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08-25-2002, 05:05 AM
Found this on a dance-music related board and modified it for CMA.

Kung Fu message boards are now everywhere: many the magazines have them, as well as the kwoons, and of course they’re a big part of most CMA websites. For those who don’t know much about the boards, we have provided a list of the 20 different types of MA's you’ll find inhabiting any CMA board:

08-25-2002, 05:07 AM

The moderator will tell everyone that they own the board, whether they do or not. It’s the Internet equivalent of an old man in a sports car; “come back to my place baby and I’ll show you my message board”. The moderator’s always on a power trip and constantly looking for any excuse to exercise their authority, just to let everyone know who’s boss (as if people care)! Of course, the power never goes to their head, oh no, just like that other bloke, what was his name? Adolf something?


Everyone begins their message board life as a ‘newbie’ and traditionally pop their posting cherry with a ‘hello, I’m new’ thread. On some CMA boards the more courteous members reply with a welcoming response, whilst on others the reply is simply “**** off” (if it’s a local board for local people). Female newbies traditionally get a much more welcoming response than the males (particularly if their username has the word ‘babe’ ‘littlemiss’ or a name with any sexual reference).


The wannabe master is the next Wong Fei Hung don’t you know, they’re going to be as big as Bruce Lee, only all they need is a break. The wannabe master got their first grading 6 months ago, they have a God given talent and they know all there is to know about MAs already. They have a great weapons collection (a set of nunchakus and a pair of sais from when Ninja Turtles were popular) and are capable of kicking some serious ass. The wannabe master is also very versatile and is capable of an impressive performance of the first three Samurai Karate katas they know. The wannabe master is going to be the next big thing, their best mate who saw him spar with some guy says so .


Being rude on the Internet just doesn’t get boring for the arsehole. They aim to abuse and offend. However, the arsehole usually only has a few insulting phrases in their vocabulary, which they repeat over and over again until they’re either embarrassed into leaving, or when their mother says it’s time for a bath. Usually the arsehole is quiet and shy in person so perhaps if we paid them more attention in real life then they wouldn’t feel the need to show off on a message board and release all the inbound aggression they have pent up in the real world?


The in-crowd are a select cliquey group of friends that you’ll find on any MA message board. The in-crowd stick together like dog **** on a shoe, sharing their in-jokes and special phrases that only they understand. On some MA boards the in-crowd can be offensive, ganging up in unison on the defenceless ‘victim’. Together, members of the in-crowd act clever, cocky and arrogant. However by themselves they're a different person, without their fellow in-crowd members behind them to back them up.


The victim is ruthlessly ganged up and picked on by the ‘in-crowd’ and ‘arsehole’ of a message board for their own amusement. Everything the victim says is twisted and turned around to be used against them. The victim often doesn’t help themselves by putting up messages leaving them wide open for abuse and digs deeper holes with lame replies giving their tormenters more fuel for their fire of abuse.


She is just like the dominant female in a group of chimps. The dominant female lets all the new boys follow her around and sniff her bum. However, this is to the displeasure of the other females in the group who secretly don’t like it but rarely confront her, instead choosing to just scream and beat their chests. The dominant female gets to parade around the board like she owns the place with all the randy adolescent chimps following her, showing off and praising her in the hope they'll get laid (though they rarely do).


The gash magnet is sometimes funny, sometimes cool, sometimes mysterious and sometimes a MA instructor. Though whatever characteristics the Gash magnet displays they all make the girls drool like a happy cat who assumes the position of a dog on heat whenever they post anything. They also all have the ability to act like they just don’t know they’re good looking and they’d rather not get so much female attention because it makes them feel ’uncomfortable’ - honest! The gash magnets often act all modest and coy in their posts, but it doesn’t mean they’re embarrassed, oh no, it means, “More! Tell me you want to shag me again! More attention! More! More!”. Sometimes they shag the ‘dominant female’.


