View Full Version : Why Are you training?

08-21-2002, 01:01 PM
This is more on personal aspects of training. I have been training in wingchun for many different reasons. In the beginning I happened upon a small school tucked away somewhere in the city. I had never heard of the art, even in relation to Bruce Lee. After studying up on it and taking a few classes I feel in love. When I quit my Karate class, it was because it just didn’t seem to suit me. Wing Chun just seemed to click, to make sense. Once I had been going to my first school a little I decided to get out and look around. Eventually I got to trek around the country and check different schools out. I finally came home to settle on one. Now I train for a few different reasons. For self defense, my whole reason for getting into the martial arts anyway. I found wing chuns efficiency to be a good answer. I train for health, training 2-3 hours a day has really put me into shape! I feel like I have much more energy and am more alive In some ways. Even my mind seems more awake and responsive! Answers come to me more quickly, and trouble shooting at work has become a breeze! I train for discipline, making myself get up early, or come home and hit the garage right away has helped me to find discipline.

The reason I have been so adamant and insisting on people getting out and checking on other schools, other lineages, etc… is that I had never got these benefits from my initial training. Sure I felt a little more confident in a fight, but otherwise not a whole lot changed. My current training has had a huge impact not just on my training but on my life. How about you guys? What are you training for?

08-21-2002, 01:14 PM
I train more for the journey, rather than the destination. Meaning I mostly do it for fun. It's something to focus on that is mostly beneficial to the rest of my life. Takes care of my exercise requirement, too. The self-defense, should I need it, is just kind of a sweet benefit.

08-21-2002, 03:34 PM
I started in Karate and then injured my back after 6 years. I had to either quit or find a softer style. I read up on Wing Chun and thought it would help my hand skills that were admitedly lacking. As Red said, it just clicked for me, so I dumped all my other training and never looked back.

The more I learn, the more control I seem to develop. That "whole body awareness" seems to help with everything in life ... and it just keeps building every day.

It's also the only martial art that I have complete faith in. I've never had to question the skills that I'm learning.

08-21-2002, 04:58 PM
I train because every since I was able to write I have been keeping a list of people who have wronged me in some small or large or otherwise way. When my training reaches a certain level, I will quickly seek out each person in turn and damage them greatly.

Mr. Bao
08-21-2002, 07:16 PM

The main reason why I train is to protect myself from violent men who wishes to beat asian males such as myself and to develop myself mind, body, and spirit.

At first, I chose WC due to Bruce Lee, but presently I study WC not to be Bruce Lee but to reach my own personal goals and be a hero in my own life.

Yenhoi, I hope you will learn after some time studying wing chun kung fu that revenge is never an answer but a hindrance for personal well being. Please learn how to forgive and let go. Good luck with your training. And stay away from guns....


08-21-2002, 08:01 PM
The main reason why I train is to protect myself from violent men who wishes to beat white males who go by the handle S.Teebas; such as myself and to develop myself mind, body, and spirit.

08-21-2002, 08:15 PM
I originally began taking wing chun right before i started high school in order to handle myself if anyone wanted to start something. but that never happened and i just stuck with it. Eventually, i saw the real potential of what i could acheive if i worked even harder. so now i am hooked.

John Weiland
08-21-2002, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by S.Teebas
The main reason why I train is to protect myself from violent men who wishes to beat white males who go by the handle S.Teebas; such as myself and to develop myself mind, body, and spirit.

08-21-2002, 10:15 PM
The main reason that I train is to keep elephants away... and you know something, I have proof- wing chun works.

08-21-2002, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by yenhoi
I train because every since I was able to write I have been keeping a list of people who have wronged me in some small or large or otherwise way. When my training reaches a certain level, I will quickly seek out each person in turn and damage them greatly.

I got to that certain level some years ago. I killed all my enemies like you plan to do, but still felt unsatisfied inside. And my hands got blisters like you wouldn't believe from digging all those shallow graves.

As a goal, it's way overrated.

08-22-2002, 02:21 AM
i'm training for the day i meet you red5angel! i will show you the REAL wing chun and shut you up for good! HA HA

*takes of gloves and throws them to the floor*


08-22-2002, 06:53 AM
LOL @ Yenhoi, I hope you are drinking milk.....and the blood of your enemies.

TjD, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ;)

John Weiland
08-22-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by wujidude
. . . but have you ever considered why senior citizens practice tai chi?
Hi Wujidude,

Is it because it takes until you're geriatric before you've learned the system? :)


John Weiland
08-22-2002, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by wujidude
Eggzackly, John. As contrasted with Wing Chun, which you should be able to master by the end of kindergarten.

That's Ok, 'cause I never graduated from kindergarten. They automatically pass you on the second go round. ;)

They didn't teach Taijiquan in my school though. That was for the old folks. ;) The exception was 5-year-old Rufus Angelo who always went both ways.


08-22-2002, 05:34 PM

08-22-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by John Weiland

Is it because it takes until you're geriatric before you've learned the system? :)


John, it doesn't take till you geriatric to be able to use tai chi. It just takes 20 years of practicing every single day :)

John Weiland
08-22-2002, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Atleastimnotyou

John, it doesn't take till you geriatric to be able to use tai chi. It just takes 20 years of practicing every single day :)
Hi Chris,

LOL! :)

You referring to me taking twenty years to finish kindergarten? That's a mild exaggeration. Who told ya? :)

I fall more into the age group Wujidude previously described. :) But, I'll be lucky if my Wing Chun is good enough to hold onto my stuff. :)


08-22-2002, 06:20 PM
I train so that when the Apocalypse ™ strikes and civilization falls I can sell my services as fight master to some regional overlord in order to provide for my family. Or when the U.N. shock troops come out of the salt mines under Detroit to take our guns in door to door raids I will still have a way to fight. The usual reasons.

08-22-2002, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by BeiKongHui
I train so that when the Apocalypse ™ strikes and civilization falls I can sell my services as fight master to some regional overlord in order to provide for my family. Or when the U.N. shock troops come out of the salt mines under Detroit to take our guns in door to door raids I will still have a way to fight. The usual reasons.

Dang. That's what I was going to say.
- kj

08-23-2002, 01:14 AM
I heard about those salt mines on the internet:eek:
Thanks to my trustee judo chop they won't get me so easily!!!:mad:

08-23-2002, 01:16 AM
That's trusty judo chop for any smart guys out there:rolleyes: :mad: