View Full Version : A Wing Chun Style that comes from Leung Jans Son Leung Cheun

09-08-2002, 09:04 AM
This style of Wing Chun is said to come from Leung Jans son Leung Chun . Its lineage is Leung Jan , Leung Cheun, Chung Mei , and Chung Yuk Kwai of New York City . here is the website

urban tea
09-08-2002, 11:18 AM
Do you train firehawk? Becuase it seems like you just ask a million beginner questions all the time. :confused:

09-08-2002, 11:45 AM
I try to train the best that i can but i have to have a bunch of surgerys that keep me from going to the Ving Tsun Museum to learn Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun wich is the art i hope to be learning as soon as i have these four surgerys that i have to have at the moment i am not aloud to lift over ten pounds at all one thing is good i just found out that the tumor on my lung is not cancer and i dont have tobe checked again for that for 9 months . So i ask alot of questions and read and watch Wing Chun videos alot of the time . I am just practiceing short drills from the K. T. Chao books Secret Techniques of Wing Chun and other books but i would rather be learning Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun but at the moment that is not possible .

09-08-2002, 12:06 PM
Fire hawk basically roams...

09-10-2002, 12:31 PM
Well Firefowl i assume it looks William cheungs since Cheung learned the secret leung jan WC from Ip man who learned it from Leung bik.
So i wonder, since William Cheungs WC came from leung bik, why doesnt his WC look any thing like Koolo WC? Or at least it would look like leung jans straight body WC

09-10-2002, 01:12 PM
Hi Firehawk,

Boy, I wish I had a message board I could have asked all these questions on back in the day! LOL!

This is the third group I've heard of teaching 'Leung Chun' WCK. There was another group, also in NY, I think, and one in Australia (BG - They looked like Yip Man, not like William Cheung).

Who knows? In the crazy world of Chinese MA 'stories' and all the equally bizzare legit stuff that pops up, it would take a bit of work to figure it out, and thusfar these groups haven't devulged much in public.

FWIW - In China, Leung Chun is almost unanimously across the lineages said to have a) not done much WCK or not been very good at it, b) have been sickly/mentally challenged, and/or c) died during childhood. Politics may factor into those stories, so they should be treated with equal amounts of salt.


09-10-2002, 02:02 PM
He lists several of his students on his website. After training at one of their schools a few years ago, I can honestly say it wasn't too impressive. Kind of debunks the "mythical" quality of Leung Jan wing chun as far as I'm concerned.

scuba steve
09-10-2002, 02:21 PM
Well after all he lists the redoubtable Todd Shaun Tei as an instructor, who I believe has video tapes put out by TCMedia aka Kung Fu/Qigong magazine! Talk about six degrees of separation.

From my lips to your eyes...

Todd doing his Lueng Chun Wing Chun (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/tc-tt001.html)

Originally posted by x-ray
He lists several of his students on his website. After training at one of their schools a few years ago, I can honestly say it wasn't too impressive. Kind of debunks the "mythical" quality of Leung Jan wing chun as far as I'm concerned.

glenn richards
09-10-2002, 05:07 PM
Hi Firehawk, Rene etc
As one of the 'Aussie Leung Chun Folks' i thought i might add to this line.
As Rene mentioned there is an Australian WC line which claims lineage from Leung Chun of which i am a member.
Actually i must give thanks to you Firehawk for finding the Website of Sifu Chung in NY as i havn't been able to find anyone else claiming LC lineage.
FYI the Style was bought to Australia in the mid 70's by Sifu Junno Chung and the School ran till the mid 90's when it closed.
There is a website which is still running at [URL=www.spin.net.au/~daver/kungfu/]
Incidentally, if you have a look at the family tree my line actually acknowledges Sifu Chung's teacher Chung Mei which adds a little weight to both lines.
Might even drop Sifu Chung in NY an email and say g'day.
Glenn Richards

09-20-2003, 06:19 PM
This is actually very interesting.....I just found this thread. I knew about the website of the "Jan Style Wing Chun" guy, but I had no idea that there were people in Australia as well who claim that lineage AND have "Chung Mei" in both Lineage trees.

So, could it be that there is something to this lineage? Could it be that this lineage did come form Leung Jan's son?

If nobody can comment....should I go and check them out here in NYC? :)

Anyone in New York know them? The guy says he's been teaching since 1974, so maybe some "oldtimer" New Yorkers have seen him or met him or at least heard about him?

