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08-18-2002, 03:03 PM
I just found out my girlfriend was ****ing cheating on me. At first I was ****ed and hit the bag to my knuckles bleed but now i'm just depressed constantly.I've tried staying busy but that doesn't work.I don't know what to do.Could any of you guys maybe give me some tips on what to do or some **** like that? :(

08-18-2002, 03:04 PM
how long were you together?

08-18-2002, 03:07 PM
3 ****ing years. All of it wasted. I feel sick.

08-18-2002, 03:12 PM
Being that it's been so long, you obviously have deep feelings for her. you really only have two choices:

1. look past it and go on
2. leave her.

I guess reverse the situation - ask yourself what you would want her to do if you had cheated on her. If it had been only a short period of time, I would say screw her and move on with your life, but I know it's not that easy since you've been with her so long.

08-18-2002, 03:14 PM
I've already left her but I can't stop thinking about it. It makes so ****ing sick. I wanna kill the mother ****er she's with now.

MonkeySlap Too
08-18-2002, 03:17 PM
Forget about her. It wasn't a 'waste', hopefully you had some good times, and learned a few lessons.

Never let yourself get serious about someone you can't trust. If you were looking for a 'life' partner you need to ask yourself if you'd do business with that person, because that's what marriage is.

Personally, I'd go get some 'goodies' right away to try and sooth my bruised ego. It also helps break the attachment. Just don't get attached right away. Quantity is better than quality right now. Enjoy yourself. Success is the best revenge.

When your feelings peak, go running and do push ups - you'll look great to the other girls.

The source of your anguish are attachments to concepts that only have reality if you let them be real. Confront them and chase them out of your mind. Let go of your preconceptions and your missteps. They merely keep you from experiencing the here and now.

08-18-2002, 03:24 PM
Good advice. you definitely wanna keep busy. the more time you spend doing nothing, the more time you will have to think about her.

08-18-2002, 03:24 PM

Sounds like a great idea to me.Thanks.

08-18-2002, 03:35 PM
she's not worth your time. fu.ck her [not literally]

and learn to be remain a challenge, even after 3 years.

go and pull some girls. go on. go. now. go.


08-18-2002, 03:55 PM
I think I need some anti depressants or something cause I still feel ****y. No matter what I do I can't get her out of my mind. What the ****!! I think i'm going to go and take about 2 bottles of tylenol. :'(

08-18-2002, 03:58 PM
monkeyslap is right.

Besides...you never owned her, so you never lost her.

whats hurting? Your ego?

Read some daoist classics. Detatch and let go.

08-18-2002, 04:00 PM
i hate this sh.it.

you need a release.

you've been with her for 3 years; that's a long time. there's simply nothing for you left to do.

fu.ck it.

08-18-2002, 04:01 PM
everything hurts.

08-18-2002, 04:01 PM
fu.ck the daoist classics.

go have some fun.

08-18-2002, 04:03 PM
I'm too **** depressed to have fun right now.

08-18-2002, 04:04 PM
yeah, get out of the house dude.

08-18-2002, 04:04 PM
Can't, it's too ****ing late at night.

08-18-2002, 04:05 PM
oh, yeah, sharky...you don't have to separate the fu and ck. check this out:

**** the daoist classics.

08-18-2002, 04:05 PM
too late? where are you?

08-18-2002, 04:06 PM
man, i REALLY didn't want to be the one to say this as 3 years is a long tim and i KNOW how much it hurts, but... stop being a little BI.TCH.

learn from your mistakes (if you made any) and move on and upwards. what you are doing now is gonna get you no where. take it on the chin. don't let it knock you out.

bleh. relationships are batty.

08-18-2002, 04:07 PM
teach me. i want to learn.

08-18-2002, 04:09 PM
I just found about 3 hours ago so i'm intitled to be a litle ***** at the moment.

08-18-2002, 04:11 PM
fair's fair man.

take care.

