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View Full Version : I cannot believe this crap

straight blast
08-30-2002, 12:04 AM
Watched a news show last night. The gist of the story is that a publican of a bar heard someone on the roof of his house at night, which was on the floor above a bar. He went out onto the roof to investigate. He heard his wife yell something out and ran back towards the entry to his house.

As he approached the dark door he came onto the roof from someone jumped out and punched him. They both fell into the laundry and in the darkness a fight ensued in which the attacker got his forehead and eyesocket split. The police were called.

The outcome? The publican had to pay $48,000 in damages to the offender, and to add insult to injury had to pay the offender's mother $18,000 in compensation for "stress". He now has no job, no house and no money.

Criminals, come one come all to Australia! Be rewarded for crime! I hate the legal system of this country so much. Abel will be happy to know that his signature "Beware! Criminals have more rights than you do and more people defending them" is now officially an international policy.

I think we need a revolution...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

08-30-2002, 12:09 AM
I was appalled by that too. What is even worse is that when a reporter asked the intruder if he felt any responsibility for his actions in trespassing, his answer was "No".

I hope the decision is appealed and overturned. It is an outrageous situation.

08-30-2002, 12:15 AM
i can see how he could pull off i was going into a bar and got lost in his house?, technically they couldnt counter that!. How the hell does the kid jump him and punch him first then get paid?, you sure this isnt national enquirer newsreels?. how old is the kid

08-30-2002, 12:22 AM
Nah, the kid was underage and trying to sneak into the bar. And the publican's house was on the 2nd or 3rd storey - no way you could accidentally end up there.

It was a legit story, not from a BS news source.

And the kid was 16 at the time - 2 years too young to be getting into a bar.

08-30-2002, 01:42 AM

note signature :D

Former castleva
08-30-2002, 03:51 AM
Now the kid has plenty of money for the precious beer when he turns mature.

08-30-2002, 09:48 AM
Now you know why I think judges should be elected to terms and not appointed for life.

09-01-2002, 09:27 PM
Judges? This is a Martial arts board, trial by combat for all!

09-02-2002, 12:56 AM
Something similar happened ot me a couple of years back in Miami.

I was about to get "mugged" coming from my job by two guys. The guys flashed a knife and kept talking in a way that said, "We don't do this often but you should be terrified of us." I being the nice guy that I am told them to leave me alone. Fight ensued. I got cut. I cracked one guys ribs and broke the wrist of the knife weilder. The fight ended with me yelling to try to get enough attention as possible and pple started coming our way. The two guys left I waited for the police. Sounds pretty cut and dry, right?
NOPE! 2 days later I find out that I had a lawsuit filed against me and a complaint at the police dept. for ASSAULTING MINORS!!! The guys were 17!!! I was 22. I couldn't believe it. It finally got settled. My lawyer, my wife, then girlfriend worked at his firm as a legal secretary, helped clear this out when he brought up the FACT that they were armed, I wasn't, and they ATTACKED me!!! Also if they were the innocnent victims they claimed to be, they had left out the fact they were trying to rob someone to their mothers, why didn't they stay for the police? Check this out. One of the things they tried to use was since I was an adult I should have been about to handle this in a nonviolent manner!!!:confused:

Becareful it can happen to you!!!

09-02-2002, 01:19 AM
Mistake #1 , you stayed for the cops. If you didn't need them for insurance purposes, get out, especially in Miami!

If they can't identify you to begin with and you won the fight, you run the risk of legal action. As you may well by now.

09-02-2002, 01:24 AM
Tell me about it.

Drawing attention was good. More pple to help if need be and witness the crime.

Waiting for the cops........ I thought by waiting to tell myside of the story would show that I was the innocent victim. What it did was place me at the location.

09-02-2002, 01:31 AM
You know Miami cops. If you are black and in the wrong area. God help you. Racial profiling sucks!!

09-02-2002, 01:50 AM
Let's see,

Nice looking, clean, semi business dressed, young black male, driving nice car, comes from well to do family, college student working at summer job = DRUGDEALER and UP TO NO GOOD!

Yep the pretty much fits it!

09-02-2002, 07:23 AM
Common sense in the world has gone down the f*ckin' pan.