The attention seeker displays an over-inflated sense of self-importance on the board and as far as they’re concerned it is all about them. Their topics consist of what they’re wearing at the weekend, what they had for breakfast, what colour socks they’re wearing today and anything else they can think of about themselves with a deluded belief that anyone cares. The attention seeker tries to outdo everyone else and they have a unique ability to twist any post into a story about themselves.


The clowns all had funny dads in that ‘dad’ way, hence the constant puns. The clown finds it virtually impossible to post anything without it having a naff gag in it, and when they find themselves in a serious thread they’re out of there faster than a Talib in Texas. In real life the clown is either as irritating as they are on the board, or they never shut-up and it’s impossible to get a word in edgeways. The clown’s ability to make a joke out of anything means they keep the message board moving, so, unlike in the real world, they do kinda serve a purpose on the board.


Not interested in the serious posts, the general chit-chat or the complete random bollocks posts the spammer is only on the board to promote their product/style/kwoon. They fail to see the appeal of message boards, or understand the goings on, yet to them a MA board is an opportunity to seize free advertising and try and attract people to their kwoon/business. All of the spammers posts will be about their products/kwoon and they never give up despite constantly seeing their threads drop to the bottom of the page and into Internet oblivion without a single reply. To their credit however, the spammer has a God-given talent to find a link with the theme of any topic to a “Free MA demonstration at Chinatown” which their kwoon just so happens to be participating in.


The social animal knows everyone on the message board, not only that they know everyone’s real name, their mother’s maiden name and the name of each members first childhood pet. The social animal is on the board 24/7 and have amassed over 10,000 posts in the last year. Their whole life revolves around the Internet and if there’s a meet-up anywhere in the country it’s guaranteed they will be there. The worst thing that could happen to the social animal would be if they lost their Internet access or were forced to miss a meet-up. If this was to ever occur it would be advisable to remove the bottles of paracetemol and razor blades from the social animal’s bathroom.


When the sheep started MA they went in a gi and Karate Kid style headband to Samurai Karate, then they were a High kicking TKD practitioner. However, now some people on the board have said that TKD is shte and Samurai Karate is a McDojo so now the sheep have gone in two different directions. Some of the sheep now have long hair and are wearing loose silk clothing, practicing slow, *******ised Tai Chi. The other herd of sheep are into Wushu, - 'it’s a genuine formidable CMA', though of course in 6 months time they’ll be slating that when someone from the board says it’s crap. The sheep are incapable of making their own decisions and will scour the board looking to see what’s cool, and what’s not, then jump onto whatever bandwagon comes along next.


The history buff knows everything there is to know about the lineage of every system and is fountain of useless historical MA information. The music buff will take great pride in telling anybody who will listen who really invented the rare "green eyebrow" form of an obscure system founded by a master nobody’s ever heard 600 years ago. The history buff thinks that by writing massive long winded posts, with loads of big words, that fellow board users will see how knowledgeable and intellectual they are. Though what usually happens is people can’t be arsed to read their messages and will just scroll down and read the next reply on the thread.


The Sleaze is on the message board for one purpose and one purpose only…to get a shag. When a new female member joins the board they’re as happy as a paedophile in Mothercare and immediately make the first contact with Private Messages welcoming them to the board. The Sleaze believes being so quick off the mark will be the only way to get in the new girls knickers before more good looking, witty and less sleazy board members notice the new member’s presence. Within a few weeks the new girl has blocked the sleaze from MSN and the sleaze moves on to his next target, still hoping to lose his virginity before he reaches 30.


Many message boards have a "bike", and everyone (except ‘the sleaze’) has had a ride. The bike is dirty, filthy and has no inhibitions. She will happily reveal all her seediest and most embarrassing sexual encounters on the board without showing a hint of embarrassment. The bike’s aim is to shag as many blokes on the board as possible and the guys love her whilst the girls hate her. The only trouble with riding the bike is that she’ll put a post up about it the next day going into explicit details about her shag with you.

