View Full Version : Big ball thing

08-27-2002, 06:15 AM
Just got this.... what can i do with it? i've seen lost of people do situps on the ball, but i'm not sure where it goes exactly, lowerback? upper back? anything else i can do with it? i would say pushups, but i just put my feet on a chair already. although the ball would be good for balance...

08-27-2002, 06:58 AM
it's some strange stuff i have seen done with those balls... 1 legged pushups to some kind thing were u start like on your stomach with a weight in one hand and roll ... i cant explain it... but it seems like alot( i mean ALOT ) of things it can be used for...

08-27-2002, 10:00 AM
the big balls are great for ab workouts. They give you an awsome burn and work all muscles in your stomach. Its a challenge just to keep you balance on those things. To get some good ab exercises go to www.bestabs.com click on the resources link and then exercises you will se some pictures of how to do ab exercises on the ball. Remember to do your exercises slowly. The slower you do them and the more you focus on contracting you abs the better workout you will get. You will not be able to do as many sets but you will get a better burn.

08-27-2002, 03:57 PM
I talked to the phyiscal therapist I was seeing for my knee, here are some exercises he gave to me.
1. with your knees out straight, hips level, lower back on the ball, do crunches slowly and controlled both up and down.
2. With the ball on your upper back, legs out in front of you, raise your hips and knees parallel to the floor, stomach flat: Raise your right knee a few inches. Put that leg down, raise your left knee. It is hard because your body should remain stationary, just leg should be moving.
3. Advanced number 2, instead of just raising your leg straight up, raise your knee diagonal across your body (but not all the way).
4. Push ups, one armed, two, etc.

I hope this helps.

Qi dup
08-27-2002, 05:10 PM
I suggest you get the DVD, "Anna Kournikova - Basic Elements: My Complete Fitness Guide."

I think she might use one of those balls in it and she's freakin hot.

Qi dup
08-27-2002, 05:14 PM
It is also avalible on video. The DVD comes in handy for slow motion and pausing.

08-27-2002, 05:42 PM
Here's a good one for training knee and ankle stability -

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Then put your feet on top of the ball, and lift your butt off the floor.

Another one that's used for strengthening knees is to put the ball between your lower back and the wall, and then bend your knees. It's a cheater's horse stance.

Doing crunches on the ball is my favorite way to do the abs. You can get all the angles easily.

Somewhere online I read about a plyometric exercise that uses the ball. Play catch with someone, and when you catch the ball, turn your torso so that the ball goes a little passed you, then unwind to throw it back. This gives you the eccentric contraction on the catch and the concentric contraction on the throw.

You can also use the ball to keep kids busy. You don't even need to tell them what to do with it.

08-27-2002, 09:45 PM
Fill it with sand and lift it :D

Seriously tho, I don't know any exercises with it.


08-27-2002, 11:46 PM

08-28-2002, 05:03 AM
We use big medicin balls. U lay down on your back, cross your feet. Then someone throws it from over head down on your abs. Then usually follows and jumps on the same place. Repeat.

Another thing that can be made is that u simply throw the balls at eachoter (taking em to the belly). Builds armstreanght and grip aswell as abs.

have fun

08-28-2002, 03:00 PM
this isnt a medicine ball, its just a big blow up ball. weighs like 6 oz's. we did that medicine ball throw crap in the army. i didnt notice it doing anything for me.

08-28-2002, 09:20 PM
what exactly were you doing with the medicine ball?

08-28-2002, 10:37 PM
I thought this thread was a post about the AC/DC song and how you worked out to it or something! Darn you tricksters!!

08-28-2002, 11:06 PM
I'm upper, upper class high society
God's gift to ballroom notoriety
And I always fill my ballroom
The event is never small
All the social papers say I've got the biggest balls of all

I've got big balls
I've got big balls
And they're such big balls
Dirty big balls
And he's got big balls,
And she's got big balls,
But we've got the biggest balls of them all!

And my balls are always bouncing
My ballroom always full
And everybody comes and comes again
If your name is on the guest list
No one can take you higher
Everybody says I've got great balls of fire!


Some balls are held for charity
And some for fancy dress
But when they're held for pleasure,
They're the balls that I like best.
And my balls are always bouncing,
To the left and to the right.
It's my belief that my big balls should be held every night.


And I'm just itching to tell you about them
Oh, we have such wonderful fun
Seafood ****tail

wushu chik
08-28-2002, 11:07 PM
Did you ever hear the song from southpark? You know, Suck on my Chocolate salty balls?? That'll give you some ideas!!!! :D


08-28-2002, 11:42 PM
Wendy, I've never seen you in this forum before, then one thread about big balls and you're in like a shot!


Kay k
09-06-2002, 04:06 AM
Wushu chik, that was my favrit song for a while! :) as for the ball thingy ya can do sit ups and it makes a great seat for watchin T.V! :)

Kay k
09-06-2002, 04:08 AM
serpie ure So right! lol