View Full Version : Soul Caliber 2

08-17-2002, 03:56 PM
Any one else played this yet. I really ****ing suck at it. I've never lost so much money so quickly. It's much much faster.

08-17-2002, 04:25 PM
i never played it yet, but look forward to it! (Anyone know if it's released in the UK?). I really need to practise my Shaolin Staff more before i play again properly ;)


Chang Style Novice
08-18-2002, 02:20 AM
I've pumped a few bucks into it. They must have the difficulty turned up on your machine, jun, because I took the fencing character and the jian character up to the final boss on one credit I got my ass kicked hard by the critter made out of fire, though. You can't even see what he's doing since the arena is made out of fire, too. Kind of a lame way to make a tough boss if you ask me. Still, it's an awful purty game. It could use some more ethnic diversity in the characters, however, and I'd like to save the staff and nunchaka dudes for a game that's all about stickfighters. Furthermore, the sword that turns into a chain and the bladed tonfas are just silly. Just talking out my ass here, change

long pole->spear
nunchaka->double short axes
bladed tonfa->twin butterfly knives
chain sword->chain whip

And you have a better game, IMO.

Then you can make a stickfighter game with kali double sticks, japanese, chinese, and english staff styles, a bokken, a fencing cane, a shepards crook, a shilleghleigh (sp?), three section staff, nunchaka, baseball bat, kerala two handed club, and so on.

You listening, Namco? Hire me!

08-18-2002, 08:04 AM
Hey - i like the long pole guy :p It's similar to the pole we do, but he has more spinning and silly stuff... Dunno if u played the 1st one? But theres a gal in that with a Halberd that's used very lke the long pole - it's pretty cool to see them both go up against each other :)

the chain sword is useful if u can get the hang of it ;) But the nunchuka guy is mad... if ur playing him and actually manage to hit ur opponent u cream him real good... i always found that if u miss u keep spinning them etc. for a while after and your opponent can just sneek up behind u and hit u :D

This is the dreamcast of course, not arcade...

The one that ****es me off the most right now is Astaroth coz my mate knows how to use him well and his axe is VERY big :mad: Also when i go the Jian gal it's hard to use her - need more practise :(

good idea for another game btw!


Chang Style Novice
08-18-2002, 08:19 AM
Yeah, I remember the gal with the halbred/spear. She was good. I should have mentioned I like the human samurai, but the ghost samurai irks me a bit as I'd prefer to keep the fantasy elements out - I don't like his teleports and flying (I also think the throwing system needs to be better worked out - a lot of the throws look stupid.) Same as the guy with the zweihander is preferable to the half-alien with the zweihander. Replace the ghost samurai with hmmm...cutlass/cavalry saber, maybe? I'd also like to get a chinese saber in there, but there's a lot of chinese stuff already. My beef with the chain sword isn't that it's a chain, but that it turns into a sword! Chains cant do that on my planet.

I like the stickfighter characters, too - in fact, I think they deserve a game of their own!

Then there's my idea for a game called 'jungle king' that has different animals duelling each other:

ox vs. anaconda
bear vs. tiger
wolf vs. emu
gorilla vs. rhino

08-19-2002, 10:49 AM
"because I took the fencing character and the jian character up to the final boss on one credit "

LOL! that's because it was the fencer! hee hee

I think the fantasy elements need to stay in there, as well as some of the stick weapons... For the same reasons that fantasy elements are thrown into movies, to make them more interesting, especially to "non MA-ers" or "non-gamers." Besides, I love VF, but it gets boring because there's no fireballs i guess... The sticks make the game seem more well rounded, and is kind of like a shout out to the "non-blade" weapon fighters... i thought it as a nice touch... like "here's what non blades can do against blades" I definitely agree with the butterfly knife thing, we need to see some of those in a fighting game...

Besides, in every fighting game there's a weird one.... the ghost samurai guy (if you re talking Yoshimitsu) is bizarre, but because of that he's a lot of fun to play against and to play... and i have a friend who can't be touched with the bone sword lady (ivy) once my friend gets one move off, she can combo you till you're almost dead!


08-20-2002, 09:30 AM
Soul Caliber 2 is out? I've been away from the arcades too long. What new characters are there? Any new weapons? I was pretty good at Soul Caliber. I'll have to go look for the new one now.

08-20-2002, 05:18 PM
Chang Style Novice, it is on your planet unless youare not an Earthling. There Is a sword tha breaks into like nine pieces connected by chain. It was in a talkie White Dragon about a spearman and doing one's duty.

You all should kick more often. It might be more fun.

The 16 yo withe the Chinese straightsword has wonderful circular swordplay And Kilik can really use a staff. Beware the Korean type with the broadsword~.