08-25-2002, 05:08 AM

The Tai Chi hippie loves nature, they love everyone, they love the trees, the stars and they love the fluffy wuffy wittle bunny rabbits. Even if their sifu stopped in the middle of performing their favourite form and declared them a sad ******* over the PA system to a Tai Chi convention then they'd still be smiling, jolly and floating around slow as a sedated three-toed sloth. The Tai Chi hippie is often new to MA and in the honeymoon period. In a few years they become ‘the cynic’.


The cynic has been there, done that and got the t-shirt; or so they say. They sneer at everything; Kungfu’s not as good as it used to be, the instruction’s not as good as it used to be, the message board’s not as good as it used to be, the Chi isn’t as good as it used to be . If anyone ever has anything positive to say about MA, the cynic will always meet it with a negative response; “nah you don’t know what real MA is, real MA was Hong Kong in the 50's, much better than the **** you’re going on about”. The cynic deserves pity for hanging onto the idealism of the past, and what does ‘having fun’ mean again?


The troll is on the board to wreak havoc and cause ****. They’re either a member of the board under a different name, or from a ‘rival’ board looking to sting the ‘enemy’. The troll will post deliberately controversial topics (like ‘Kungfu is ****’ or ‘all gay people should be shot’) to try and get a reaction. Despite their valiant attempts however usually the only people to rise to the bait are ‘the Tai Chi hippie’, who will say that we all should love each other, and ‘the victim’, who falsely believes that by getting on their moral high horse they’ll win friends. A successful troll will get members of a board arguing amongst themselves, though usually the troll is a witless 15 year old school kid with too much time on their hands during half term.


On any MA message board, at any given time, there will always be a number of ‘guests’. The guest isn’t registered and they never post, instead all they do is read. But who are the guests? Nobody knows for sure. Perhaps they’re MAs biding their time before they join up? Or they could be MA instructorsindustry reading the MAs’ opinions? Maybe they’re the police seeing what MAs get up to? Or are they dirty old men masturbating over the photos of young girls in silky clothes? Paranoid? You should be!

DISCLAIMER: This piece is tongue-in-cheek and not to be taken seriously, none of the stereotypes are based on any specific person, but merely accentuate the common characteristics seen from many MA message board users. No animals were hurt in the making of this article, though we mugged an old lady in order

Royal Dragon
08-25-2002, 09:32 AM

Not interested in the serious posts, the general chit-chat or the complete random bollocks posts the spammer is only on the board to promote their product/style/kwoon. They fail to see the appeal of message boards, or understand the goings on, yet to them a MA board is an opportunity to seize free advertising and try and attract people to their kwoon/business. All of the spammers posts will be about their products/kwoon and they never give up despite constantly seeing their threads drop to the bottom of the page and into Internet oblivion without a single reply. To their credit however, the spammer has a God-given talent to find a link with the theme of any topic to a “Free MA demonstration at Chinatown” which their kwoon just so happens to be participating in.

By reading the above, you are contractually obliged to vist www.royaldragonusa.net and post something!!!!


Not interested in the serious posts, the general chit-chat or the complete random bollocks posts the spammer is only on the board to promote their product/style/kwoon. They fail to see the appeal of message boards, or understand the goings on, yet to them a MA board is an opportunity to seize free advertising and try and attract people to their kwoon/business. All of the spammers posts will be about their products/kwoon and they never give up despite constantly seeing their threads drop to the bottom of the page and into Internet oblivion without a single reply. To their credit however, the spammer has a God-given talent to find a link with the theme of any topic to a “Free MA demonstration at Chinatown” which their kwoon just so happens to be participating in.

Yup, free advertising space hmmmmmmmm, Come one come all!!! To the Royal Dragon discussion boards!!! Three forums to chose from, registerd password accoutns, priviate messageing, COME ONE COME ALL!!! (Please?? I allow swearring now...........)