(wouldn't it be better to call real life friends? even if it's late, isn't that what they're there for?)

08-18-2002, 04:11 PM
Serious Viper listen to what Sharkys saying we all know its hard, (lost my girl after 5 yrs) but somethimes you just gotta move on , who care what time it is, get moving, call an old friend, rent a good action movie, go practice, or go to the stripper spot, just get going!!


08-18-2002, 04:11 PM
Already tried.They're all asleep and cranky.

08-18-2002, 04:13 PM
Alright,Alright.I'm going to pretend my punching bag is the *** she's with now.Later.

08-18-2002, 04:13 PM
pffft. i would slap the sh.it [teach me obi wan] out of my friends if they did that man.

get new friends.

08-18-2002, 04:14 PM
What the!!? I can't say fa.g?!

08-18-2002, 04:15 PM
check your PMs

08-18-2002, 04:15 PM


08-18-2002, 04:18 PM
good stuff, eh? :D

Viper, How did you find out she was cheating?

08-18-2002, 04:19 PM
yeah at least give us the details :confused:

08-18-2002, 04:21 PM
while we're waiting, where did your sig come from? I asked before, but don't remember seeing an answer

08-18-2002, 04:23 PM
it's a secret :D

08-18-2002, 04:25 PM
you laid the smack down on someone who wouldn't share? :D

08-18-2002, 04:26 PM
naw - i made it up - i heard rahzel say something similar, so i used it - can't remember what he says exactly but he goes on about rice cakes in a moc-kung fu style accent, so i used it :)

rice cakes are cool.

although they taste disgusting, their name is cool.

08-18-2002, 04:28 PM
How're you doing? Well I've had my fair share of bad relationships too. So if it means anything, I know how you feel to have put in years with someone, and have it "appear" to be all for not.
I don't think it is a "waste" however. You've gone through a bad experience, but you may know what to look for in someone in the future. People who "cheat" on other people are very insecure types who really don't have the guts to end things when they want to. I would feel sorry for your ex, not angry. (Although trust me I know about that feeling in these types of situations.)
Keep yourself busy, hang out with some good friends, let them give you some peace. :)

How old is the girl in question? If you guys are in high school then she's probably just a dillusioned little kid who needs to mature up. If you guys are older then high school, then she's even more pathetic because she never DID mature up. ;)

There's lots of good girls out there. To find them you've got to be a good guy, and it sounds like you are. Don't let this experience make you sour. She'll only win if you do.

I would say keep busy, hang out with good friends, try to move on little by little, and see about dating some other girls. Find ones that have some good values and personalities.
You'll do fine. Everyone goes through these kinds of things. So you're not alone in how you feel.

Take care,
and hope things work out for the best.


Shadow Dragon
08-18-2002, 04:37 PM

First order of the day calm down.

Next, forget anything you ever heard about anti-depressants and similar.
Those will screw you over more than anything else.

3yrs is a long time and it hurts, many been there and done that.

I know this is not the thing you wanna hear about now.
But do you thing she and the other guy are the only People responsible for what happened and they only ones at fault
IME, most women will look for a new Guy when their current one can't/won't give them what they want.
May it be money, sex, time together, etc. Hard facts but true.
Women want one thing the most out of any relationship and that is "security & stability" and being wanted/needed.

As a married man I can tell you it takes a lot of effort and work to keep a relationship going and to allow it to take the little obstacles that life throws at you.

Any like many other people I also mugged up relationships by not investing the required amount of work.

IME, very few women will mess around with a perfectly good relationship & Partner.


P.S.: Now get out there, kick some butt and start taking names.

08-18-2002, 04:41 PM
Viper, that sucks man. I had the same happen to me, but luckily we had only been together for 6 months. I found it helps if you see it all as a big lesson rather than a waste of time.

Buy yourself a whole lot of alcohol and get blind :).