Glenn Richards, did you get to email this guy?

Hmmm...while I am at it...anyone else met "Mr. Chow", who is a student of Yiu Kay? (I met him in 2001)

Mustafa (extremely curious today...hehe)

glenn richards
09-20-2003, 08:08 PM
Hi Mustafa
I did try to email Sifu Chung......... quite a while ago and had no luck. Got a "not delivered reply".
Just had a look at the Todd Shawn link and it doesnt look like anything we do.
Regardless of the Leung Chun Lineage being real or not i am interested in the Chung Mei link.
Any info out there folks?

09-20-2003, 09:19 PM
HI Glenn!

Todd Shawn Tei claims to have learned from "a student of Yip Man" (no name mentioned) and also "Yip Chun and Yip Ching"....that's as much as he says about his lineage. No mention of Chung Yuk Kwai. He does have a link to his website though. That's about it. So, no wonder his stuff doesn't look like anything you're doing. :)

Glenn, would you know if there is anyone in China (Fatshan) who could verify the lineage independently from this guy in NYC?

I'll see what I can do to find him....

Take care,

glenn richards
09-20-2003, 10:17 PM
Hi Mustafa
My only contact would be my Sigung, Junno Chung.
Unfortuanetly he retired from teaching about ten years ago and i don't know how to contact him and in fact i never met him.
Sorry i can't help

09-22-2003, 12:50 PM
So...NOBODY else knows ANYTHING about this guy?? Not even people in New York? Hmmm....weird.

Glenn....doesn't your sifu know what your Sigung is doing now? There has got to be some trail to this lineage, unless your sigung and this guy in New York are brothers, cousin or whatever and they "made it up" (not implying they did...but just thinking about the possibility). After all, they both have the last name "Chung", which certainly does not have to mean anything, considering how many others share that name.


Jim Roselando
09-23-2003, 06:12 AM

All you need to do it check out his curriculum! If you see stuff like YM Dan Chi, Luk Sao, the names Little Idea, Seeking Bridge & 8 Slash Knives versus Little First Training, Sinking Bridge and other stuff you know it is more likely not a style that hasn't come thru Yip Man.


Please list your name as my teacher would be curious to know who you are seeing how you state you trained with him for 12 years.


09-23-2003, 07:07 AM
Hi Firehawk, Rene etc
As one of the 'Aussie Leung Chun Folks' i thought i might add to this line.
As Rene mentioned there is an Australian WC line which claims lineage from Leung Chun of which i am a member.
Actually i must give thanks to you Firehawk for finding the Website of Sifu Chung in NY as i havn't been able to find anyone else claiming LC lineage.
FYI the Style was bought to Australia in the mid 70's by Sifu Junno Chung and the School ran till the mid 90's when it closed.
There is a website which is still running at [URL=www.spin.net.au/~daver/kungfu/]
Incidentally, if you have a look at the family tree my line actually acknowledges Sifu Chung's teacher Chung Mei which adds a little weight to both lines.
Might even drop Sifu Chung in NY an email and say g'day.
Glenn Richards


Hi Glenn,

I must say Firehawk has done a good job. If you really want to know more about Leung Jan's sons, all you have to do is to go to the city hall in Fatshan and get the records. Leung Jan's old house is still there.

09-23-2003, 10:08 AM
Hi Jim,

The trouble is not figuring out if the guy is from the Yip Man lineage or notj and just tells "stories".

The trouble is locating the man. His email does not work on the website. So, I was wondering if anyone just knew him personally.

Or did "Todd Shawn Tei" put up that website, put some Chinese guy, claimed his Wing Chun is directly through Leung Jan's son to give himself more credibility? LOL


09-23-2003, 05:10 PM

09-23-2003, 06:02 PM
Firehawk asks:

Why not just email Shawn Todd Tei at his Website

One of the major questions of our time!!

glenn richards
09-23-2003, 08:38 PM
Hi All
Just dropped Todd an email asking about any information he might know.
And while we are talking about his ex students he also mentions on his site Jose Ramos from New Jersey and Davis Jarros from NYC.
Any takers on these two???
I'll keep everyone posted on a reply from Todd.
And thanks for the advice RH but i don't think i can get to Fatshan this week.

10-31-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by MustafaUcozler
HI Glenn!

