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Hau Tien
08-23-2002, 07:47 AM
While this isn't COMPLETELY kung fu related, my fiancee and I ("Lisa" on the boards) are about to depart for our wedding/camping honeymoon today!

Why is it related at all? Well.. we met in our kung fu class, my best man is my sihing, and our sifu will be there:)

I'll be sure to post the wedding pics when I return!:)

See you all in a few days!

08-23-2002, 07:54 AM
congrats. It's over for you my man!

08-23-2002, 07:55 AM
Oh, and there is a mis-spelling under your name. The correct spelling is "sammich". Carry on.

08-23-2002, 08:26 AM
I'm very happy for both of you. All that stance training paid off, eh? :confused: :)

08-23-2002, 09:31 AM
congrats, man!!! :D

KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 09:41 AM
Congratulations. And don't bother listening to Ewallace. It's already too late. But there are worse ways to go.

08-23-2002, 09:46 AM
But there are worse ways to go.
Like to Kansas City, Kansas instead of Kansas City, Missouri

KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 10:02 AM
But there are worse ways to go.

"Like to Kansas City, Kansas instead of Kansas City, Missouri"

As soon as he was done writing that, Ewallace had to buff his wife's corns.

That's the nice thing about having a wife with cats. All I need to do is put a little fish oil on the little ladies feet, and those rough feline tongues just lick the corns right off, leaving me free to post on the internet until something needs to be fixed.

Again Hau Tien, congratulations.

08-23-2002, 10:26 AM

KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 10:29 AM
A good wife can make a bacon sammich with the bacon all crispy. If she gives you flimsy bacon, it's not love. Remember that.

08-23-2002, 10:35 AM
Way to hijack a thread about one of the most important days of a man's life KC.

08-23-2002, 10:41 AM
no, kc was just trying to give suggestions to hau tien on how to have a successful marriage.

anyhoo, congrats hau tien. i wish you many years of bacon sammiches and other such joys. :)

KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 10:41 AM
I'm sharing the wisdom of one who has been down that route, and never returned.

Other important details:

-Make lots of ultimatums. Chicks dig ultimatums.
-Openly disaprove of her friends.
-Watch fashion shows and ocassionaly refer to a pencil thin model as "that porker".

Follow my advice, and you should be able to make it through this thing. Listen to eWallace, and you'll end up just another texas flood victim. The choice is yours.

08-23-2002, 10:50 AM
"A good wife can make a bacon sammich with the bacon all crispy. If she gives you flimsy bacon, it's not love. Remember that." - NOOOOOOOOOOO:eek: That b!tch! I knew she didn't love me. All I ever wanted was a crispy bacon sammich. :( WHHHHY?


08-23-2002, 10:51 AM
Speaking of which KC, here is a pic of my car after the water subsided (http://www.stuntman.fi/htm/tuotteet/liput/lippu28.jpg)

08-23-2002, 10:52 AM
Otay! What if the bacon is semi-crispy? I'm saying semi-crispy gotta count for something. Right?:confused:


KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 10:52 AM
Don't be a buby.

KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 10:54 AM
Semi crispy means she needs you around to pay bills or buy her stuff, but she doesn't care enough to do the bacon right.

Let me guess, she's never given you a toasted bacon sandwhich either, has she?

08-23-2002, 10:55 AM
Can I be an as$?


KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 10:56 AM
Of course.

Is that a Ford?

08-23-2002, 10:58 AM
Nah, a Ford would have been re-called long before the flood.

08-23-2002, 10:59 AM
No.:( But one day when I got home from work she ws making her male cousin one. The funny thing is I can't remember ever hearing about that cousin.:eek: And the bacon was extra crispy too. Ohhh the agony!


08-23-2002, 11:01 AM
Dam.n. I really had know idea what an effective threadjacking techinque that would turn out to be.

My next concoction will be a Bacon sammich with Cheddar Cheese Goldfish on it.

KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 11:02 AM
No one's gonna blame you if you leave her. Pronto.

:D at the Ford comment.

KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 11:06 AM
I think threadjacking is your forte. Even before the bacon incident, you threadjacked my "The day I realized I had a huge *****" thread from the get go.

And then the bacon incident. That thread never had a chance.

You've got a real talent, my friend. You're a natural born threadjacker.

08-23-2002, 11:08 AM
That sucks because I really don't mean to do it either.

My sincere apologies Hau Tien and Lisa.

08-23-2002, 11:10 AM
Congrats man! You done did it to yourself now.


KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 11:13 AM
And you should be ashamed, EWallace. I was gonna say something, but I didn't want to make a scene on Hau Tien's thread.:D

Anyway, if we just left this thread in peace, it would be post after post of "congratulations Hau Tien Lisa, have a great life", etc. By giving this thread some traffic, we're keeping it at the top and giving it some staying power.

I fully expect you to hijack my thread if I announced I was getting married(sure, I'm already married and can't afford another wife, but that doesn't stop those chubby bearded guys in Utah, why should it stop me? I could be a chubby bearded guy. After all, I am a tai chi hippy).

08-23-2002, 11:14 AM
I just read the "The day I realized...." thread. I really did do a number on that one. My fault.

KC Elbows
08-23-2002, 11:21 AM
Which thread?

Former castleva
08-23-2002, 01:43 PM
May their marriage last.

08-23-2002, 01:45 PM

08-23-2002, 02:07 PM
Have a sammich:D

08-29-2002, 06:56 AM
Thanks for all the "congratulations" and such. But all this bacon sammich stuff complicates things a bit. He doesn't like his bacon crispy. You've all made it very clear that crispy bacon = love. So should I make it the way he likes it, or should I make it crispy?

08-29-2002, 10:00 AM
Congrats to Lisa and Hau Tien!

Qi dup
08-29-2002, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by ewallace
Nah, a Ford would have been re-called long before the flood.

HAHAHAHA! aw sh!t Ewallace, that picture of your car was the funniest thing I'll see all day.

Congrats Hau Tien and here's some advice,

Don't be silly, put a rubber on your billy!

And yes Lisa, You make the bacon that way no matter what he says.

Hau Tien
08-29-2002, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Lisa
Thanks for all the "congratulations" and such. But all this bacon sammich stuff complicates things a bit. He doesn't like his bacon crispy. You've all made it very clear that crispy bacon = love. So should I make it the way he likes it, or should I make it crispy?

That's why I make the sammiches around these parts ;)

Crispy bacon? You people are sick!:P

Oh... got a few wedding pics up already...


Thanks for all the kind words!(Even though some of it was threadjacking!:P)

08-29-2002, 06:13 PM
Nice. Congratulations.

08-29-2002, 08:55 PM
very cool pics dude

08-30-2002, 09:55 AM
Great pics! I've bartended ten weddings this summer already. Sorry I couldn't do yours.:p

Ford Prefect
08-30-2002, 10:26 AM
Congrats, bro!