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08-23-2002, 03:28 AM
How would a Wing Chun man fight 3 or 4 people at one time ?

08-23-2002, 04:00 AM
Originally posted by FIRE HAWK
How would a Wing Chun man fight 3 or 4 people at one time ?

One at time.

Same answer for Wing Chun women.

- Kathy Jo

08-23-2002, 05:27 AM
Originally posted by kj

One at time.

Same answer for Wing Chun women.

How about Wing Chun people? ;c )

Originally posted by FIRE HAWK

How would a Wing Chun man fight 3 or 4 people at one time ?

The Wing Chun man, being wise and intelligent, would pull out his fully automatic machine gun to even the odds!! (J/K) ;c )


Hopefully a Wing Chun PERSON would find a way to not have to fight 3 or 4 people at a time. There is no guarantee that these 3 or 4 people will allow you to only fight one at a time. If you have to run then go ahead and run. There is no shame in surviving.


08-23-2002, 07:36 AM
butterfly knives.

chi sau
08-23-2002, 10:40 AM
using footwork keeping those three or four men at bay by using one of them as a shield kind of thing then eliminate the "shield" guy and using footwork pick up a new "shield guy "thats how ive always trained it
so for example your first guy youwould ghost behind or something similar you now attack him whilst using him to prevent the other guys getting near to you until you are ready to take the next guy

08-23-2002, 11:01 AM
i agree with a lot that has been said. when the first one comes at you, make and "example" out of him. really hurt him in order to discurage the others.. if they keep coming, keep one guy in between you and the others. and deal with them accordingly

08-23-2002, 11:24 AM
Some popular tactics are learning to fight one at a time, keeping one between you and the others, etc.... I think there are a lot of factors involved, how aggressive are they, how well trained etc... I think with those odds your best chance is to run like hell but if you cant atleastimnotyou is right, pick one and tear into him as quickly and efficiently as possiblle, hopefully that will get the others to stop and think.

08-23-2002, 11:40 AM
What if you are with someone who can't protect their self or they can't effectively get away? How will this dictate your response?

Once I was jumped (before MA training) with a friend who was unable to get away...I stayed and went down fighting with my buddy while our other friend ran away without a scratch on him. It sucked but at least I knew which friend I could trust in a tight spot.:(

Just some thoughts

08-23-2002, 12:08 PM
Chum Kiu teaches combat angles and footwork.

08-23-2002, 12:35 PM
keep the 3 or 4 of them on your centerline :) that way you really only have to deal with one at a time (unless they have guns)

easier said than done however

08-23-2002, 12:54 PM
with a car. i recommend a crown victoria, because they're freaking huge.

my instructor says it nice and eloquently -- line 'em up and cut 'em down.

08-23-2002, 03:50 PM
Hello Guys

Depends on the 'type' of group your dealing with.

If it's a 'bravado' group - generally youngsters with one or two who think they're hard men, the rest just goading them on in an attempt to be hard by association, then you just need to seriously hurt the biggest one. 9 times out of 10 the rest will back down.

If it's a drunken brawl, then it's a bit more difficult, especially if you've been drinking. Best policy I've found is to just to go psycho.

I once had the misfortune to get the wrong side of someone who was an expert in going psycho. He was still able to practise the Riverdance on my head even after my mate had kicked his nuts into his abdomen.



08-23-2002, 05:08 PM
"Best policy I've found is to just to go psycho. "

AKA "Pulling the Perkins".....But that would require knives...sigh

Actually, I was just reading about this in "the Action Heroes Source book" (or whatever. it was humorous. written by the worst case scenario folks.) it basically said 'don't get surrounded, line em up and knock em down' but-

it also said keep moving- dodging- so, footwork is a key element. it keeps them from knocking you down. Then the intent of a punch or push is to knock them into each other. I think WC is quite capable of these.

If you have another with you that you have to protect, they should at least help to prevent you becoming surrounded. Even if standing behind you, they can do that. Just tell them to keep jumping around back there.