08-18-2002, 04:41 PM
once you stop being a challenge, the partners interest level drops. this is why people often say girls like being treated like dirt. get to be too nice, or too boring, or whatever and her interest level will drop.

not saying that's what you did, but i'm just saying it for everyones reference (including my own).

did your life with her fall into the same old routine?

08-18-2002, 04:47 PM
Yeah,we're in high school.11th grade.And I did give her everything she wanted.Maybe that was the problem.Maybe I became boring.Oh well.What the ****.There's other fish in the sea.

08-18-2002, 04:51 PM
I would advise NOT to drown your sorrows in alcohol, only because you run the risk of becoming more depressed then you already are. Alcohol is a depressant.

I've heard that too, that women get "bored" with "nice guys" etc.
I think the girls that do feel that way are quite unimportant in the big scheme of things. Any human being that likes to be 'treated like dirt" should be "left in the dirt" if you catch my drift. ;)
Women like that are rather stupid in my opinion. Let stupid people have each other.

I think a lot of women want "spontaneity" in their relationships, and they like feeling that the relationship is constantly "new" and isn't in a rut. I think that's mistaken a lot of times to be them "wanting to be treated like dirt." But I don't think it's the case with mature women. Maybe a little girl, but not a mature woman.

But what do I know? I'm just a dumb grappler. :D


08-18-2002, 04:54 PM
Oh yeah,here's how I found out.I could tell something was up because she just totally changed one day.When I called her she wouldn't hardly talk to me.When I asked if she wanted to do something over the weekend she said she didn't care or it didn't matter to her.So I figured she was mad at me.I waited about 5 days and called her up.My best friend was there(here step brother)so i talked to him.I got him to ask her if she was cheating on me and she said it was none of his business.When I asked her she said the same thing.I said what the **** do you mean it isn't any of my business?!I'm your **** boyfriend it is my **** business.So I asked her again and she said she didn't know.I told her it was a yes or no question that she either was or she wasn't.She didn't say anything so I asked her if she still wanted to be with me and she said she didn't know.I said well **** that,if you don't know then it's over.She said alright.That's it.She simply said alright after 3 ****ing years.I then asked her if she had a boyfriend.She said yes.Some 10th grade punk.I orta beat the **** outta that little mother ****er!

So that's the story of how I found out.Hope you liked it. Tune in next week to find out how I killed the little ******* she's with now.

08-18-2002, 04:57 PM
once you give them all they want, what is there for them to try for? what's their part of the relationship?

i think they want a challenge. if you give them everything without them even asking, where's the challenge in that? she will appreciate you more if she has invested more time in 'attaining' or keeping you.

after all, consider this; if you want a guitar, isn't it much more valuble to you if you have worked to get money to buy it, than if you are just given it for free?

not comparing women to material objects, just sayin like innit ;)

08-18-2002, 04:57 PM
Oh yeah, i'm getting that $300 ring back too. Stupid ***** don't deserve it.

08-18-2002, 04:59 PM
Instead of being sad she broke up with me i'm now thouroughly ****ed at her.I think my feelings can best be expressed through emimem's song Kim.

08-18-2002, 04:59 PM
you are in highschool and you got her a $300 ring?

what the ****

you were whipped real good.

08-18-2002, 05:01 PM
Gave it to her last month. It was $300 austrailian so that's roughly $150 american. I'm saving that **** thing for awhile.

08-18-2002, 05:01 PM
classic **** right here folks, he's moved onto the anger stage - and that's good.

and puh-leeease don't lock yourself in the bedroom and play eminem over and over again! :rolleyes: :D

08-18-2002, 05:02 PM
*Unlock's door and takes off headphones*

08-18-2002, 05:05 PM

i'm going to bed now man, it's late over here in the uk.

take care and don't do anything stupid (like call her).

have a good one yeah.

night night.

08-18-2002, 05:06 PM
Sounds like a good idea. I'm going to bed too.Never gonna call her again.