08-25-2002, 09:37 AM

The gash magnet is sometimes funny, sometimes cool, sometimes mysterious and sometimes a MA instructor. Though whatever characteristics the Gash magnet displays they all make the girls drool like a happy cat who assumes the position of a dog on heat whenever they post anything. They also all have the ability to act like they just don’t know they’re good looking and they’d rather not get so much female attention because it makes them feel ’uncomfortable’ - honest! The gash magnets often act all modest and coy in their posts, but it doesn’t mean they’re embarrassed, oh no, it means, “More! Tell me you want to shag me again! More attention! More! More!”. Sometimes they shag the ‘dominant female’.

:D :D :D :D :D

......... I don't know what you're talking about.... :D :cool:


08-25-2002, 09:45 AM
By far the funniest of the poster type charts to be found here.

08-25-2002, 11:43 AM
cool stuff, im glad i dont fit into any group

08-25-2002, 01:23 PM
Xebs: me either... guess we're 'unique' :D
cool thread though :cool:


David Jamieson
08-25-2002, 01:45 PM

The moderator will tell everyone that they own the board, whether they do or not. It’s the Internet equivalent of an old man in a sports car; “come back to my place baby and I’ll show you my message board”. The moderator’s always on a power trip and constantly looking for any excuse to exercise their authority, just to let everyone know who’s boss (as if people care)! Of course, the power never goes to their head, oh no, just like that other bloke, what was his name? Adolf something?

oooooo k then. :D


wushu chik
08-25-2002, 01:59 PM
HA HA HA...that's hilarious....I am sure glad i don't fit into any of those......

uh......gotta jet......



08-25-2002, 07:14 PM
Been reserving my energy for JUST that task, Wendy, my dear.
Please bring some hot wax... :cool:



08-25-2002, 08:45 PM
I see at least 2 you fit into Wendy.

08-25-2002, 09:11 PM

She is just like the dominant female in a group of chimps. The dominant female lets all the new boys follow her around and sniff her bum. However, this is to the displeasure of the other females in the group who secretly don’t like it but rarely confront her, instead choosing to just scream and beat their chests. The dominant female gets to parade around the board like she owns the place with all the randy adolescent chimps following her, showing off and praising her in the hope they'll get laid (though they rarely do).

Can you spell W E N D Y!?

wushu chik
08-25-2002, 09:48 PM

The attention seeker displays an over-inflated sense of self-importance on the board and as far as they’re concerned it is all about them. Their topics consist of what they’re wearing at the weekend, what they had for breakfast, what colour socks they’re wearing today and anything else they can think of about themselves with a deluded belief that anyone cares. The attention seeker tries to outdo everyone else and they have a unique ability to twist any post into a story about themselves.

WOW...Serpent...this sounds JUST LIKE YOU!!! Musta wrote that one yourself!!



08-25-2002, 09:49 PM

The wannabe master is the next Wong Fei Hung don’t you know, they’re going to be as big as Bruce Lee, only all they need is a break. The wannabe master got their first grading 6 months ago, they have a God given talent and they know all there is to know about MAs already. They have a great weapons collection (a set of nunchakus and a pair of sais from when Ninja Turtles were popular) and are capable of kicking some serious ass. The wannabe master is also very versatile and is capable of an impressive performance of the first three Samurai Karate katas they know. The wannabe master is going to be the next big thing, their best mate who saw him spar with some guy says so .


Being rude on the Internet just doesn’t get boring for the arsehole. They aim to abuse and offend. However, the arsehole usually only has a few insulting phrases in their vocabulary, which they repeat over and over again until they’re either embarrassed into leaving, or when their mother says it’s time for a bath. Usually the arsehole is quiet and shy in person so perhaps if we paid them more attention in real life then they wouldn’t feel the need to show off on a message board and release all the inbound aggression they have pent up in the real world?

