View Full Version : Teacher's history?

Ground Dragon
08-28-2002, 12:25 PM
Unfortunately, I recently found out some information about people I have studied under at one time or another. One of
them I am considered a student of at the current moment. I won't go into details in order to protect
identities (although I will say none of them are part of my main shaolin style I study), but suffice it to say
they have had run ins with the law. And not just this one person, but other people within their school as
At what point do you draw the line as far as overlooking someone's indiscretions in order to be their
student? I am very much inclined to only want to associate with 'good' people. And I'm not getting on a
high horse, I have certainly not been a saint in my life. But none of the things I've done are like this. And
these 'indiscretions' aren't ancient history, they are recent.
I don't want to feel like I am holding someone accountable for mistakes in their life because we all make
mistakes, but it definitely looks like a pattern and in
hindsight confirms feelings about them I've had before. I guess I already know what I'm going to do, I
just wanted to hear other people's feedback.

08-28-2002, 12:34 PM
if your gut tells you that something's wrong, and evidence backs that up, i'd say you've answered your own question. i'd do likewise in your shoes.

08-28-2002, 02:33 PM
My first Wing Chun teacher used to be an enforcer for the Roofer's union, a serious ex-con criminal type. Still, he had converted to Christianity, repented of his past and supposedly turned a new leaf, and was accepted by the other neo-hippy people in the house we lived in (NEVER AGAIN.) What turned out to be the case was his old Klepto tendicies never died out, he ended up stealing money from my friend and when I disassociated myself from him because of this, he did not repay me about 350 dollars. He also ended up leaving that house owing money. It's sad but some people really can't change. I feel like an idiot for trusting him, however you can learn from my mistake. Incidentally, this guy has opened a school near Philadelphia.

08-28-2002, 03:14 PM
It all depends on yourself, me I have no problem being around shady people, it doesn’t bother me, but when it come's down to your teacher, that’s a different story, but are the run ins with the law very serious, if not then I wouldn't let it bother you, but if he's done some serious things then i would have to think about it real hard.

Just my 2 cents 1 dime and a nickel


08-28-2002, 06:49 PM
Sounds like you're heart has already made up your mind for you GD...as it, probably, should. I'm glad it's not your "primary" style.
Do the thing you'd want your kid to do, when I'm at my best (morally) that's the mindset I take. I'd assume this works even if you're childless... ;)
Good luck amigo.

08-29-2002, 03:13 AM
I would say it doesn't matter if the offence is not very severe, so long as it doesn't effect your training with him or influence your opinion of him.

Do you still have the level of respect or has it gone?

Ground Dragon
08-29-2002, 06:58 AM
Well, I realize it's not necessarily cut and dry since I'm not talking about murder, rape, child abuse etc.
However, the offenses do involve assault (in addition to some other serious items, plus a couple of other things I really don't have a problem looking the other way on).
Not to mention two other people in their school (current and past instructors) have some nasty offenses as well (one of them is currently in custody and will probably be so for a while).

And don't get me started on this one guy I used to study from a while back. Geez.

To me these things: 1) speak of a lack of control in a confrontational and/or day to day situation and/or 2) speak of a nasty violent nature. I can't say which is the case. But either way I don't feel comfortable around this person and my opinion has changed as far as them being my instructor goes. They had always been cool to me and seemed to be a nice person and I definitely am not passing judgment on them and saying they are a bad person. But for me, the knowledge I now have is enough to cut ties with them as far as the student/instructor relationship goes. I still respect their abilities and I know they are a good martial artist, and probably a fun person to be around. But having them as my instructor is a different story.

As Rad suggested, I am trying to think of what I would want my child to do (even though I am childless). That made it pretty easy for me.
It's not easy, but thankfully it isn't my primary style. I'd have to do some serious soul searching if it had been.
I feel creepy enough for having these associations already, I know in my heart I can't continue that association.
And some advice for everyone. There are open records laws in (I would assume) every state. Take advantage of that and do background checks on your current or potential instructors. You never know what you'll find.

08-29-2002, 09:54 AM
I don't know about you friend, but over time I have learned to avoid loud and aggressive people. They seriously tax my serenity.