African Tiger
08-18-2002, 05:21 PM
Dude, at least you're young, so you can learn much from this. But never buy anyone outside the family something that expensive, unless you are already married...

Two stories to tell you from my experiences. I was 21 and thought I was in love with this chick. My unit got called up and I ended up fighting in Operation Desert Storm with the 1st Marine Division.

So while I'm there ducking sniper attacks, having scud missiles blow up over my head, getting all kinds of illnesses (physical and mental), I'm thinking that everything is ok with my girl. We spoke as often as possible, and wrote all the time. I get home - the b.itch decides to tell me 3 days after I arrive that, 'Someone expressed an INTEREST in me...and I wanted to spend time with him'. Of course, here my whipped ass bought her expensive Arabian silk garments and ****, and was planning on buying an engagement ring. At 225lbs (my fighting weight back then), I was literally inches from taking her head off with a right cross. But I stopped myself... Best revenge? Don't ever speak to the bi-tch again. Don't even try to be friends later.

Story two: My friend's daughter is (sic) happily married for 6 years, with an adorable 5 year old son. Her husband (he's 35 and college educated, she's 28) works for Pinkerton Security and makes $100,000+. One day she up and decides to leave him for a 21 YEAR OLD LAZY, UNEMPLOYED FREAK, WHO CAN'T EVEN PASS THE LAPD ENTRANCE EXAM. Thanks to this "winner" she left her husband for, she has alienated myself, 90% of her friends and her 69 year old mother.

I don't know if there's a moral to these stories, except maybe that you really have to be careful to whom you give your heart - especially at your age. When I was your age, I saw several guys reach the brink of suicide over sh--it like that. And let me tell you, NO WOMAN is worth that.

Keep your head up, bro. You will get your heart broken many more times in your future. But please don't let this or your other experiences turn you into some as.s.hole misogynist (a man who hates women). Else you may turn away "the one".


08-18-2002, 05:25 PM
"Yeah,we're in high school.11th grade.And I did give her everything she wanted.Maybe that was the problem.Maybe I became boring.Oh well.What the ****.There's other fish in the sea."

mistake 1. you never want the relationship to get boring, and you don't want to give her everything she wants...That's what we refer to as a "cake boy" immature women take advantage of them because they know he will give them everything.

the $150 ring was mistake 2, but that ties in with the first one.

possible mistake 3. not picking up on her attitude sooner.

mistake 4. waiting 5 days to call her. That gave her plenty of time to confirm that she wanted the other dude.

All in all, forget about her. You are young....very young.... you have plenty of time to meet other girls, and eventually you will find the one for you. Don't rush it though - just date and have fun. when the right one happens to come along, you will know.

MonkeySlap Too
08-18-2002, 05:34 PM
Good advice.

And, uh refer back to mine after your 18.

08-18-2002, 05:49 PM
I got a similar story to AT's. Back in 98 when I was 20, I went to San Francisco on a business trip. I spent 3 weeks in San Francisco, San Jose and Hayward, and was getting attention from some of the finest women I've seen in my life. I had a girlfriend though, so other than the occasional "d@mn", I paid no mind to all the flirting. I bought her alot of stuff from candy to kimonos, only to find out when I returned that she'd been cheating on me. Unlike AT though, I've never been the type to spend alot of money on someone (pimpology 101, LOL :D ) but it was still the thought of it all. We were talking every day, I was buying her stuff and thinking about her, and the whole time she was creeping on me.

Revenge is a muthafugga though... the dude ended up cheating on her, and she kept calling me, trying to get me back. I put the voice of a girl I was dating on my machine, which killed her. Serves her right...

08-18-2002, 07:19 PM
yo dude, just wanted to remind you that if you are to be ****ed off, than be that towards the person that had a comitment with you, not the one that didnt.
Its your girl that had to be loyal to you, not the dude that is with her now. Sure its wrong of his side to be with a girl that has a boyfriend, but she decided it this way, she accepted him and denied you, know what im saying.