08-23-2002, 06:20 PM
Actual case a couple of months ago. Not me-but someone now named(#A). A and B were walking downtown in a city and chatting on the way. 4 guys(CDEF) started imitating their conversation.B asked them to quit. CDEF spread out in almosta circle. A stepped up past B..a chum kiu turn and a left char kuen- down and out went C. Another chum kiu turn and a right char kuen with the other hand- down and out went D. Then A wenta after E and F- they ran away. Fortunately no one was hurt permanently. After listening to all sides, C and D were picked up dusted off and taken to involuntarily spend a night in uncomfortable quarters. Best to avoid such things.
On Weekends downtowns are not always the best places to be at.!!
B is a gentle fellow- didnt even get started. Didnt have to. A knew some wing chun and rassling- didnt have to use the latter
and didnt want to be on the pavement. Wing chun at OK Corral. The other guys went to the ground.
Basic wing chun- well timed-Worked that time.
Who knows- next time....? Avoid such problems. Nothing gained.

John Weiland
08-23-2002, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen

Who knows- next time....? Avoid such problems. Nothing gained.
It pays to be deaf to insults, but then you miss the fun. ;)

08-23-2002, 07:14 PM
butterfly knives -from Yenhoi


Well said, it's good to see a real wing chun man here.

Mr. Bao
08-23-2002, 07:24 PM
Personally, If I can run away from this, I would. Fighting more than one person is quite dangerous and this ain't no kung fu movie. This is not a game. I hope none of you will have to go through this battle.

If I can't ran and only can fight,

1. Someone will have to get cut with my blade. (It is not a game.)

2. Think and behave like an animal with no morals and reasoning, and beat the living crap of the closest ******* need me. And use his ass to shield me. I hope that his friends will realized that S**t won't be easy and back the f**k off me!!!

3. Someone will bleed because my blade with be hidden and ready. (It is not a game)


Miles Teg
08-23-2002, 07:40 PM
At my old WC school, one of the instructers sometimes told some of us of situations he got in to. I dont know if they are true or not, but hes wasnt a boastful man, he also told us about times he got his butt kicked so I tend to believe him.

Anyway he told about this time he got in a fight with three drunks, and he would be fighting one of them while keeping another one to his side at bay with low kicks to his side. The kicks werent meant to do any damage they just kept him back until he was finished with the person at hand and could then focus on the person to the side.
Dont know what the 3rd person was doing though.

08-25-2002, 10:51 PM
I tend to agree with alot of the hard line approches people are taking.

3 / 4 people.. you have to be as brutal and efficient as possible.

With a group attack, all it take is for one of them to get you in a possition that is non-ideal, and then they ALL have you in a disadvantageous position.

Not a pretty thought.

Obviously ideally alot of it boils down to footwork - keep moving and try and deal with one at a time.

When you do finally deal with a opponent, destroy him as quickly as possible. Eye's, throat and knees would be my main targets... I have a tendency to avoid the groin in a situtaion like this for few reasons (1) if someone is drunk/high enough , or adrenaline is that high, it will hurt, but it could **** them off more (2) having a guy screaming because he can't see out of one eye, he has a broken leg, or wheezing because of a crushed windpipe is a lot more initimidating than a guy falling to the floor clutching his privates, and (IMHO) is more likely to cause his mates to back off/flinch that will give you a chance to (a) bolt, or (b) launch another attack as neccessary.

But yes - given a choice, I will run away ;o)

Just my 2c


mun hung
08-26-2002, 12:15 AM
Almost twenty years ago as a teenager I fought off four would be muggers in a train station. One had a knife. Scared sh!tless and thought I was dead for sure.

Fought the guy with the knife first - kicked him hard in the knee after he missed - and ran for my life. Didnt know he had friends with him...until I ran right into them. Fought two others one at a time while the cripple tried to catch up to stick me (he was p!ssed!). The fourth one backed down, and they all split after the token booth attendant started calling for the cops.

No police and plenty of New York City bystanders at 4 in the afternoon watching most of it and doing nothing to help.

Had no Wing Chun or any other formal training at the time.....

08-26-2002, 06:16 AM
Thanks for sharing the experience Mun Hung.

08-26-2002, 07:16 AM
thanks for sharing... glad you are ok after it :)