Todd Shawn Tei claims to have learned from "a student of Yip Man" (no name mentioned) and also "Yip Chun and Yip Ching"....that's as much as he says about his lineage. No mention of Chung Yuk Kwai. He does have a link to his website though. That's about it. So, no wonder his stuff doesn't look like anything you're doing. :)

Glenn, would you know if there is anyone in China (Fatshan) who could verify the lineage independently from this guy in NYC?

I'll see what I can do to find him....

Take care,
Todd Shawn Tei is MY Sifu. I found these putdowns on this board before , emailed them to him and posted MY reply.

Sifu Tei has an email USE IT!~ I will send these remarks to him again.

go to the CAMA link and GO to HIS Sifu's site you WILL see reference to Sifu Tei. I HAVE BEEN ON his site and he references a few of his students who are now SIFU and Sifu Tei is one of them.

I dont understand why you people continue to talk trash etc perhaps you should take a CLUE from MARTIAL ARTS PLANET and follow their lead regarding forums.

MAP; MARTIAL ARTS PLANET : where martial artists actually RESPECT each other, give advise, vent, rant, and BEHAVE LIKE ADULTS INSTEAD OF THREE YEAR OLDS "WHA WHA WHA"

I consider martial arts a brother/sister hood of people with common interests and morals.


I was taught by SIFU TEI we as martial artists are to respect ourselves AND others, to treat ALL MA's with respect, give them SUPPORT IF they are down!!!!!!NOT BASH people or their style. I may have my opinion about one person or style or another but I was taught to keep it to myself if it is NEGATIVE!

In fact, his students that ACT like smart A$$ 4 year olds get treated like smart a$$ 4 year olds and REPRIMANDED, and guesse what? a few of them tuck their tail and run home crying. some of them LISTEN to him and become great Stylists with BACKBONE, integrity, and morals.


10-31-2004, 08:10 PM
Easy there Kgrrrl,

this site is an excellent resource, and you just got here.

Like any forum, it takes a bit of time to get to know the members and their agendas.

I err may know something of the forum you speak, and indeed it's values.
I invented most of them. ;)

Andy Murray

10-31-2004, 08:39 PM
I learned directly from Dr. Leung Jan-

can't we just.... get along?

10-31-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by AndyM
Easy there Kgrrrl,

this site is an excellent resource, and you just got here.

Like any forum, it takes a bit of time to get to know the members and their agendas.

I err may know something of the forum you speak, and indeed it's values.
I invented most of them. ;)

Andy Murray


How nice to see you,
actually I have been here before I went to MAP........
The posts I refered to was deleted by the moderator.
the priors posts that were deleted were calling my sifu names and making fun of his face, former students called him names and people here were saying he was a bad teacher but not so nice words........you have no idea really. some of the people really bashed him but good and I have the print out in a file folder to prove it.
Read my article when it comes out in the next issue of this mag. and you will see why I love my Sifu so very much.
again, SO nice to see you.

10-31-2004, 09:46 PM
Well if you run a post search here on me, you'll find some of these guys have been down right hurtful to me too sniff

Iron Heart Chi Kung has a lot to answer for.:D

All I'm saying is, don't pre-judge the forum, cos there are a lot of good people here, many of whom are MAP members too.

If there's one thing most people can identify with here, it's respect for a Sifu.

Nice to see you too though. Hope you are well.
Don't let this bug ya, cos it's only the internet.

10-31-2004, 10:08 PM
Andy ,

Yeah I DID get hot headed. Jumped the gun a bit, I reread and they werent exactly bagging on him this time.......

I just wanted to stop it before it started up again, not saying these guys are the same ones who were involved in the last round.

That was why I went to MAP in the first place........but since I have an article coming up in the mag I wanted to check onto the site.
I really enjoy hearing about other styles and my own style.......Love to see other peoples views and learn new stuff and watch other MA'ers grow.

I will try really really hard to bite the bullet..........

Hope things are going well for you.

11-01-2004, 05:28 AM
No sweat.

You can find me in my profile btw.

Doing a kind of closed door over 30's thing if you want to take a look.

11-01-2004, 11:04 AM
There goes another grandmaster...

11-01-2004, 11:08 AM
There goes another grandmaster...

I am their leader- I must follow them.

with apologies to Le Bon and his work on the Crowd.

Larry sans Curly or Moe