08-21-2002, 05:28 PM
Yup, the Korean guy with the sword can really do some mad kicking/splits combos as well! :D Looks uncannily like a Chinese Dao skill though ;)

Killik is my favourite, but the gal with the Jian is also cool - if i culd figure out how to use her LOL


Chang Style Novice
08-21-2002, 06:57 PM
Yeah, the fireballs and teleports and stuff bore and annoy me. I'm more excited by semi realistic gameplay. I know I'm not the typical fighting game fan, because the most popular ones (coughcoughtekkenandstreetfightercough) always strike me as sucking ass. My cross to bear, I guess.

No Know -
I don't neccesarily trust movies as sources of martial lore, but I'm intrigued by your (very implausible, if I may say so) idea that a sword can break into a chain and be any good as a sword whatsoever. Can you give me a firmer reference to this flick? Also, I love kungfu movies, so a good one I haven't seen is always a treat.

08-21-2002, 08:51 PM
The only place I've ever seen a sword morph into a chain like that is in "Brotherhood of the Wolf" the bad guy's sword did it at the end of the movie ( i dont' THINK that was a spoiler!) Um i always kinda thought the character who weilded it (Ivy) kinda wielded it like a chainwhip... like the barbed chinese whip maybe?

08-26-2002, 11:28 AM
there is I think a new character who has these metal arm thingies. I can't remember what they're called.

08-26-2002, 10:40 PM
Blood of the Dragon, beautiful concept(s) (http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_videos2.php/mode=goto/form_movieid=1002624/ut=d03b7c8365455b50)

08-27-2002, 12:40 AM
The "chain sword" has already been in Soul Calibur, it added depth to playing Ivy. In fact, I promote Namco giving Kilik a converta staff that splits into a three section staff.

08-27-2002, 01:03 AM
I'm with CSN -I like games with more of a reality feel. I like SF simply because it's a classic, but I'll take virtua fighter any day. soul edge (soul calibur) is pretty good, but I despise tekken and mortal kombat.

09-01-2002, 10:40 PM
Kilik's staff turns to a 3-section staff? Sweet-ass! Now i can't wait to play it!

Yeah i guess i'm just a fireball junkie at heart... I really like just about all fighting games... I love VF for it's realism... I love Street fighter, especially the Capcom vs. marvel and the Alpha's because it's so frenzied and crazy---like DBZ (the show, not that sorry excuse for a game!) and I like tekken cuz it's in between i guess...

Mixed opinions about mortal kombat... it's too fast for my taste to have to be entering five-button combos just to pull something.
I'm actually looking forward to 5, looks like it could give tekken a run for it's money...

09-04-2002, 06:27 AM
I saw some movies on SC2 and I was a bit dissapointed. It looks just like # 1! And the new characters seem kinda dull. Think VF4 is more interesting.

09-04-2002, 09:24 AM
Yoshimitsu who wins with Kenjitsu timing and distacing. and spinning and hopping with his sword while on the hilt. And medidative levitation.

The femme with the bladed pole arm

Arthor, Blonde Samurai; Kwan--with solid kicks and strong broadsword; The well endowed Female ninja with flips and twists and double shortsword kill (strike(s)); the Roman mother who breaks your neck by putting her crotch to your face~; Kilik who stands on his pole to crescent kick you flat to the ground; Herr Sigfreid armorclad and twohanded broadsword with his strong sweeping sweep; Asteroth tortured slave pawn with catches of his executioner's axe and swings you around; The wushu straightsword that wheels around and strikes precicely; Lizardman with agressiveness and low posture; Nunchuku wielding Elvis, two at a time; The Italian with nimble body and bladed gloves; and Ivy with her polished European method...

...dull characters? A movie tends to not fully show the aspects of developed characters from. The talkie, "A Man Called Hero," Sun And Moon don't fight so their swordsmanship is not really noticed.

09-04-2002, 09:39 AM
i like seeing those movies of all the different skills :)
Actually i wish they showed more character and explained their backgrounds more, but that's just me :p

I like watching Killik coz his pole is similar to my northern pole skill. A bit more jumping and spinning and 'fancy' things, but some of the skill is like my own. Also Seung Mina who has the halberd :)

A Man Called Hero is a good movie, but not much real action like No Know said :)


09-04-2002, 01:32 PM
No_Know I meant 'dull' as in the fact that there are gardly any new characters and the old looks almoust the same. Nothing groundbreaking new = dull. Peace now

09-05-2002, 08:58 AM
Voldo was my boy in the oiginal game; Scissor Khatar on each hand,...Ah, the good old days. I hope he was included in SCII!

09-14-2002, 07:15 AM
ok admit, Voldo is kinda kool but he is too good I think.. + the game should have more complex moves and combos not just 'press one' buttom kinda thing. or whatever