View Full Version : Listen Up! Possible Wing Chun magazine

black and blue
08-28-2002, 06:50 AM
As some of you might know, when I'm not posting here, training, fooling about with my girlfriend etc etc, I work as a journalist.

Several friends are also in publishing. Together, we are thinking about putting together a magazine dedicated to WING CHUN/WING TSUN/VING TSUN/WING TJUN... as you can see... no politics... the more lineage differences the better as far as we're concerned.

The process of research, circulation, print, production etc, is extensive... and at the moment people are scraping together ideas, formats, cost projections etc.


If such a magazine were on the market, what would you want it to include?

What sections, articles would you like to see? Who would you like to see contributing?

What would make you want to BUY a monthly Wing Chun publication?


08-28-2002, 07:00 AM
i think it would be quite difficult to put a mag. like this together since most of the views would be contradicting. I would buy this mag if it had articles on/with Ken Chung, but that is just my bias. I think other lineages would want to see articles about their lineages too.. So good luck!

black and blue
08-28-2002, 07:08 AM
The differences in point of view, methods, approach are what we consider a 'plus'. I think one of the interesting things about the Rene Richie et al book (Complete Wing Chun) was its diversity.

Atleastimnotyou - Who else from Ken's family would you like to contribute? Anything in particular you'd like to read about?

Many of the Wing Chunners I know buy a martial arts mag when it has a single Wing Chun article in it. They don't care much for the other articles, they shell out cash for a 2-4 page interview.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

08-28-2002, 08:08 AM
If I learned from sifu (a), why the heck would I want to read articles by sifu (a)? I could just ask him to tea and get far better insight than any article. Heck no. And while I may want to read stuff from sibaksuk and sigung, I would want to read articles by sifu (b), (c), (d), and even that crazy sifu (e). I want to see what points of view and insights they have, what is consistent with my own approach, and more importantly, what is inconsistent so that my mental chi sao can take it apart, analyze it, and improve me an ounce or two.

Go for it Duncan!


08-28-2002, 10:47 AM
i would like to hear from any of ken's students (that have an idea of what they're talking about). Maybe Ben Der, Carl Dechiara..etc

08-28-2002, 03:01 PM
I think its a great idea.

I wanna see ADS, things that fall out on the floor, scratch n' sniffs, and free stuff! Like AOL CDs!!! YEH!!!

Ok, sorry, had to do it. Ben Der, yes. And sure, doing lineage differences is good, but how long does that last?

Make KJ write you something, 'cuz she neveh does nuthin'. ;-)

Sections: I don't know. Trad. Medicine & philosophy? Counterweighted with scientific views? The 'political scorecard'? (yes, we really need this) A photoessay/article concerning different kinds of mook jongs? Travel pics of where it all started?? Bean recipes??

Good luck. Its hard work.

08-28-2002, 04:26 PM

I think this is a really good idea, I just hope that it actually makes it down to Australia. Let us know if you actually end up doing it, I may try and get some copies set down here! ;o)

Articles I would be interested in, probably demonstrations of specific techniques... as well as forms possibly above and beyond the standard 'jab, cross' to some more interesting chi soa applications/weapon techniques/weapon disarmament.

Interesting drills to do with partners or on your own, always a plus, as well as interesting practice equipment that people have made (oooh.. first comp.. send us pics of the best equipment you have made)

This could get dangerous - but if handled well, could be interesting, analysis of any of said above techniques or drills, but compared to how different lineages would apply the same techniques, and any advantages or disadvantages to that way of doing it. And to make clear, not to try and push one lineage over another, but simply to make people thing differently about how the body mechanics occur, and how they can make their own techniques better.

Hope that gives you some ideas ;o)


straight blast
08-28-2002, 09:01 PM
:D I'm one of those people who will buy a magazine for a single WC article.

I'm two thumbs up for this one. I am interested in all WC in all its diversity and I think it would make for an excellent magazine. If you do make it happen make sure it gets to Aust!

wc student
08-29-2002, 03:56 AM
I agree with straight blast & rene. hope you make it happen! got to get it to the U.S.

