View Full Version : can u fight

09-02-2002, 01:12 AM
as is common with this type of enviroment many are boastful... so here is your chance ...let us know what type of MA u do and when you have used it in real life...pls dont be shy i havent posted this to criticize anyone just to see

09-02-2002, 04:59 AM
before replying, check out this site.
Although it is pretty much aimed to a specific nation and culture, it still makes sense.


09-02-2002, 06:02 AM
what has that got to do with the price of eggs
i wasnt asking about how to deal with it in tha future i was just wanting to see if anyone would put their money where their mouth is but.....:D

09-04-2002, 06:46 AM
yes i can fight.... though i would rather run.

09-04-2002, 02:23 PM
you know, i've only been been studying kung fu for a few years(before that i studied TKD and some boxing). and i've been fortunate enough to be able to diffuse the many situations since then before it got violent(which i consider a great skill in itself). my kung fu is a secondary approach. what i've learned is that it helps me to find the root of the faults in my previous fights and what i could do to be more effective in them(thank god i never got beat up!) even after all the competing experience, previous fights, and the sparring and developmental drills i do, it still never guarantee's victory in any future mishaps. but rather, i like to look @ it in a different light as described in a good quote i once came across: i'm a big believer in luck; the more i train, the luckier i am. jus my 2 cents...

09-04-2002, 02:24 PM
you know, i've only been been studying kung fu for a few years(before that i studied TKD and some boxing). and i've been fortunate enough to be able to diffuse the many situations since then before it got violent(which i consider a great skill in itself). my kung fu is a secondary approach. what i've learned is that it helps me to find the root of the faults in my previous fights and what i could do to be more effective in them(thank god i never got beat up!) even after all the competing experience, previous fights, and the sparring and developmental drills i do, it still never guarantee's victory in any future mishaps. but rather, i like to look @ it in a different light as described in a good quote i once came across: i'm a big believer in luck; the more i train, the luckier i am. jus my 2 cents...

09-04-2002, 04:48 PM
I'm just a paperdragon, so don't pizzameoff or I'll...ah, forget about it.


09-05-2002, 05:55 PM
I'm part Serbian, that should answer your question right there :)

I haven't been in a fight in years, and I have no intention of doing so.

fiercest tiger
09-05-2002, 06:01 PM
I think most fights arent with hands anyway anymore unless its an arranged match. I know if i had a chance to pull a knife ill use it and if i lost a fight and wasnt killed ill come back for you and finish the job.
Fighting doesnt prove anything and i would rather not be in one as i enjoy my life and the way i look at this time.
my 2 cents

09-05-2002, 09:08 PM
The question should have been ..... "Are You Ready To fight" or Do you thing you can handle yourself when the time comes to fight... If one walks around thinking they can fight against anyone.
then the only thing you can expect is a beat down sooner or later...

I can't fight!!! ...cause I lost the fight with myself of not responding to this thread.

09-05-2002, 09:49 PM
i agree w/ renegade_monk's motto: semper paratus!(always prepared)

09-07-2002, 03:20 PM
I'm more interested in sparring with experienced people. There's plenty of pain and it's a hell of a lot moe fun. If I ever want some "reality" I'll spar one of the many huge guys in my class.

09-07-2002, 04:44 PM
Style...I'm not allowed to demonstrate Kung-Fu so I Wouldn't use The System in a fight like punch, Kick, weapon. I might can kill but not fight. I don't allow confrontation. And would rather lose, than hurt someone else. I might use the technique theories in reasoning for almost any appropriate situation.

Do I think I can fight? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. When yes, I perceive handling victoriously multitudes of attack types. When no, I see that anyone can do me serious harm if attacking towards me--little children, frail people, small people, short people, big people, tall people, thick people, fighters, the waitress, Regular Jo (saphine), the handicapped (physically, mentally...) Perhaps almost Everyone.

I use it in real life the breathe, and make it through every day.

09-10-2002, 01:15 PM
Enough to handle my self against the average Joe and skilled martial artists.