View Full Version : Wing Chun Picnic - Thanks to John and JL!

08-26-2002, 01:28 PM
Just wanted to thank John Weiland and JL Shaw for inviting us to Sifu Ken Chung's picnic.

Just a brief recap:

14 people from my school went, and I have heard nothing but positive feedback. The food was awesome, especially the Salmon. No Tan Sao's around the food, it was all the "plucking hands" from Mantis that I saw. (Many thanks to the chefs).

I, myself, got to hog Sifu Ken for 45 minutes (and be the demonstration dummy). If I had any phlegm in my lungs, I am sure that Sifu Ken loosened it up with some of his "light" taps (a girl's smack????). His hands are so firm, yet soft enough that you cannot feel his center (unless he lets you). I would say out of the hundreds of WC/VT/WT people whose hands I have touched, he is within that nebulous top 4 or 5 (the ones who are light-years ahead everyone else, but still have different approaches and feels). For his students, it must be an inspiring shadow to fall under.

I also got to roll with a few people from Sifu Ken and Sifu Ben's school, probably no more than 5 this time, since my stomach was on the verge of exploding. All in all, a true bargain for the $10 I put in.

08-26-2002, 01:32 PM
It was too bad I didn't know the VT museum folks (Sifu Benny Meng and others) were in town... I saw a few of them at the Kung Fu demo later... I bet that would have made an awesome addition to an already great experience.

08-26-2002, 01:38 PM
Thanks for posting. i was interested in hearing feed back of people who went. I myself have met ken many times and i am going to his seminar this weekend in Rochester NY. I cant wait. Seeing him renews my dedication to wing chun. He makes it look so simple and easy, its amazing