08-18-2002, 08:08 PM
what are some ways to stop the relationship from getting boring?

i try being 'mean', but my g/f gets all sad.... bugger

08-18-2002, 08:21 PM
just do different things...don't always do the same thing and get into a routine. you don't wanna go to a movie every friday, you don't always wanna have sex in the same place, you don't always wanna go to the same restaurant and talk about the same things, etc. you gotta be spontaneous.

Try calling one night and saying "Okay, we're going to (insert place here), so be ready in 20 minutes" there are plenty of ways to prevent a relationship from "getting stale"

Shadow Dragon
08-18-2002, 08:27 PM
Adding onto what SevenStar said.

Small little presents/gifts can also make a HUGE difference.

Occasionally give her a single flower or small chocolate or similar.
Just kinda saying.
"Hey, I think of you and thanks for being here."

A Bunch of Flowers or similar might get the wrong response.

Also DON'T do the stereotypical thing like Valentines day routine, etc.

Rather than taking her to the Cinema try a Musical with a nice Supper afterwards.
And also often do things she likes, even though you would rather to something else.

A relationship is about sharing and understanding and not just exchanging body fluids.


08-18-2002, 08:49 PM
Actually there is some good advice here. i.e. Don't be boring and
don't supplicate.

Now 3 years is an awful long time and I can understand your
emotional state, but you will achieve nothing by sitting around
feeling sorry for yourself. It wasn't meant to be. They're are plenty of other girls out there so go get w/ one (or more).

08-18-2002, 09:21 PM
It's funny, but all this advice gave me a slight revelation!

Here's the advice so far:

Keep it interesting
Surprise her
Have sex in different places
Don't always do the same things

Well, that's all good advice, and it can all be covered in one fell swoop!



08-18-2002, 09:46 PM
thanks, got it.

08-19-2002, 07:54 AM
try to get rid of those moments when she says what do you want to eat today and you're like "whatever dear, i don't mind, whatever you want"

you: "what shall we do tonight?"
her: "don't mind, what do you want to do?
"you: "dunno, i'll do what you want to do"

get rid of that ****

and get rid of these moments:

you: "i'm going to tyrones' [your friend] house"
her: "why?"
you: "i'm going to watch the soccer"
her: "why do you have to goto your friends house to do that? you can watch it here with me"
you: "ok dear, i'll watch it here"

put your foot down. etc

08-19-2002, 09:47 AM
Don't even worry about some superficial chick that leaves you out of boredom. There's two major possibilities here. One, hormonal change/fear of commitment at a young age, there's nothing that you can do about that one. In this society we don't even "find" ourselves until mid-twenties. IF you work and live on your own, and have a real life, that can go quicker but if you go to University, etc, it's basically going to be even longer before you grow up. The other possibility is that she is just superficial, worrying about "boredom" and sh!t like that. I find that different cultures have different expectations of a relationship. Some girls are wise enough to appreciate positive qualities like responsibility in a man. You guys are kids, you're finding out about trust for the first time (as we speak), and to be honest, your relationship never had to be that deep because you live with your parents and they provide alot of the emotional support and framework that you need in your life. You may not see it that way now, but you will understand after you've lived on your own for several years.

Anyway she did you a favor, to be honest. You don't need her. Try to resist the temptation to do the same thing to someone else.
And, what Monkeyslap too said :)

P.S. She didn't "cheat" on you she left you. That's better than what I went through with my first girlfriend. 'Nuff said.

08-19-2002, 01:06 PM
Actually the other dude didn't even know about me.She said something about not wanting to be tied down right now. Oh well.For some reason I just really don't give a **** that it happened anymore.I don't get mad or sad.Kinda weird.

