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View Full Version : chemo bi tch

08-20-2002, 03:26 PM
well last night i got sick and tired (no pun intended) of sitting around on my ass, so i decided to start working out again. i obviously wasn't able to go full force, but suprisingly my workout didn't go too bad. lots of stretching and chigung followed by some bag work that was rather impressive for a cancer bi tch.

i was considering lifting, but im not sure wether or not this is a good idea. i'm wondering if iron fist, or anyone else with a good knowlege of the effects of lifting on the body, has any opinions on this. if you dont know, or if it helps, chemo works by killing all of the fast reproducing cells in the body. overall, im handeling it very well and its only every other week. so i always have at least one week where i feel fine. the rest of the time im tired and a little nausiated, but i have gotten used to forcing myself to eat regardless. the only weight i have dropped (like 5lbs) is directly from not lifting and not from a loss of apatite. my point is that im not as worn down as a lot of people get and feel that i'm up to doing something, but im not sure if lifting would be too taxing on the body.

i was also wondering if anyone had any advice for specific diets or vitamins that are good for a chemo bi tch. i probably won't talk to my doctor for a while and i seriously doubt he'd know anyway. i only go to him is because it's exremely close, treatment for what i have is going to be pretty much universal, and it's obvious that it's already working. i have hodgekins and lymph nodes that were swollen for over a year were completely gone after the first week. traveling 2 hours to a big cancer clinic might sound nice, but it would be amost impossible for me to continue working doing that so it's kinda last resort.

any info or insults would be appreciated.

08-20-2002, 03:56 PM
I thought you died already

Chang Style Novice
08-20-2002, 03:59 PM
I hope he hasn't!

I have $20 riding on Sept. 30th.

08-20-2002, 05:01 PM
Hey GDA, good to hear things are going OK. Still praying for you :)

08-20-2002, 06:17 PM

08-20-2002, 11:33 PM
GDA's been dead for years. He's the only cancer ***** corpse in the world.

On topic, I would suggest bodyweight stuff first and see how that goes. If you don't suffer too much from that, maybe try some light weights.

Crimson Phoenix
08-21-2002, 01:25 AM
GDA, usually it's the spirit that limits the body...just do whatever you feel like doing without worrying about it being taxing or not. Start easy just to be sure, then do what you feel.
The spirit is incredibly important while fighting cancer.
As for chemo, since it usually generates heavy free radical production, I'd say get some more antioxidants like combos of vit C and vit E (alone, they won't be really useful), and drink liters of green tea: it has plenty of antioxidant in it and moreover has a compound "epigallocatechin gallate" that's pretty much hyped for it's anti cancer and anti-leukemia (I myself tried it on chronic B lymphoid leukemia cells in vitro) properties.
With exercize, killer spirit, and a little vitamin boost, everything will be fine :-)