08-29-2002, 04:27 AM
Hi Black and Blue,

Some have undertaken the task before. You might look up Ray Van Raamsdonk or Martin Mark for a feasibility check, and to find out what worked, what didn't, and the "gotchas" along the way.

Both of them produced great newsletters for a time. The one thing I know for sure is that it is hard work and very time consuming. The biggest challenge may not be getting it going, but sustaining it over time.

Finding people willing to write (for free, no less) is challenging; finding people willing and able to write something of substance and to write well, much more of a challenge. Add to that, people willing and able to write, plus reliably stick to deadlines ... the problem compounds rapidly, LOL.

As with most endeavors, the technical stuff will probably be easy compared to the people part. ;)

The newsletters of the past were well received. Readers appreciated the content, often for the reasons Rene described. Many contributors appreciated having a venue.

In any event, have fun and good luck.

- Kathy Jo

black and blue
08-29-2002, 06:26 AM
Mailed mags to the US and Australia are easy to organise but does add to costs, and a friend who set up his own publishing company 10 years ago says the only way to go is through subscriptions.

This makes the logistics easier to handle, but does mean people have to subscribe on a six month or yearly basis. A possible idea is to put up a website that gives examples of pages, articles, profiles etc for people to view. A way of giving a taster of what they can expect.

Rather than a newsletter format, the project would run as a monthly magazine with approx. 18-20 pages of editorial. (glossy A4 size - full colour, is a viable option)

Martial Arts mags in the UK (often with sloppy design and p*ss poor editorial) sell for £2.50 - £3.00 per issue). Again, my friend in publishing says subscriptions are easier to secure if those subscribing are listed as members and receive discounts for organised events (Wing Chun meets, seminars, conferences etc), though this causes problems if the readership is international.

All in all, a big project, but one we think is very needed.

Well, the ball is rolling...

It would be a great help if people on the forum could give an indication of their respective organisation size. How many members in given countries.



08-29-2002, 06:36 AM
You need to speak with Martin Mark who published Wing Chun Today. He is still in the pompano beach Ft.Lauderdale area of Florida I believe. He never turned a profit and he had very low operational costs because he owned a printing business.

Last time I spoke with him he said finding writers that were good and did not did not write with ,a my WC is the best WC attitude was almost impossible.

Frank Exchange
08-29-2002, 06:39 AM
Hey B&B

My instructor used to regularly contribute WC articles to "Combat" and "Fighters", before they became the trash they are now.

Im sure he could be easily persuaded to write you the odd article from the WSL point of view.

One of the reasons I hate the current crop of magazines, is that they are 90% ads, and 10% content, and the content is all of the "I am sifu X, phear my leet skills!" format.

Would your proposed magazine include ads, and if so, in what proportion? 18-20 content pages with 30 pages of ads would put me off, sorry to say.



black and blue
08-29-2002, 06:51 AM
Ads are the devil's read, as all journalists will tell you. ;)

The higher the subscription figures, the less ads needed (unless you're a greedy publisher - and none of us are :) )

The fewer the ads the better - though a club directory and possible ads for equipment and suppliers can be useful. A ratio of 18-20 to 30... NEVER!

You are quite right, the mags in the UK are stuffed with ads (most badly designed) and have little good content.

With regards content, thanks for the offer... when we're ready to go I'll come knocking :)


But all is dependent on accurate figures for potential readership. So if someone reading this belongs to X organisation and has Y number of students, tell Z (me).



08-29-2002, 12:46 PM
Have you considered doing a subscription (or pay to read) -based electronic journal (at least for the overseas people)? That cuts a ton of costs right there. Then you can establish an overseas readership before shipping out a paper product at a later date. Plus, this enables the 'occasional', non-newstand, or fence-sitting reader to get a copy before they subscribe.

09-02-2002, 09:01 AM
ALIANY sez:i think it would be quite difficult to put a mag. like this together since most of the views would be contradicting. I would buy this mag if it had articles on/with Ken Chung, but that is just my bias. I think other lineages would want to see articles about their lineages too.. So good luck!
Its the diversity of view points that would be attractive to me.
And i would subscribe.
Why would I be primarily interested in articles from any one lineage, including mine? So black and blue--- go for it... but first as suggested ny others look over Ray's old (good) newsletters and Mark's. gettinga new mag to pay for itself is not easy.... unless you figure out how to put Britney doing chi sao on the cover or yet another newly discovered picture of Bruce lee
toying with Elvis.