The Willow Sword
08-19-2002, 01:29 PM
after 3 years of going out this woman/girl should have decided whether or not she wanted to be tied down. i dont understand that ideology of wanting to not be tied down. i mean i am a rather conservative guy when it comes to relationships,,ESPECIALLY in these days and times when STD's are rampant.
basically what she is saying is that she wants to fuc% and be a little wh0re until she gets tired of it.
dont blame the dude that she spread her legs to.
remember Viper555 that a Woman is a temple,,,, Built on a sewer. Stay in the temple bro.

Many respects,,,The Willow Sword

MonkeySlap Too
08-19-2002, 01:30 PM
Dating Kung Fu:

1.) You only mean to a woman what she feels like at that moment. She's happy? You're good. She's depressed? You're not living up to things. She's ****ed (and not even at you) you are dirt.

Lesson: Date a woman who already knows she's crazy. That way she'll cut you some slack.

2.) Little things mean more than big things. Never, ever buy big gifts, except for big occasions - for your wife. Girlfriends never get the cake. Consistent, little attentions (bringing her a soda, subconciously adjusting her purse strap so it doesn't fall of her shoulder when you are walking together, hand picked flowers...) mean more than any one big thing. It's regular attention, not 'quality' of attention that matters.

3.) Detach. You are dating. People get their hearts broken all the time. But it's often the rejection that drives people into insanity. Give it up. No woman is worth messing up your own life (at least until you get married), and you will be rejecting girls as well. Just do it with honor instead of how your girlfriend did it.

4.) Enjoy yourself. You are young, and while at that age you feel the strongest attachments, you are better off treating a lot of girls as friends rather having a 'steady' girlfriend. This will reap rewards continuosly if you pay attention to it.

5.) When you do find the person you want to 'settle down' with - ask yourself - would you go into business with this person? Because the passion will wain, but if you married badly, her stupidity will be with you forever.

Different rules for girls, but I'm not revealing all my 'internal' dating kung fu.

08-19-2002, 01:47 PM
During college I dated a girl for about 3 years too (a hot looking MTV dancer – no lie!). After 3 long years of sexual bliss (I was in every one of her orifices many times over – no lie!) she told me she wanted to see other people. She knew she wanted to marry me, she said, but wanted to try others out – so to speak – before committing to engagement and ultimately marriage. I wasn’t asking by the way, this was just her crazy mind working here. I told her I was disappointed but that she could go explore. I also told her if she does explore that I would be doing the same – she was ****ed! We parted with a kiss and went looking for others to see if what we had was true love or just, well, sexual bliss – for me anyway. Ultimately, I found others to sexually explore. Many others. Then I met my wife of almost 10 years and 2 kiddies later. I am so glad I ‘wasted’ those 3 years! In the end it all turned out perfectly. I heard she married a guy and has a horrible marriage. Her loss! Actually, looking back I see she wasn’t really a good match for me – although she seemed to be at the time.

You have every right to be angry with her. You have every right to feel sick. It has happened too many of us. You are not alone, only in good company.

Good luck!


08-19-2002, 01:56 PM
d@mn, wish i had this advice form u all 3 months ago! i went insane because of a stoopid gal :mad: But thankfully i had a couple of close friends to help knock some sense in to me (u know who u r) and found an even closer one in the process... :)

so don't worry if things all go to sh|t and u feel depressed and crazy or whatever - it's hard to just keep going but then things can only get better. They will, but sometimes it just takes time :)

Monkeyslap Too: r u teaching any seminars on your 'kung fu dating'? I'm sure u'd get more ppl than for Shuai Jiao :D


08-19-2002, 02:42 PM
you're in school dude. consider yourself lucky. imagine how fu cked you'd feel if you didnt visit an entire candy shop of pus sy on a daily basis.

08-19-2002, 02:44 PM
and now you know to beat the fear into the next worthless bi tch.

08-19-2002, 07:23 PM
Ok got it. Treat my next GF like ****.