Brad Souders
08-25-2002, 09:51 PM
Back Off Wen i don't want her to waste energy she could be using on ME

wushu chik
08-25-2002, 09:52 PM
Oh yeah Joe...you are SUCH an a$$hole :rolleyes:


08-25-2002, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by wushu chik

The attention seeker displays an over-inflated sense of self-importance on the board and as far as they’re concerned it is all about them. Their topics consist of what they’re wearing at the weekend, what they had for breakfast, what colour socks they’re wearing today and anything else they can think of about themselves with a deluded belief that anyone cares. The attention seeker tries to outdo everyone else and they have a unique ability to twist any post into a story about themselves.

WOW...Serpent...this sounds JUST LIKE YOU!!! Musta wrote that one yourself!!



That's a bit mean! I'm not an attention seeker. I mean, you accuse me of turning everything into a story about me. What nonsense.

It reminds me of a time a couple of weekends ago when I slipped on my silk shirt and green socks, just after a hearty breakfast of toast and eggs. Well, I know you will all love this story! I left my house and.......


My bad.

Please, go on. Don't mind me.

Wendy's just bitter because I pleasured myself and left her tied to the bed while I went out and got ****ed with the lads on the weekend.....


08-25-2002, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by wushu chik
Oh yeah Joe...you are SUCH an a$$hole :rolleyes:


Ask my girlfriend :D

08-25-2002, 10:24 PM
Yeah, like you've got a girlfriend.


08-25-2002, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
Yeah, like you've got a girlfriend.


At least my girlfriend isn't a sheep :D

08-25-2002, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

Wendy's just bitter because I pleasured myself and left her tied to the bed while I went out and got ****ed with the lads on the weekend.....


Sorry, Serpent. As a man endowed to Chivalry..... perhaps darker chivalry these days, but chivalry none the less.... I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you. Only I can be kinky with her. It's her rule.

*locks and loads a flashing beretta, then sheaths a long knife into the back of his black jeans....*

............ Don't take this personally.

*Old spanish/western whistling plays out a tune in the background....*

08-25-2002, 10:44 PM
JoeDoe, I may spend a lot of time in NZ, but I ain't a Kiwi! ;)

08-25-2002, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Ryu

Sorry, Serpent. As a man endowed to Chivalry..... perhaps darker chivalry these days, but chivalry none the less.... I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you. Only I can be kinky with her. It's her rule.

*locks and loads a flashing beretta, then sheaths a long knife into the back of his black jeans....*

............ Don't take this personally.

*Old spanish/western whistling plays out a tune in the background....*

Wow! Cool! Me and Ryu in a old style duel!

*Flicks open pocket watch. Haunting tune begins to play*

Bring it on, Mr Chivalry!

08-25-2002, 10:54 PM
*but suddenly there is silence... Serpent's smile fades slightly, but never ceases.... then, with a slow droop, Serpent falls to the floor....... cut by a blade that he didn't see. Blood pools out from a long gash on his throat. Ryu washes a blood splatter stain off of his face with the aid of a cold mug of ale... He then runs the wet tips of his fingers through his military-styled hair which flings droplets of alcohol through the air in a hazy mist. Ryu is gone....... the mysterious skills of dark chivalry linger in the air.....*

Hehe don't let me finish a story, Serpent! You left yourself too open for that. :D

(No possibility of "re-doing" the ending either ! :cool: )


08-25-2002, 11:06 PM
hey i feel like this thread now deserves some hotties!!

08-25-2002, 11:11 PM
Smiling, the real Serpent steps out from his concealment and looks down on the expensive, extremely lifelike android. "Oh, well," he muses, "I guess it was worth the expense. I knew Ryu would never step up and face me like a man! And all this over a woman!"

As a soft wind gently stirs the dust into eddies around his feet, Serpent wanders casually off into the sunset, the proud warrior, using his brains as much as his weapons, lives to fight another day.

