.........buckets and buckets more.....................until ******* can't take it no more!!!

Ah..................I almost forgot he never show his ass last time when invited to come to seminar, maybe too hard for him to spring his ass to come............ Ah................may be he know jack**** afterall...........

Tata tata tata

Springball Jack
08-24-2002, 03:43 PM
Ah........................ now ho sing must be turning in his grave to have bad blood like jacka$$ teaching his hands..............

What a shame.......................... what a shame....................
Good kungfu landed on such a bada$$ and ALLTIME A$$HOLE!!!!!

May be ginger flavored mantids squasher thinks he has done ho sing proud by squashing others on net with his refined mouth.

Maybe he really thinks his refined hands could really beat mark foon, Poo Yee and whitrod..........the list goes on and on...............

may be provoking Steve and Roger in gongsau fights is that all he can do with his refinded mouth.........

Ginger flavored mantids food for thought........

Come on!!! It's time to come clean Jacka$$ or else we flush your gingera$$.