09-02-2002, 10:08 AM
Realistically I think you would have to look at making this a bi-monthly or quarterly publication - I can't see the demand for a monthly - maybe that would cause distribution problems though.

THe first thing I would say is that a magazine for wing chunners should not just be restricted to wing chun. You could easily have articles on other martial arts, on fitness, strength, travel (training holidays in Hong Kong etc) all from a wing chun point of view. Just because I do wing chun does not mean I have no interest in other martial arts.

The second thing is if the mag is aimed at wing chunners then you can assume some knowledge on the part of the reader - if you pitch it at too basic a level then it will bore most of us - I want to know why when too often magazines just present that what.

Thirdly, whilst I am not advocating stirring up conflict - the mag would have to be a forum for debate where maybe differences between different lineages/ways of doing things could be explored.

Yeah I would subscribe.

09-02-2002, 01:41 PM

Have you considered an electronic magazine? -at least to begin with. That would eliminate a lot of (printing) cost right there. Your main cost it seems would be web space and servers. The main reason I suggest this is because I edit digital video and instead of pics of applications you could have streaming/downloadable clips of technique applications. Just a thought. Good Luck.

black and blue
09-03-2002, 02:28 AM
Shadowboxer: Hi, I originally thought about posting on a website to cut costs, but the problem is that here in the UK no one wants to subscribe to anything on the net... everyone has the notion the web should be free (including everything on it) :(

Also, why would someone subscribe when their mate could simply send them the info? (Cut and paste, page grabs etc). This is such a pain in the butt - it would REALLY cut costs. But cheers, mate. At the moment all comments and pointers are a real help.

12345: Hello. As Rene Ritchie suggested, the 'basics' can be and should be shown by your instructor. As you said, I want to focus more on varying lineages and their approach, methods, training programmes etc. A mate sent me a tape the other day of non-Yip Man lineage WC in Hong Kong.... the varying dummy forms blew me away!!! Different footwork, stances, angles on the dummy. Amazing stuff that makes you go "Whoaaa!". This is the type of material we're interested in showing.

Thanks for the comments. You said you'll subscribe... I'll hold you to that. :) Maybe I can burn footage onto a CD and attach it.... Oh, B'Jesus, the costs. I think I need another visit to see the bank manager. :eek:

Yuanfen: LOL. I'm more than willing to try and get my hands on Ms Spears... for the mag you understand.... but thinking about it.............

Opps, sorry... was day-dreaming about palm strikes to the chest. :p

The more suggestions the better guys and girls. Thanks for the positive feedback.


Nat from UK
09-03-2002, 05:01 AM
I think Inside Kung Fu have release a couple of "Wing Chun" magazines as specials, I have seen two different ones.

I think they publish that annually !

Very glossy, full of adverts and not that much content but I had to have a copy :D :D

Ideas for a new magazine - Gear tests, testing focus pads, Jongs, knives, sparring gear etc. (A La "Which" magazine)

Good Luck with it

Nat from UK

black and blue
09-03-2002, 05:14 AM
By the bye... I'm on a Pau Fau Lain dazed trip at present.

Most embarrassing thing to happen today =

Coming back from lunch - lift doors open on third floor (I work on fifth) - four sales girls are standing there waiting to get in - I'm standing there (sleep deprivation led to this)... running through the first 10-12 motions of that Pau Fau Lain dummy form.

I'll have to avoid the third floor for at least a year :(

09-03-2002, 05:46 AM
Go for it...

09-03-2002, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by Dragonhand
Go for it...

The magazine or the sales girls ?

09-04-2002, 06:19 AM
Why not both? Remember why you buy the things men buy. Great advertisement.

Nat from UK
09-05-2002, 05:07 AM
I think they have more than one dummy form :D :D

Although someone more knowledgeable may know better - anyone out there any experiences of Pau Fau Lain ??

Nat from UK