Drifting on the breeze, ghostlike, a soft voice drifts over the plains. "One day, Ryu, you and I will meet. But never let a woman come between warriors!"

wushu chik
08-25-2002, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Ryu

Sorry, Serpent. As a man endowed to Chivalry..... perhaps darker chivalry these days, but chivalry none the less.... I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you. Only I can be kinky with her. It's her rule.

*locks and loads a flashing beretta, then sheaths a long knife into the back of his black jeans....*

............ Don't take this personally.

*Old spanish/western whistling plays out a tune in the background....*

Yes, Ryu is quite correct. Rules are rules!! Sorry Serpent, you aren't invited to this party. And if you hurt ONE HAIR on his head....you'll regret the day your mom hatched you.


08-25-2002, 11:27 PM
See the trouble these self-important women cause!

*shakes head, continues off into the sunset*

wushu chik
08-25-2002, 11:34 PM
Serpent....don't make me find you and kick the sh!t out of you. It would be so unladylike......so just don't make me do it!


08-25-2002, 11:41 PM
Any time you're ready, Wen, just bring it on.

I mean, it's not as if you have a ladylike reputation to preserve or anything.

wushu chik
08-26-2002, 12:40 AM
Serpent...don't make me get all my boys on you. That would just be REALLY BAD for you!!! Anyway, look out for Ryu....he's gonna get ya!


08-26-2002, 07:04 AM
Yup, Scooby Fu is much more dangerous than it looks and very, i repeat VERY unorthadox... better be careful man :p

Plus you'll have a pack of hungry teenage dogs chasing ya as well...

Theres no escape Bwah hahaha :D


wushu chik
08-26-2002, 05:35 PM
LOL @ David...

Serpent, I'll just make my kids kick your ass...you think you can handle a 3 and a 4 year old?? Probably not. My two themselves would probably put you in the hospital with their "Scooby Fu"


08-26-2002, 07:02 PM
Hey, it's all training for me.

Just don't come crying when your kids and all your brown-nosing, shag-desperate hombres are lying broken and bleeding at your feet.

08-26-2002, 07:09 PM
I take it you two don't like each other? :D

08-26-2002, 08:27 PM
Nah, JD - Wen loves everyone - so long as they aren't talking about ninjas and they don't dis Rickson.

By the way Wen - how's that MMA cross-training going? :D

08-26-2002, 09:19 PM
Wendy is actually besotted with me. She just can't control herself.

Also, I feel that I really must point this out. Is this a hijacked thread or what! :D

08-26-2002, 09:32 PM
Hey, Wen's doing some MMA crosstraining? I didn't know that.
How's the training?


08-26-2002, 09:52 PM
Yeah, but for Wen MMA means More Mouth and Attitude.


08-26-2002, 10:06 PM
Did you copy this from a music site and change it to kf? Cuz you said:


The history buff knows everything there is to know about the lineage of every system and is fountain of useless historical MA information. The music buff will take great pride in telling anybody who will listen who really invented the rare "green eyebrow" form of an obscure system founded by a master nobody’s ever heard 600 years ago. The history buff thinks that by writing massive long winded posts, with loads of big words, that fellow board users will see how knowledgeable and intellectual they are. Though what usually happens is people can’t be arsed to read their messages and will just scroll down and read the next reply on the thread.

What would a music buff have to do with CMA?

j/w. It's still funny either way :)


wushu chik
08-26-2002, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
Yeah, but for Wen MMA means More Mouth and Attitude.


Serpent...as long as you know this, everything will be alright! What's wrong with having Mouth and Attitude?? Nothing in my book. I'm still loved!!! That's ALL that matters!


08-26-2002, 11:46 PM

08-27-2002, 03:39 AM
Originally posted by IronFist
Did you copy this from a music site and change it to kf?...


Yeah I wrote that at the start of the post. I can't believe you found a mistake after I had gone through and painstakingly removed all music references I could find... Dang meddling kids!! :mad: :D :p :cool: