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View Full Version : Tournament in Orlando this Laborday Weekend....Any KFO peeps going?

08-28-2002, 12:58 PM
Anyone else here going to be in Orlando this weekend for the Wushu-Union Kung Fu National/International Tourney?

I'll be heading down Friday and be there thru the weekend.
Suntzu, are you going? Maybe some of us could meet up at some point.

I can't wait to hit the pool at the Marriot :cool:

08-28-2002, 01:07 PM
I really really really wanted to go down … but things happened and unhappened so I wont make it:mad: … going to the Art of War in November??? Mutant?

I can't wait to hit the pool at the Marriot lucky bastid:( :rolleyes: :mad:

08-28-2002, 01:14 PM
Havent really thought about the november 'art of war' thing yet, who knows.....thats in New ORleans, right?
Oh well, too bad ya can't make it, we'll catch ya next time...

08-28-2002, 01:21 PM
i think its in Biluxi(however u spell it), MS this time... how they treating u up there???

08-28-2002, 02:00 PM
You could have just asked: 'how they BEATING u up there?' is more like it....
black and blue, man, black and blue :D . its all good though, a complete blast really. yeah things are good, a great team of guys (and gals) to work out with, been learning a lot, thats 4 sure.

08-29-2002, 10:48 AM
See you there!

norther practitioner
08-29-2002, 11:31 AM
I can't go this year.......I went to the usawkf nationals last year in San Diego. My knee still isn't 100% from when I blew it out in June. I have a few knew forms that I would like to throw down there too. Oh well, maybe next year.

08-29-2002, 04:14 PM
I got a really bad hamstring pull last nite sparring in class, it feels really screwed up, i shouldnt have pushed it so hard this close before the competition, my muscles were all burned out in recovery mode and i went and over-stressed them....i'm totally bummed out, now i don't even know whether i'll be able to fight down there this wkend, i may be sidelined...... :(
SH!T :mad: i'm mad at myself i've been training really hard for months, dieting, no beer, now this sucks! :mad: :eek: :(
I'm laying off it till i get down there to see how it feels but it doesnt seem good right now, my hamstring feels shot.....
Oh well, looks like i may be spending more time at the Marriot pool then i thought, ****!

08-30-2002, 06:24 AM
d@mn son… that sucks… please take care of that… sparring the week before:confused: … when it heals hit the weight room kid and knock out those hamstring curls… hopefully your living with an icepack and… d@mn that sucks… well… just get down there and walk with a bad limp and see if a wushu girl can help u nurse it:D

how much do u weigh anyway???

here u go (http://www.strengthcoach.com/level.itml/icOid/207)