View Full Version : Charity-Martial Arts

Former castleva
08-23-2002, 02:22 PM
This is,naturally,"thumbs up".
Having been thinking about this at times it seems this could be good-for both the target&MA.
I believe these two things mix up quite well.
In good MA,principles/code of morals are always taught in a way or another.very often it is said something legendary like "follow the way of justice" and "cultivate the life",not direct quotes,but they give the idea very well.
Of course as one progresses with an open mind he/she already serves the great lord (putting some samurai feeling) into oneīs life,in this case the great lord is not daimyo,shogun or anything like that,but the source itself,life.
As Bruce Lee states "if every man would help his neighbor,there would be no conflicts" (I must again be quick to note that I probably donīt remember this quote too well either,but again the idea will be delivered)
And my bottom idea in this post is that these two WOULD mix with succes,and do wonders for what we (and especially,people outside the "arts") view it like.
Sure it is always there,as one recognizes it,at times it is taken to a more "notable" level.
We have some vicible examples of that,some of you may have heard about MA/film star Chuck Norrisīs "Kick the drugs out of America" project and others.

Reveal your inner thoughts to me.