View Full Version : Kung fu feats

08-25-2002, 11:33 PM
Everyone knows of all of the stories about "superhuman" feats of martial artists. Well I thought it would be interesting reading any first hand stories that people here have of something amazing that you have seen your teacher or anyone else do that left you baffled and wanting to learn. This thread could easily turn to cr@p, but please share any serious stories you have.
The only one I have is when I had the energy drained from my arm by one of my teachers students. Me and a friend of mine volunteered to be the dummies. I was to hold my arm out straight in front of me while my friend tried to press my arm down without using his weight. He could only move my arm slightly. The senior student then used a pressure point on the inside of my arm and my friend tried again. When he pressed the point it didn't really feel strange, but when my friend pressed down with even less pressure than before, my arm had no resisting strength and it definately was weak.
I don't remember exactly but I am pretty sure he pressed a point on my temple to set things back to normal. My friend tried again and could barely move my arm again. I don't think it was some trick or hypnotism since it was my friend and I doing the demo, although that is still always a possibility. I believe it was the chi or energy meridians being disrupted and with skill it could be very useful in combat for blocking and sapping energy. That showed me one reason why sometimes my teacher can move my arms around like nothing. I am sure that the folks here have much better stories than that.

08-25-2002, 11:43 PM
I occasionally get planters warts or the odd bit of tinea on mine.

08-26-2002, 01:14 AM
I was waiting for that.

Former castleva
08-26-2002, 02:29 AM
There are various points in arms/hands which weaken one´s limb.
You could call it qi drainage,but qi drainage point attack (not the one(s) you were talking about) can also greatly weaken the whole body,sucking the energy resulting in problems.
I think there is a stomach meridian on temple(s)
Unfortunately,I have no stories right now.

The Willow Sword
08-26-2002, 09:19 AM
i was teaching a tai chi class years ago, and one of the older lady students asked me a question about chi and the extingguishing the candle trick.
well i explained that in beginning stages the candle can be extinguised by striking at it with a palm strik and temporarily cause a vaccumm effect and the falme goes out. this was at close range and i demonstarted it to her and the class. No big deal right?

i then said the masters who had control of thier chi were able to do it at a distance of 2- 3 ft away. so i just attempted it without thinking really,,just to show the class that i was NOT a master but a facilitator,,,well guess what,,,,the D@mn flame went out. scared the Sh!t out of me and really impressed the class.
we all just looked at each other and i said,,oh well,,beginners luck.

and thats my story and i swear on my grandmothers grave it is true.

08-26-2002, 12:13 PM
I got not stories off the top of my head, but Willow Sword that story was pretty cool! (o:

08-26-2002, 05:04 PM
No one is gonna believe this one, but I once saw my sigung turn bottles of cold water into bottles of hot water by heating them in his hand. I am not kidding. I have also watched him stamp is foot as he dropped into a horse stance and the whole building shook.

08-26-2002, 06:18 PM
I've seen the arm deadening thing - Dr. Yang Jwing Ming did it.

The other weird thing was a friend who can control wind. It was the strangest thing. I've posted about it before and nobody believed it, I won't type it all again, but I'll look for the post.

08-26-2002, 06:49 PM
I can control wind ... well most of the time anyway :D