View Full Version : Training Aids!

09-03-2002, 06:47 PM
What training aids does everone make use of in here? Just curious!

John Weiland
09-03-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Clint
What training aids does everone make use of in here? Just curious!
Training aids? A partner, a jong, a wall bag, a pole, baat jam do, and a relatively smooth floor. And di da jow for the other guy. :D


09-03-2002, 08:13 PM
Thats pretty funny dude. I like that di da jow for the other guy!

09-04-2002, 12:28 AM
The gear John mentioned, plus

I-shaped balance board- so two people can face each other and step up the middle- about 3" off the ground

balance beam- about 10' long and 3' up for chum kiu and footwork

swiss ball- great toy, the uses are nigh limitless

'the octopus'- not in use these days, but for a couple of years I was heavily into using resistance bands with varying anchor points for footwork and turning drills using wrist bands for resistance on the limbs or just placing loops across my torso

rebar- 3 pieces of 3/5" by 5' rebar duct taped together for weapons work

long sword- western- good toy

various knives from stilleto to bayonet size

kettlebells- my present favorite thing

towel- always know where your towel is at



P.S. To me, much of this stuff can be viewed as toys. Nothing I take too seriously, but ways to mix up my training to keep it fun and cultivate different feels.

P.P.S. Most important- GOOD LOUD MUSIC!!!

09-04-2002, 02:18 AM
I'd add the following:

focus mitts

kick shield

heavy bag

skipping rope

dyna bands

chin up bar

Will be converting my double garage into a training area when I move house next month, so a dummy is also on order, and the wall bag will also have somewhere to be hung. Matting is also being considered.

09-04-2002, 02:26 AM

a buddy of mine got a dummy built custom- one which doesn't mount on the wall but in a frame, either square or triangular (for corners, forget which he got). Anyway, a nice feature he got built in was a pair of boards to either side of the dummy on the support beams with hooks in place for mounting wallbags. I haven't seen exactly how he had it done, but it's a nice little idea.

One other thing I forgot- the evil wheel.



09-04-2002, 07:09 AM

Evil Wheel? Do you mean the ab wheel, as used by Si-fu? If so, yes, Ive been meaning to get one of them. Very evil! For those of you that don't, just put a cloth down on a smooth floor and use that instead. Not quite as good, but works well. Althernatively, place a single free weight plate on a dumbell and use that instead.

Still trying to get round to making the I shaped balancing board or finding out how to get hold of one. However, where we train has a gymnastics balancing beam so that is used to a degree.

Thanks for the bit about the dummy. Should have plenty of space in garage though. Would like to have a wall mounted dummy, but a free standing one means I could drag it along to the classes. Considering one of the immortal dummies - the plastic ones - as its going to be stuck in a garage. I know they get criticised for feel and sound, etc but they are made from recycled material and can withstand a lot of bashing. Going to have a try before you buy session at the sales office beforehand, because Im sure they cant guarantee that it will not fall over if you kick it hard enough!

09-04-2002, 10:09 AM
The evil wheel= the ab wheel

Matt Furey markets a variant of that monster which straps onto your feet. I've been debating picking one up for a while.

I dunno how the 'immortal' dummies are. From my time on the hardwood ones, there seems to be some feedback from sound and character of impact, derived from both design and material. Let me know what you think when you check them out.

Take care,


P.S. Got the e-mail, wil reply shortly. Must run to the dentist now.

09-04-2002, 04:35 PM
Heh.. what do I need?

Me.. My Dog.. and the Local Park...

That and maybe the local cops pulling up to find out why there is some crazy guy practicing with bart jam doa at 1:00 am in the morning...(happened more than once)