08-19-2002, 07:47 PM
LOL...this forum knows about my EX CHEATING...and these guys are GREAT! VIPER...u're young bro...these guys are RIGHT. You don't treat her like a BIATCH...u simply need to keep it interesting. But at your age and the relationship being 3 years...it was bound to END. However...the way it ended with her cheating on you was WRONG. There is RIGHT and there is WRONG. If she somehow met someone else and wanted to pursue the guy she should have broke it off with you and then move on. What she did WRONG was to hold on to you while moving on with this guy! Doesn't matter if this guy knows or not. What does that make her??? She's a HO. Period! I laugh when I watch girls on Jerry, on Jenny Jones and Maury Povich that can't figure out who their baby dad is...claim they are not a HO. VIPER...u don't need to punish her by KICKING her ass...u can fantacize about it LOL...but she does not deserve your friendship or even a WORD from you. EVER! If she wants to fu+ck...then fu+ck her and then walk out the bedroom. She's a HO and deserves to be treated like a HO. Never let a WOMAN become a POWER figure or she'll leave u for a man that has more stature.

Now to get over this HO. Workout...read...do something positive...remind yourself...that u have STRENGTH and HONOR...something this HO will never have and can't touch. Smile BRO...this is a GOOD THANG...not a BAD THANG. Trust US!

08-19-2002, 08:04 PM
Aaah - my experience with evil women tells me everything will be all right...


I was seeing a girl from when I was 17-20yo. We started having some trouble and she ended up shagging a guy who knew full well that I was still in the picture. She flat out told me too. You could tell she was upset at hurting me but was none-the-less happy with her new acquisition. I contemplated beating the poop outta the guy but just let it slide. And I taked to the girl for a bit afterwards and then couldn't be bothered. It cut me deep - and I stayed in my shell for far too long. I missed heaps of chances at uni cause I was still thinking of the wench.

She moved to Sweden with him and they are still together. She's also HUGE now. So, they suit each other. And I have now found me a great woman.

So - the moral - these things happen for a reason. It hurts, you get over it and the goodies that are out there mmm mmm mmm!!

Cheers gents.

Royal Dragon
08-19-2002, 09:00 PM
"Never let a WOMAN become a POWER figure or she'll leave u for a man that has more stature. "

Yup, that's how "My" first marriage failed.

I'm the total opposite with Terri. She knew me before my first marriage, and though I kissed her ass to much. Now she says my ex "Ruined" me becuase I'm quite the ass when I want to be, I don't put up with any BS, and I dumper her when she ****es me off. Telli'n you, there is soething to this thing about Women wanting to be misstreated. Every guy I know that takes an attitude with their woman are happy and content. the ones who cater to them and go out of their way to be extra nice and "Special" get cheated on. I've seen it a thousand times.

Do yourself a favor, cop additudes of superiority, and act like you don't care about her from time to time with the next girl, you'll see what I mean.

08-20-2002, 03:11 AM
HI everyone!

I've been away from this forum a long time now. I reasently got back and was thinking of posting again but my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me last saturday. (a week ago) Viper man! I totally know what your going through, and I'm only glad that my gf did not cheat at me. Our problem was that we fell in to that same routine. And she just got tired of it.

It's great that your angry with her!! Don't be sad, be mad :D eventually it will pass and you start thinking of everything that is good in your life.

You have your family
You have your friends

I've gotten closer to both my family and my nearest friends because of this tragedy in my life. and that makes me feel better. It is important to OPEN yourself up to your close ones. Don't just talk to some dumb grapplers (;) ) on internet, tell your family. You'll feel great. Hell, do this even if you feel ok with you situation as we speak. What I did to 'feel ok' was to constantly do stuff. The last week I've almost never been to the house. Always outside with buddies and such.
And now my school starts again so I'll be busy with that. (and trying to train as much as possible)

And to quote Iwama Hazuki sensei-
"Keep friends, those you love... close"

peace y'all

08-20-2002, 10:25 AM
What are you looking for anyway?

