View Full Version : Asbel Cancio, a Moy YAT student ?

08-22-2002, 01:14 PM
a poster in another forum stated that Cancio was a student of Moy Yat. Cancio had entered a mma match and got pounded to the ground by a judo guy.
Was Cancio a student of Moy Yat ?

08-22-2002, 01:36 PM
I've heard that he was but I haven't been able to get a confirmation. I can't really see someone from the Moy family entering a NHB fight as they focus more on kung fu life than brawling. Who knows maybe he got a big head and thought he could handle it?

Tom Kagan
08-22-2002, 03:19 PM
The match was in 1995 and was the alternate round in UFC5. It officially lasted 22 seconds and ended in a win over Cancio by Dave Beneteau via tapout (punches).

Before the fight, Asbel Cancio was billed as a "Kung Fu fighter." Right before the fight, he was billed as a "Sifu of Wing-Chun Kung Fu from Miami, Florida." Cancio weighed in at 225 lbs standing 5'10". During an interview, he said he hadn't trained for the fight at all.

Dave Beneteau, at the time, was the Canadian national champion in Judo and a successful amatuer wrestler with his share of regional tournament wins. Beneteau weighed in at 250 lbs standing 6'2"

[B]It was a miracle the fight lasted as long as it did. :)

After the fight, the results were posted in many places. "Wing Chun" was inconsistently spelled also as "Ving Tsun" or "Wing Tsun." It seems that in the autumn of 1995, the usenet newsgroups picked up on the "VT", "WT" spelling and a lot of fun was had at Cancio's expense. Leung Ting was a target of fun. But, their organization quickly denied Cancio ever trained with them. At the time, Moy Yat was the most well known Sifu who used the "VT" spelling (but not the only one), so we also became a target. Because we really couldn't tell whether Cancio had ever trained with us (and our tendency to just ignore these things), Cancio quickly became "our" poster boy. :)

In February of 2000, I first became aware of Cancio. I spoke to Sifu about him. That was the first time he ever heard Cancio's name. (We had actually watched 2 videos of the UFC fights together before. But, UFC5 wasn't one of them.)

Moy Yat didn't particularly like the UFC competitions. He felt they were boring and looked too much like gay-porn. :) (The UFC seems to have felt similarly and subsequently added timed rounds, clinch/guard breaks, and point deductions to stop the fighters from too much stalling.)

However, regardless of his views of whether the fights made for a good show and regardless of Moy Yat's personal views on fighting at all, Sifu was always impressed with the people who just get into the octagon (or ring, or back alley) for an "official" match with relatively unbiased judges in front of many witnesses. I can't see how Sifu or any of his close students wouldn't claim Cancio. Sifu has told many people about his other bad students - from contest losers through junkies, the insane, con men all the way up to contract killers of children. (He's also told many about the good students: the contest winners, accountants, doctors, movie stars, and corporation CEOs, and many "f***ing guys" in between these extremes. :D) ) Why would this Cancio guy be any different? If he's "ours," then he's "ours" - we can't really change history. Well, not by much anyway. :)

Cancio seems to have come out of nowhere, fought one time, and disappeared. I've spoken to a few people in our family about him and everyone seems genuinely unaware of him.

I can't tell if he ever trained in any of our schools or not. If Cancio really was from Florida, the guys down there might know for sure, but they're not talking. :)

old jong
08-23-2002, 06:38 AM
What a pity!...I saw a guy standing in YGKYM in front of a 250 pds wrestler like if he was going to dan chi sau with him!
I saw the wrestler throw a slow feint to the head to make the other raise his hands...And he did!...
I saw the "Wing Chun" guy chase hands when he could have punched and find himself on his back with the other guy fully mounted.
The end came shortly after.
Whatever the school this guy had learned from,he was not ready or advanced enough to fight in a show like that.He was looking like a beginner still discovering his bong sau and tan sau!
He was billed as a "Wing Chun sifu or master" by Rorion Gracie.This was the common marketting strategy of the early UFC's

08-23-2002, 06:42 AM
contract killers of children

That's not you is it Tom?

08-23-2002, 10:24 AM
How did you get to see this fight? I only saw on that UFC the "highlight" which was Dave Benateau pounding Cancio's head into the mat.

The same thing for the other early Wing Chun match with Scott Baker. No full fight, just a brief clip. :(

The only full match I saw with Wing Chun was Duncan Leung's student Steve Faulkner against Igor Zinoviev for 44 seconds.

Originally posted by old jong
What a pity!...I saw a guy standing in YGKYM in front of a 250 pds wrestler like if he was going to dan chi sau with him!
I saw the wrestler throw a slow feint to the head to make the other raise his hands...And he did!...
I saw the "Wing Chun" guy chase hands when he could have punched and find himself on his back with the other guy fully mounted.
The end came shortly after.

old jong
08-23-2002, 02:51 PM
As I said,Benetau faked a punch and the other started hands chasing.Benetau then just did a double leg and mounted him.A few punches later ,it was the end.
The short segment was in fact the whole fight!...:eek:

Tom Kagan
08-23-2002, 04:24 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BeiKongHui

That's not you is it Tom?

Why are you asking? Do you need someone killed?

MonkeySlap Too
08-23-2002, 04:39 PM
You would train with someone who teaches contract killers of children?!?

Tom Kagan
08-24-2002, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by MonkeySlap Too
You would train with someone who teaches contract killers of children?!?

A good question only you can answer.

A random thought: Among others, there are two prestigious colleges here in New York City: Columbia University and City College, New York.

Because they are both located in the same general area (Harlem) and are served by the same mass transit buses and subway lines, a few friendly rivalries developed over the decades both institutions have existed. Two of the rivalries are the number of students who went on to receive U.S. patents and also who won the Nobel Prize.

However, a quite different and far more amusing rivalry also exists: the number of students who went on to become convicted felons. ;)

Oh, and in case you were wondering, my mother attended Columbia and one of my sisters attended City College. (My mother went on to become a Registered Nurse. My sister went on to become an Assistant District Attorney.)

08-24-2002, 04:42 PM
Sure, big differences between people in the Oval office- from Jefferson to Nixon. Among VPs--- take your pick... to Spiro Agnew.

08-28-2002, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Tom Kagan
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BeiKongHui

That's not you is it Tom?

Hi Tom,

Wondering if we trained together. Did you train at the E. Broadway school? If so what years?
