View Full Version : grapplin and other

09-07-2002, 10:52 PM
hey i do wing chun or at least im gonna start in a few days, but i wanna know a bit grappling so i know how to defend against on the ground. but i can't go to any grappling school or anything, i don't have the time. is it possible to learn some basics from a book? also has anyone in here ever used wing chun against a trained figher effectively? a friend told me wing chun sucks and he does karate.. he says karate is way better and wing chun guys only touch each other arms and call that sparring or something... anyway please reply back.

oh by the way if youve ever used wing chun in a real fight/tournament, please share your experience. i would really love to hear them.

old jong
09-08-2002, 03:33 AM
Hey!,I suggest you do kakate and get yourself some grappling tapes!
There! (http://groundfighter.com/)
This way ,you and your friend will be happy!

09-08-2002, 06:38 AM
If your friends are not supportive of what you are about, then they may not, in fact, be true friends.

His argument is a variation of the "my style is best" angle, and FWIW we've had karate BBs look at/do our first form, with explanations, and they've said quote: "you guys are doing what it took me 10 years in karate to figure out- get in close, be softer, use angles to advantage, respond as it comes to me". Although, to be fair, sometimes they just leave in a huff, waving their arms, saying, "yeah, right!" Karate instills confidence. heheheheh

We love karate. heheheheh go do that.

09-08-2002, 08:22 AM
Hi chocolate doggy- one cannot learn wing chun in five easy lessons. You havent even begun wing chun and you are already talking about grappling- apparently assuming that wc wont prepare you enough. Geta good wing chun teacher and do the art faithfully for a couple of years and you arelikely to be wiser
than you appear to be now. Or else listen to your karate friends.

Martial Joe
09-08-2002, 08:50 AM
have some one show you how to sprawl and work in the gaurd with your pals...it beats nothing I guess.

09-08-2002, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by old jong
Hey!,I suggest you do kakate and get yourself some grappling tapes!
There! (http://groundfighter.com/)
This way ,you and your friend will be happy!
Hi Old Jong,

This was great advice. :D I spend all my time now watching videos, and my kakate has improved immensely and my grapplin and wrasslin is the envy of my dojo mates. :)

I'm sure glad I found this out before spending a fortune on WT(TM), VT, or WC lessons. :D


09-08-2002, 12:29 PM
lol alright thanks guys. i'll forget about grappling for now. but is karate better then wing chun?

09-08-2002, 01:13 PM
of course karate is better then WC, thats why we all hide out here, in the WING CHUN ROOM of the KUNG FU FORUM.

don't forget about grapling either, just don't go off and train some random techniques to round out a sytem of fighting you've just begun learning. If you want to learn karate then learn karate, if you want to grapple and pin people then learn wrestleing. WC is a very exacting art, it's sciene is subtle but it is very inclusive. Its flavor is unique, brilliant in conception, simpe in design, profound in use.
Howeve the Karate you practice is better then the WC you don't. As wonderful as WC is it is up to the person to train and grow into it.

BTW asking if some other art is flat superior to the art this board was set aside for is called a "troll" this is not meant to assume your motives in posting, merely a review of your actions.

09-08-2002, 03:06 PM
oh ok thanks. someone told me no art is better then any art so i understand now.

09-08-2002, 03:27 PM
You've been pretty cool about it, and pretty funny too- yer the choklit puppy! (j/k) You've got all sorts of questions about getting into it, and some are pretty odd, but they're bound to be. You don't want to 'waste time' and stuff.

A note tho, & friendly: don't waste your time & money on a lot of books, just go to the classes. You'd be falling into much less error if you did Tae Bo (tm) from those tapes. The books are meant to preserve/convey information & not to instruct, generally. Plus, if you didn't notice, there's a lot of...er...different interpretations of WC/VT/WT/etc. that might just confuse you, given J. Random pile of books and mags...

09-09-2002, 11:01 AM
Listen, all styles are NOT created equal. Some are definately better than others in terms of combat effectiveness. Tell your friend to stop talking crap. Karate is one of the WORST and least effective traditional styles out there. Wing Chun is way ahead in terms of combat effectiveness. But you need grappling to be a complete fighter. I recommend you buy some instructional tapes of shootfighting or BJJ so you can learn some basic chokes and escapes.

But for standup fighting, Wing Chun is an excellent style.

09-09-2002, 12:36 PM


you've obviously never seen good karate. Check out Morio Higoanna's Goju, or Oyata's RyuKyu.

Karate has been heavily *******ized after it's development from southern chinese systems (and is, in a sense, a relative of Wing Chun, through that connection) in Okinawa, to its time in the Japanese secondary school and university setting, to the west. Nonetheless, there's some very good stuff there. Most of what is taught is garbage, but the art itself is actually quite interesting and can be very effective.



09-09-2002, 12:36 PM
There's an old Chinese saying: "The ultimate tragedy is underestimating your opponent". There are some very good Karateka in the world, even though the manner and extent of the dissemination of that art has made it more likely to find bad Karate than good. Likewise, there are some really poor WCK practitioners out there. And there is the individual to think about as well.


09-09-2002, 01:05 PM
Four Words:

Glaube Feitosa
Andy Hug (RIP)

Last I checked both those guys were Kyokushin fighters prior to becoming top notch K-1 competitors.

So much for the Karate sucks theory.

09-09-2002, 01:15 PM
Here is my take on this, I went to an excellent Karate school when I was younger, and I have always pointed people in that direction if that is what they are into. I found out as time went on that Karate wasnt for me. Later I found wingchun and have been extremely satisfied with it. For me personally it is the best combat art I have seen. For others, it may not work so well.