If you're looking for something serious, forget about little girls and wait until you find someone mature who is mature about relationships.

You guys are too wrapped up in this. A good number of women for the most part are boring. Why waste your time with girls who "like to be mistreated." I never met one like that who had anything but air between her ears. Why spend so much hurt feelings and longing for dumb people?

Get over it :p
Man, at least my hurt feelings are from one or two above average women. Not from a bunch of low lifes who don't appreciate good things. :rolleyes:

And if anyone thinks that is condescending... well you're right it is :p

Some of you guys are just weird. :cool:

08-20-2002, 01:15 PM
I kinda agree with Ryu. Nobody should be mistreating anyone else. It happens but that doesn't make it right. However, one person's rights stop where the other person's begins. You shouldn't mistreat your woman, you just need to check her if she can't check herself. You are allowed to put limits on one another, that's part of being in a relationship. Do be assertive, do take the lead. Remember that you are the man, and that women need a man. Put your foot down, don't let her dictate to you. But resorting to insults and threats (even abusive behavior), like I've seen men do in a lot of relationships, that's taking it too far.

08-20-2002, 01:22 PM
DO NOT, in your next relationship:

Call her every day from your bed before you go to sleep, avoid getting off the phone, tell her "I love you" about 100 times before hanging up, and make coo-cooing noises. We will all come down and kick your ass if this happens.

08-20-2002, 02:53 PM
"But at your age and the relationship being 3 years...it was bound to END."

that's not neccessrily true. i have been plugging the same hole since i was 15, almost seven years now, but i am a complete and total as shole.

KC Elbows
08-20-2002, 02:55 PM
"IME, very few women will mess around with a perfectly good relationship & Partner."


I can't recall who posted that on this thread, but they might have forgotten to figure in a large number of women under the age of 25. And a number over.

You're young. You don't need a marriage sort of relationship. Enjoy your experiences, even this one will crack you up when you're older.

Oh yeah, and be extra critical of any advice you get on the internet. Remember, unless it's technical data, you're dealing with multiple lifetimes of anecdotes and conjecture.

There's a thousand ways to keep a woman, and another thousand ways to lose one. No one of them works or fails on all women.

Oh yeah, and don't wear a tank top when she's got a nice skirt on. And compliment always, but never fawn.

08-20-2002, 02:58 PM
and beat her. physical abuse is a perfectly healthy part of any and every relationship.

08-20-2002, 05:20 PM
I think the best advice someone mention was to not let it PHASE YOU. Sure u loved her but once u start letting it eat at u...it will affect your mental and your health. So good luck.

08-20-2002, 11:27 PM
Learn to make her come.

Treat her like a princess most of the time and like a **** every once in a while.

Always compliment, but never fawn (well said, KC).

If she asks things like, "Do I look fat in this?" Your answer is, "Do I look like an idiot?" Don't get drawn into any of that ****. Don't play any of her games and she'll learn to respect that.

Surprise her (flowers, nights out, donkey punches).

Clean the toilet every once in a while.

Never, ever, ever, ever lose contact with friends for her sake. Make sure that you can both go out sometimes without each other.

If she wants to change anything about you (your hair, your clothes, your tv habits, your training schedule), you tell her to like it or lump it. You were like this before her and you'll be like it after her.


Women marry men expecting them to change, but they don't.

Men marry women expecting them not to change, but they always do.

Or, to put it more succinctly:

How do you turn a fox into an elephant? Marry her.

Remember, no two chicks are exactly the same, so learn what each one really likes. Also know that there is a commonality with all women that a few golden rules can help you cope with! (See above).

Don't be a sap, cos chicks love a hard man. Don't cover your emotions, cos chicks love a sensitive man. Don't be scared in the bedroom, cos chicks love a good seeing to as much as the guy does. Just remember the first line of this post and don't ever let it slip by!

Just a few bits and pieces from my experience. There's a million more, but I'm tired of typing for now.